Pacific Hall Rooms 202, 203, and 204 Remodel Advisory 9/2/20 – 11/30/20

UPDATE: The scope of the work has been expanded and is projected to finish on 11/30.

Begin:  Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

End:      Friday, October 23rd 30th, 2020 November 6th 30th, 2020

Building Impacted:  Pacific Hall 202, 203, 204

Scope:  Remodel of 3 suites to connect suites and refresh finishes, electrical, lighting, mechanical ventilation system and add new storefront entries.  Minor asbestos abatement is required.

Services Impacted:

  • Asbestos abatement will occur in suites 202 and 204 from 9/2 to 9/4.  It will not impact suite 203. Additional asbestos abatement will occur the week of 10/19.
  • Construction to begin 9/14.
  • No electrical or HVAC disruptions are known at this time.  A shut down notice will be issued as necessary.
  • Users can expect to hear construction noises like hammering and drilling, and see employees and UO staff entering and exiting the building during normal business hours.

Work performed by:  Chambers Construction and their subs.

Contact:  Theo Davis, CPFM Design & Construction Project Manager, 541-346-1012

Residence Hall Project Odor Advisory 8/26/20 – 9/3/20, 9/8/20 – 9/11/20

9/3/20 UPDATE:

Due to delayed inspections, we would like to extend this advisory for additional sporadic applications of the roofing material to take place between September 8 through September 11.


Begin:  Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Additional Applications:  Tuesday, September 8th, 2020 through Friday, September 11th, 2020

Buildings or Areas Impacted:  Buildings near the project site, Knight Law, MNCH, and nearby residence halls.

Scope:  An asphaltic roofing compound will be used at the new humpy lumpy residence hall project.

Services Impacted:  This product can have a strong odor.

Special Instructions:  If these odors do become an issue in your building, please reach out immediately to George Bleekman at 346-2625.

Work Performed By:   Fortis Construction

ContactGeorge Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625

Cascade Hall Elevator Shutdown 8/26/20 – 9/9/20

9/9/20 UPDATE:

The elevator has been repaired and is operational.


9/3/20 UPDATE:

Additional parts have been ordered, however the exact arrival date is unknown at this time.  We will send a notice as soon as the elevator is operational again.


Begin:  Effective immediately – Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

End:      Approximately Friday, September 4th, 2020

Building or Area Impacted:  Cascade Hall

Scope:  The elevator has been shut down for emergency repairs.  Parts have been ordered and are expected to arrive next week.

Services Impacted:  Elevator is out of service.

Work Performed By:  OTIS

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 346-2319

Millrace Path Closure 8/24-8/31

Begin:  Monday, August 24th, 2020

End:      Monday, August 31st, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Path along the north side of the Millrace between Gallery Walk and Riverfront Parkway

Scope: The path along the north side of the Millrace between Gallery Walk and Riverfront Parkway will be closed to all pedestrian and bike traffic beginning Monday 8/24 for 1 week. Grade work to tie-in the Knight Campus bridges over the Millrace will be taking place during this closure.

Extra Notes: Gallery Walk will remain open to the north of the pathway and the detour route will be the gravel road north of the Urban Farm.

Work Performed By: Hoffman Construction

Contact: Jenna Shope, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2281

Knight Library, Lokey Education, HEDCO, Music, Clinical Services Tunnel Abatement 8/31-9/3

Begin:  Monday, August 31st, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Knight Library, Lokey Education, HEDCO, Frohnmayer Music, Clinical Services.

Scope:  Abate remaining asbestos insulation from steam pipes and reinsulate.

Services Impacted:  60 psi Treated Steam will be shut down (clean steam will remain on) in order to safely perform work.  It may affect heating, and other steam dependent equipment and systems.  The work will be done in 3 different areas on campus in multiple phases starting and ending on different dates to minimize the impact to campus users.  CPFM’s Utilities & Energy will turn back on the 60 psi steam as soon as work is complete and inspected in each area.

