Streisinger and LISB Industrial Air Shutdown 5/9/19

On Tuesday, May 9th, 2019 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, the industrial air will be shut down to Streisinger and Lewis Integrative Science Building (LISB), on all floors, in order to add a valve to the air line in the mechanical attic.  This work is expected to take approximately 30 to 60 minutes.  We will notify you when the air has been brought back on line.

Work will be performed by CPFM Facilities Services.

If you have any questions, please contact Campus Planning and Facilities Management Work Control Center at 541-346-2319 or

Living Learning Center – south domestic water shutdown 5/1

Facilities Liaisons,

Due to construction the domestic water to Living Learning Center south will be temporarily shutdown Wednesday, May 1 from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.   This will impact restrooms and sinks.  Hoffman Construction will provide two portable restrooms outside on the southwest corner of LLC south.

This shutdown has been coordinated with Housing.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Facilities Engineer Sarah Follet at 541-346-8264.

Message from Zero Waste – Upcoming changes in campus compost collection


Implementation after Finals Week Spring Term, with changes in full effect on July 1, 2019

Please refer to below documents in this message regarding necessity for compost changes and updates to the UO Zero Waste Program materials handling list.  This change was made by the City and is being implemented City and County wide as well.


Over the next few months, campus will be changing compost collection to a FOOD SCRAPS only collection.  As of July 1, 2019, Paper food ware, items labelled compostable, utensils, napkins, chopsticks (non-food items), will no longer be accepted.  Changes in the composting markets have necessitated a fundamental change in the campus collection.  I have attached a letter from the local compost processors, that explain the challenges with the current compost collection, that necessitate this change.

The UO Zero Waste Program is in the process of updating: signage and equipment, program sorting guidelines, associated documents, website, which will be completed by June 30, 2019.


As you may have noticed, over the past year, due to high rates of contamination, compost collection has been reduced in public areas.   Moving forward, FOOD SCRAPS only collection will be focused on: behind the counter pre/post-consumer food scrap collection in cafes, industrial kitchens (Housing, EMU, Catering) and department kitchens.  There are still a few public campus compost collection sites that will be phased out after Finals Week.  Full implementation will start July 1.  Please follow posted signage and bin categories in continuing to participate in the Zero Waste system.


The volunteer compost program will still continue, but will only accept Food Scraps.  Participants will be notified.  Thanks to all who have been participating in this successful program.  For more information contact: 541-346-2354


In spaces that still have public compost, doors/signs on Zero Waste units will be changed out to a glass/metal/plastic collection.  Built-in cabinets will keep the same doors and be relabeled to Landfill as the non-food compostables are bulky and will now be landfilled.   The Program is working with campus stakeholders in campus cafes, kitchens, food service areas, to assist and ensure that food scraps will continue to be collected and processed.


As compostables have been a big focus of Zero Waste events, compostables are the most prominent materials that are currently generated at campus catered events.  As these items will no longer be accepted, the Zero Waste Program will still offer an opportunity to order Zero Waste event services, but the collection will be for acceptable recyclables and food scraps only.  Zero Waste events are requested through CPFM Work Control 346-2319, and are provided cost estimates for the event prior to setting up Zero Waste Events services.  You can also submit requests online via our call log system

Catering does offer collection of bottles/cans upon request and Zero Waste opportunities are still available in over 2500 locations campus wide.  Of note:  Zero Waste events services are free to events utilizing durable food ware options.  At this type of event, FOOD SCRAPS collection will be offered but with a smaller bin.  Zero Waste will continue to work all of the larger campus events such as street fair, folk fest, and commencement.


With this change come opportunities for waste reduction:

*many campus food outlets offer discounts for bringing a refillable beverage container

*the UO is home to countless water refill stations, with Eugene having some of the cleanest drinking water in the world

*bring reusable utensils and a reusable to-go container for use at campus food service outlets

*choose to reduce consumption by taking what you will use with items like napkins, straws, stirrers, chopsticks, condiments

*catering offers an opportunity to order “durable” food ware for events, this is a great step to reducing campus waste

ZERO WASTE is still thriving
As there have been recent changes in recycling and now compost collection, the UO is working hard to ensure recycling and composting are here for the long haul.  Though there have been changes in global and local recycling and composting markets, zero waste systems are re-grouping and the UO, City of Eugene, Lane County and State of Oregon, are committed to continuing to reduce and manage the waste stream to enhance natural resources.  There are still markets for all of the collected materials at the UO.  The Program recovery rate continues to trend over 50% for the past 5 years while adjusting to and minimizing market impacts.  Thanks UO!

Here’s some things you can do:

*follow sorting guidelines, for example:  the UO takes plastic bottles and jugs (with handles).  Other plastic items are not accepted and cause contamination.

*put only clean items in recycling

*food scraps are anything that is food including: all meat and dairy, bones, food scraps from prep (i.e. egg shells, carrot tops, husks, skins, cores, food waste from meals etc…)

*don’t assume that something goes into recycling/compost that is not included in the guidelines

*haul corrugated cardboard to outside building locations, remove all non-cardboard items from package

“When in Doubt, Leave it Out”

*buy products made from recycled content as that is critical in closing the loop and creating a demand for the materials that are collected

*purchase what you will use

*buy items with reduced packaging that are easily recyclable in Lane County

Thank you for your participation and support of the UO Zero Waste Program!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Karyn Kaplan
Zero Waste Program Manager
UO Zero Waste Program
CPFM Facilities Services Zero Waste Program
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276

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Pacific Hall Welding Project To Block Basement Hallway H021 and R017 5/4

Campus Community,

On Saturday, May 4th, from 6:00am to 6:00pm, the hallway outside the basement Freezer Farm in Pacific Hall (H021 and R017 on the Campus map) will be completely closed to accommodate a welding project for the installation of additional ventilation duct work to the autoclave. Access to the freezer farm and autoclave will be completely blocked until 6:00 pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Design & Construction Owner’s Representative Jen Miley at 541-346-1530.

