New Project Intake Form Launches 9/23

Facilities Liaisons,

Monday, September 23, the project request form will take you to a new project intake form that is integrated with the U of O Call Log. If you are already a call log user, you can toggle at the top of the screen between “Project Request” and “Service Request.”

The form will remain available via the Design and Construction website under “Initiate a Project.”

This new integration streamlines the project intake process into our Work Management system AiM. Many of the questions are similar to the previous project intake form. The interactive map now allows the requestor to select more than one location through multiple pin drops.

The requestor has the ability to notify the Liaison when the pin is dropped. Click on details next to Liaison count. The Liaison list provides the requestor the opportunity to inform the Liaison of the project request by selecting notify.


For questions regarding this new form please contact Bruce Budzik Small Projects & Cap Imp Mngr, Campus Planning and Facilities Management 541-346-8834

Message from Design and Construction Regarding Capital Project Submission Time Lines

Campus Community:

It is near the end of another calendar year, and summer 2019 is quickly approaching. Design and Construction, in the spirit of good partnership, wants to help you plan and prepare for your capital project needs. The level of time associated with developing and implementing a campus project may take longer than you might anticipate.

The schedule below represents the typical time, based on project value, to program and design a project prior to beginning construction work:

• $0-$25K 8-12 weeks to start construction
• $25K-$50K 10-18 weeks to start construction
• $50K-$100K 12-20 weeks to start construction
• $100K-$1M 20-30 weeks to start construction

The most effective way to submit your project is through the Design and Construction website at:

If you need any planning assistance prior to project submission, feel free to contact:

Bruce Budzik
Owners Representative, Capital Improvement Coordinator, and Small Projects Manager
CPFM | Design and Construction
Office: 541-346-8834

The basic steps in project development and implementation include:

1. Initiation from user
2. OR/PM/User defines scope
3. OR/PM develops scoping statement and budget
4. Scope/budget approval from End User
5. Design process
6. Bidding and permit process
7. Construction contract execution
8. Construction
9. Closeout process

Also on our website are other helpful project delivery tools under the resources tab at:

Thank you,
Bruce Budzik

Collier House Geotechnical Work 12/14

Geotechnical investigation will be taking place on the Collier House site lawn area and on the east end of the Gerlinger Field Green on December 14th.  Five bores are planned for the Collier House site and one on Gerlinger Field Green.  Noise will be generated while the boring drill is active, otherwise no other disruptions are anticipated.


Gene Mowery
Owner’s Representative
Campus Design & Construction
University of Oregon


Collier Site Plan_proj area (002)-1chaarg

Knight Campus building facade constructed west of CPS starting 10/23


A full-size section of the Knight Campus glass building facade will be constructed to test the connections/construction methods for the building exterior. This will be located west of CPS and north of the temporary accounting trailer in the back 40.  This will be in place for approximately one year starting October, 23.


For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Knight Campus Project Manager Darin Dehle at

Rooftop Work Advisory Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater, and JSMA 8/27 – 8/30

Building Occupants,

August 27 – 30, 2018 a contractor will be working on the below-listed roofs working on rooftop equipment that will improve campus communications reception in Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater, and JSMA.  You may hear noise or see contractors working in the following locations:

Computing Center Monday 8/27
6:00 am – 7:30 am rooftop work and drilling

PLC Monday 8/27/18 

8:00 am – 10:00 am rooftop work

Miller Theater Monday 8/27

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm rooftop work

PLC Tuesday 8/28

7:00 am – 9:00 am rooftop work

JSMA Tuesday 8/28

7:00 am – 9:00 am rooftop conduit work and repairs

Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater and JSMA Wednesday and Thursday 8/29 & 8/30 

All day rooftop conduit work and repairs

Please contact CPFM Project Manager Jana Gerow 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell with any questions or concerns.

Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Construction and Traffic Updates

Construction on the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is ramping up. You can track progress on a web cam and read traffic updates.

Construction and Traffic Updates:


3/6 – 3/23: NW Natural Work Zones along Millrace, Fine Arts & ZIRC Impacting Paths of Travel

Campus Community,

As part of the Knight Campus Project, our utility provider NW Natural has requested a series of work zone notifications redirecting pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic.  Please expect noise and congestion in these work areas.

Zone 1 March 6 – March 9, 2018

Service and emergency vehicle access only.  Service vehicles are encouraged to use alternate routes. Lots 3A and 3B will remain open, but access may be delayed.  Parking in Lot 4 and 56 is encouraged.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Zone 2 March 12 – March 23, 2018

Service and emergency vehicle access only.  Service vehicles are encouraged to use alternate routes.  Lots 3A and 3B will remain open, but access may be delayed.  Parking in Lot 4 and 56 is encouraged.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Looking ahead:

  • Week of March 6 Design and Construction will be coordinating a NW Natural Gas Shutdown with building occupants
  • Late March parts of Millrace Path will be closed to pedestrian and bike traffic.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

For questions or concerns regarding how these activities may impact access to your buildings or research, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Civil Engineer Sarah Follett at 541-346-8264.

3/5 – 3/6: Tykeson Hall Crane Logistics Plan

Campus Community,

As part of the Tykeson project, the below logistics map shows the scope of work for the tower crane which will be constructed next Monday, March 5, 2018, and Tuesday, March 6, 2018. This work requires a truck to be parked in the west end of Johnson lane, north of the access lane to JSMA and Parking Lot #25. A truck will be in place the morning of March 5, starting at 8:00 am and in place all day March 6. Access to the JSMA lot will remain open with a flagger to direct traffic.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Martina Oxoby at 541-346-5880.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Small Project Timeline for Summer Construction

Happy New Year from Design and Construction!

Though the Winter break has just past, now is the time to start planning for any small remodel projects you might be considering in preparation for Fall Term 2018. The summer months are typically when the majority of this project size are constructed. However, depending on project complexity, it can take several months to program, design, and bid projects ahead of the 2018 summer construction season which is June 19, 2018 through September 21, 2018.

Design and Construction and our Special Projects team would like to assist you in implementing your small capital project goals. A small project has a typical project value of up to $250k of limited complexity.

Small projects may include:

–          Furniture procurement (8-10 week lead times once ordered)

–          Interior Finish Improvements & Updates (flooring, paint, and similar scope)

–          Office or small suite renovations

–          Learning Environment Improvements & Updates

–          And other projects of similar size & scope

So we can offer the best possible services to you, all projects must be submitted based on the following schedule in order to be completed this summer. Late project submission places a burden not only to our staff but to the projects that are already in the project queue; and given the current construction climate in Eugene, contractor availability may be limited as summer draws near.


Project Value Range* Project Submission Deadline
$100,000 – $250,000 February 1, 2018
$0 – $100,000 March 1, 2018

*For complex projects of any dollar threshold, completing the project within Summer 2018

may not be possible. A schedule determination will be made during the submittal and scoping process.

Project requests should be submitted through our online Capital Projects Initiation Form.

If you are not familiar with our project delivery process, feel free to review our on-line Project Toolkit: for helpful information. Also, feel free to review this and other segments of the Design and Construction and CPFM website for additional information and tools for your use.

As you have questions, feel free to  contact  Maggie Kendall (formerly Gordon), Special Projects and Design Manager or me, directly. Maggie’s contact information is:

Maggie Kendall (formerly Gordon)

Phone: 346-5959


Our office is committed to provide you with the best possible design and construction services. We look forward to your project submission.

Most sincerely,

Tom Shepard

Sr. Associate Director of Capital Projects

Design and Construction

Campus Planning and Facilities Management

University of Oregon