Work Performed By:   All Aspects Environmental is performing the abatement and Brand Safway is performing the insulation.  The contractors are working in conjunction with the UO’s CPFM Utilities & Energy, Environment & Health Services, and the Design & Construction unit.


ContactsKyle Wilson, CPFM Utilities Maintenance Manager, 541-346-2246

Walton and Hayward Field Treated Steam Shutdown 8/24-9/3

Begin:  Monday, August 24th, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Walton, Hayward Field

Scope:  Abate remaining asbestos insulation from steam pipes and reinsulate.

Services Impacted:  60 psi Treated Steam will be shut down (clean steam will remain on) in order to safely perform work.  It may affect heating, and other steam dependent equipment and systems.  The work will be done in 3 different areas on campus in multiple phases starting and ending on different dates to minimize the impact to campus users.  CPFM’s Utilities & Energy will turn back on the 60 psi steam as soon as work is complete and inspected in each area.

Work Performed By:   All Aspects Environmental is performing the abatement and Brand Safway is performing the insulation.  The contractors are working in conjunction with the UO’s CPFM Utilities & Energy, Environment & Health Services, and the Design & Construction unit.

ContactsKyle Wilson, CPFM Utilities Maintenance Manager, 541-346-2246

Friendly Hall Building Closure 8/14/20 – 9/4/20

UPDATE 8/26: Shoring installation to address safety concern in the new elevator pit has been completed and Friendly Hall is again open to entry. Please contact Gene Mowery, 541-346-5593 or if you have questions.

UPDATE 8/21: Shoring installation and safety mitigation placement continues so the pre-cautionary measure of the building closure remains in effect and is extended through September 4th.  As previously noted the likelihood of consequence from this condition is extremely slight but we are taking every necessary precaution and I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.  Please contact Gene Mowery, 541-346-5593 or if you have questions.

Begin:  Friday, August 14th, 2020 – immediately

End:      Friday, August 21st, September 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Friendly Hall

Scope:  In the course of the installation of a new elevator in Friendly Hall, an unforeseen foundation condition was exposed in the basement elevator pit location. As a precaution the project structural engineer has recommended that the building remain unoccupied until shoring is installed to remedy the condition. Shoring installation is expected to take place at the end of next week, targeted for August 19th. As a general precaution please avoid entry and occupancy of Friendly Hall until notified the shoring is in place. The likelihood of consequence from this condition is extremely slight but we are taking every necessary precaution and I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Services Impacted:  Building occupancy

Work Performed By:   McKenzie Shoring

ContactGene Mowery, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5593

University Health, Counseling, and Testing Center Heating Advisory 8/12/20 – unknown

Begin:  Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 – Currently

End:      unknown

Building or Area Impacted:  University Health, Counseling, and Testing Center

Scope:  Heating in the Health Center is currently being impacted due to equipment damage from a pipe leak. Parts have been ordered to fully replace the damaged equipment and LCL is working on installing temporary equipment to mitigate any impacts.

Services Impacted:

  • Building heat impacts may be observed for 1-2 weeks.
  • This will not impact air changes and running 100% outside air through the building while it is occupied.

Work Performed By:   Lease Crutcher Lewis

ContactColin Brennan, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8242 or 541-654-2972

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Crane Advisory 8/25/20 – 8/26/20

Begin: Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 7:00 am

End: Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Scope: A large-scale sculpture will be de-installed from the JSMA’s North Courtyard. Crane staging and art crating will be located in the JSMA’s parking lot.

Services Impacted: Areas affected will include the JSMA’s parking lot, loading dock, security entrance, bike cage, trash collection, north courtyard, north sidewalk.

Work Performed By: Artech, Ness Campbell

Contact: Miranda Callander,, 541-346-0970


Klamath Hall Fire Alarm Testing 8/13/20

Begin:  Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 6:00 am

End:      Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 8:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Klamath

Scope: UO Safety & Risk Services will be testing the Klamath fire alarm in order to need to verify that the system is fully functioning after the recent constructions projects.