Hayward Field Renovation Odor Advisory due to Hot Rubber Installation

Facilities Liaisons,

As part of the Hayward Field Renovation hot rubber installation starts Thursday, April 18, 2019. There will be an odor associated with this hot waterproofing application.

It is challenging to have a planned duration for this advisory due to the weather sensitivity of the application. The hot rubber cannot be applied when raining. Hoffman Construction is estimating this activity may continue off and on for two months pending weather.

Renovation Website:

For questions or concerns please contact the CPFM Project Manager:

Michael A. Harwood, FAIA
Associate Vice President and University Architect
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
University of Oregon
(541) 346-8267

MSDS Sheets
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Klamath Hall Natural Gas Shutdown & 2nd Floor Heating Water Shutdown Starting Evening of 4/22

Facilities Liaisons,

As part of renovations, the natural gas will be offline to Klamath Hall. Heating water will be impacted on the second floor causing spaces to be a few degrees cooler during the scheduled work. The contractor Lease Crutcher Lewis will be performing this work starting at 7:00 pm on 4/22 with a target completion of 5:00 am on 4/23.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258.

Process Cooling Water System Equipment Replacement Willamette, Klamath, LISB, and Lokey Labs 4/16-4/19

Campus Community,

The Willamette Hall Process Cooling Project is addressing water quality issues with the system and equipment located in Willamette Hall.  A component of the secondary heat exchanger skid has been identified as negatively impacting water quality, and is scheduled for replacement beginning Tuesday, April 16th, and continuing through Friday, April 19th.

In addition, a new water filtering system will be installed to maintain water quality.  This work is being performed on the secondary heat-exchanger skid, which has been taken out of service, and will be isolated from the main system.  This work will not impact system operations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Jeff Madsen at 541-346-2256/541-505-4850.


Straub Hall Courtyard Pressure Washing 4/18

Update – this was changed to 4/18 7am – 2pm to accommodate a conference.

Campus Community,

On Friday, April 19th, the courtyard of Straub Hall will be pressure-washed as a part of its yearly maintenance cycle. This will create some equipment noise for the surrounding classrooms between the hours of 9:00a and 4:00p. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CPFM’s Landscape Maintenance Supervisor Phil Carroll at 541-346-2319.


Lawrence Hall East Entry Modified Pedestrian Access 4/15

Campus Community,

On Monday, April 15th, the Lawrence Hall east entry will have modified pedestrian access between the hours of 8:00a and 3:00p. A subcontractor will be drilling holes in the concrete to level the sidewalk in order to minimize rain water puddling.  Pedestrian access to this doorway will be altered but not restricted.  Please approach the marked work area with caution. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Landscape Maintenance Supervisor Phillip Carrol at 541-346-2319.

Oregon Hall Freight Elevator Shutdown 4/16

Campus Community,

This summer CPFM will be replacing the Oregon Hall Freight Elevator (north elevator near the loading dock). On 4/16 our elevator contractor needs to take field measurements in the elevator pit. The elevator will be off-line from 9AM-11AM for this activity. The 2 main passenger elevators (south lobby) will not be impacted by this activity and will remain in service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Design & Construction Owner’s Representative Patrick Mucker at 541-346-8216.

EWEB Meter Replacement Impacting SRC, CPS and River Pump 4/17

Campus Community,

Our utility provider EWEB will be replacing electric meters for Photo Voltaic and generation systems at the Student Rec Center, Central Power Station and River Pump. The outage will be less than 2 minutes.

This is scheduled to take place sometime between 6am and 8am on 4/17.

For questions please contact the Work Control Center at

Reminder About Seasonal Building Steam Management

Facilities Liaisons,

A standard operating procedure (SOP) has been established for systematically managing steam serving specific buildings on a seasonal basis. This process has substantially reduced thermal comfort complaints by minimizing overheating in late spring. Certain building spaces have had issues due to radiant heat emanating from active steam lines within the building footprint. The whole building (or a space within a building) may not be calling for heat, but the steam piping is still active up to the main control valve. The specific list of buildings include:

AAA Studios

Agate Hall (gym/auditorium space)

Cascade Annex

Chapman Hall

Collier House

Columbia Room 154

Condon Hall

Deady Hall

Esslinger Hall

Friendly Hall

Gerlinger Hall

Hendricks Hall

Huestis Hall (heat exchanger HEX-3 only for fin tube radiators)

Lokey Education (east)

Lokey Education (west)

McArthur Court (radiators only)

Millrace Woodshop

Frohnmayer Music (radiators only)

Onyx Bridge 169/170, 72/90

PLC hydronic radiators

Portions of Lawrence Hall (primarily studios)

Susan Campbell Hall

Villard Hall


As springtime temperatures moderate, Mechanical Shop personnel systematically turn the steam off to each building when the nighttime outside air temperature is above 50 degrees for five (5) consecutive nights AND the daytime temperature is above 70 degrees for five (5) consecutive days.

Contact: Work Control Center 541-346-2319