Extra Notes: Horns, Strobes, and Speakers on the fire alarm system will not sound after the scheduled time.  Provisions have been taken to monitor the building fire systems during this time and alarms that occur after the scheduled time should be considered real events and occupants should evacuate as usual per the U of O Emergency Procedures. If there are questions regarding emergency evacuation, please visit Emergency Management & Continuity,

Work Performed By: UO Safety & Risk Services

Contact: Zach Earl, UO Fire Systems Program Manager, 541-521-0351 or 541-346-9295.

University Health, Counseling, and Testing Center Electrical Shutdown 8/25/20 and Retest 9/3/20


As originally scheduled, the retest will be conducted on Thursday, September 3, 2020, between 6:00 am and 6:30 am.


Begin:  Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 6:00 am

End:      Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 6:30 am

Retest Begin:  Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 6:00 am

Retest End:      Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 6:30 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  University Health, Counseling, and Testing Center

Scope:  To demonstrate that emergency egress lighting and signs operate during a power loss event, building power will be transferred from normal power to stand-by. The shutdown will be scheduled for 8/25 with a 2nd retest scheduled for 9/3 at the same start and stop time, if required.

Services Impacted:  Electricity throughout the building

Special Instructions:  Please shut down all multi-function copier devices as well as any printers during scheduled power outages. The software on these machines can be negatively affected due to the power surge when power is turned back on, a power surge can corrupt the clone files in the machines, and can change preconfigured settings.

Work Performed By:   UO CPFM Facility Services and Lease Crutcher Lewis

ContactColin Brennan, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8242 or 541-654-2972

Zebrafish (ZIRC) Driveway Closure 8/21/20

Begin: Friday, August 21st, 2020 at 7:30 am

End:     Friday, August 21st, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Driveway to the east of Zebrafish (ZIRC)

Scope: The driveway will be closed for the entire day while a contractor accesses a communications vault.

Services Impacted: Vehicular and bicycle traffic. The image below shows the impacted area. Traffic will be re-routed to the north of the Zebrafish International Resource Center and the CPFM Administration building. Pedestrian traffic into the Zebrafish building should not be impacted.

Work Performed By: Contractor

Contact: Eric Fullar, UO Information Services, 541-346-1015

Agate Street Pedestrian Crossing Detour 8/26/20 – 9/10/20

UPDATE 8/20: This closure has been pushed back one last time.

BeginMonday, August 24th Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, August 28th    Thursday, September 10th, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Area Impacted:  Agate Street Pedestrian Crossing

Scope:  As part of the new residence hall project on the Humpy Lumpy site, the mid-block crossing on Agate Street, between E. 13th and E. 15th, will be closed to allow Fortis Construction to reconfigure this section of the east sidewalk.

Services Impacted:

    • Pedestrians moving east and west will need to detour to either 13th Ave. or 15th Ave.
    • The west sidewalk on Agate St. will remain open.
    • All of these detours are ADA accessible.

Work Performed By: Fortis Construction

ContactGeorge Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625


Gerlinger Hall and Parking Lot #28 Crane Advisory 8/10/20

Begin:  Monday, August 10th, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Monday, August 10th, 2020 at 11:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Gerlinger Hall and Parking Lot 28

Scope:  A crane will be lifting a small rooftop cooling unit onto Gerlinger Hall from the East “horseshoe” parking lot.

Services Impacted:  East parking lot

Work Performed By:   FS Sheetmetal

ContactTim Allenbaugh, CPFM Project Manager, 541-346-8214

Huestis Fire Alarm Testing 8/11

Begin:  Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 8:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Huestis

Scope: The UO Fire Marshal office in conjunction with CPFM staff will be testing the Huestis fire alarm in order to verify fire alarm / HVAC interface.

Extra Notes: Horns, Strobes, and Speakers on the fire alarm system will not sound after the scheduled time.  Provisions have been taken to monitor the building fire systems during this time and alarms that occur after the scheduled time should be considered real events and occupants should evacuate as usual per the U of O Emergency Procedures. If there are questions regarding emergency evacuation, please visit Emergency Management & Continuity,

Work Performed By: UO Fire Marshall and CPFM Facilities Services

Contact: Simon Ditton, Fire Systems Program Manager, 541-346-2958

LISB First Floor Fire Testing 8/18

Begin:  Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 8:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Lewis Integrated Science Building 1st Floor

Scope: Contractors will be testing the new fire alarm and strobe system as part of the LCNI MRI renovation project.

Extra Notes: Horns, Strobes, and Speakers on the fire alarm system will not sound after the scheduled time.  Provisions have been taken to monitor the building fire systems during this time and alarms that occur after the scheduled time should be considered real events and occupants should evacuate as usual per the U of O Emergency Procedures. If there are questions regarding emergency evacuation, please visit Emergency Management & Continuity, Please contact Zach Earl, Fire Systems Program Manager, 541-346-9295 (Office) or 541-521-0351 (Mobile) with questions.

Work Performed By: GBC Construction

Contact: Martina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880


Streisinger Hall 2nd & 3rd Floors Air Supply Shutdown 8/4

Begin:  Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 2:30 pm

End:      Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Streisinger Hall 2nd and 3rd floors

Scope: The general air supply to the 2nd and 3rd floors will be shut down to correct a faulty air temperature sensor causing operating issues and various RENO alarms.

Services Impacted: 2nd and 3rd floor air supply

Extra Notes: Disruption should be minimal and occupants will most likely not notice the outage. Fume hoods will be operational during outage.

Work Performed By: CPFM Building Automated Systems Shop

Contact: Stacy Breaux, CPFM FS Electrical/Control System Tech, 541-521-5376

Lokey ED Access Systems Offline 8/4

Begin:  Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 12:52 pm

End:      Unknown

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Lokey Education Addition C Building

Scope: Access control systems at one of the education addition buildings (Lokey ED Complex – 041) are offline and not functioning.

Services Impacted: Both the east and west sides of the building are down.

Work Performed By: CPFM Access Control Shop and Contractors

Contact: Kirk Gilbert, CPFM Electrical/Control System Technician, 541-346-2385

JSMA Fire Sprinkler Replacement Project 8/12

Begin:  Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 6:00 am

End:      Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Scope: The fire protection system at JSMA will be shut down for 1 day to reconfigure manifolds on L1 and add a new manifold in the basement. There is a shutoff valve that isolates the main line into the building so this shutdown will only affect the JSMA building.

Extra Notes: The contractors will be on-site to monitor the building during the shutdown.

Work Performed By:  Harvey & Price and Andersen Construction

Contact: Jenna Shope, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2281

Chiles Building-Wide Heating Shutdown 8/12-8/13

Begin:  Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 7:30 am

End:      Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Chiles Business Center

Scope: Due to heating water line repairs, heat in building will be shut down.

Work Performed By:  CPFM HVAC/Mechanical Shop

Contact: Ken Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Johnson Hall Women’s Basement Restroom Shutdown 8/10/20 – 9/3/20

UPDATE 8/28: This work has been extended to 9/3.

UPDATE 8/19: This work has been extended due to a material supply delay.

Begin:  Monday, August 10th, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:     Friday, August 21st 28th, 2020 at 4:00 pm Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Johnson Hall Women’s Restroom 006

Scope:  Basement restroom closed for floor repairs.

Services Impacted:

  • Women’s basement restroom will be off-line.
  • During the demolition phase (August 10-14), surrounding areas may be impacted by construction noises.

Special Instructions:  Please use the all-gender restroom next door, in 006A, or the restrooms on the 2nd floor.

Work Performed By:   CPFM Facilities and Daltile

ContactTad Lueck, CPFM FS Structure and Support Manager, 541-346-2273