Oregon Hall Freight Elevator Hallway and Loading Dock Entrance Shutdown 10/7/19-12/31/19

4th Update: Postponement

Construction activities for the elevator project will be complete by December 31st and the entrance/exit from the loading dock, through lobby L140, will reopen then.

3rd Update: Postponement

Due to unforeseen site conditions, the entrance/exit from the loading dock will remain closed for more drilling to occur.


2nd Update:  Noise Advisory for Monday, October 7th

The elevator contractor will be cutting concrete and using a jack hammer to remove the item that needs to be replaced. This activity will take the whole day for the purposes of the notice, however, we anticipate it may be closer to 4 hours.


1st Update:  Postponement

This work has been postponed until Monday 10/7 through 10/15 11/4


On Monday, September 30th October 7th at 7:00 am until Monday, October 8th October 15th November 4th Mid December 31st, the entrance/exit from the loading dock, through lobby L140, will be closed.  This will allow for drilling activities associated with the jack replacement for the freight elevator modernization.  Please use entrances located along 13th Ave on the South side of the building.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Work will be performed by Preferred Construction.

For questions or concerns, please contact Bruce Budzik at (541) 346-8834, (541) 915-5663 or bbbudzik@uoregon.edu.



Willamette Hall Industrial Hot/Cold Water and Domestic Cold Water Shutdown 10/7/19-10/8/19

On October 7th at 10:30 pm until October 8th at 6:30 am, the industrial hot water, industrial cold water and domestic cold water will be shutdown.  The work is being done overnight to reduce impacts to building activities and/or classes.  The contractor will isolate these utilities to accommodate basement lab renovations and reduce future interruptions.

Work will be performed by performed by Lease Crutcher Lewis.

For questions or concerns, please contact Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258 or dstewart@uoregon.edu.

Johnson Hall Fire Alarm/Suppression System Shutdown 10/3/19

On Thursday, October 3rd, from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon, the fire alarm/suppression system will be down in the entire building.  This will allow the contractor to relocate a sprinkler head in the Garden Level.  The contractor will provide fire watch during this shutdown.

Work will be performed by Preferred Construction.

For questions or concerns, please contact Bruce Budzik (for Gene Mowery) at 346-8834 or bbbudzik@uoregon.edu.

Streisinger Loading Dock Key Change 9/23/19

UPDATE 9/30/19:

As of today the Streisinger loading dock exterior door (reader R100) is tied back into the building card access control system and is operational. No more need to manually lock and unlock the door.



As of today, September 23rd, the Streisinger loading dock door will no longer be on the AMAG system.  Custodians will unlock it in the morning and UOPD will lock it in the evening.  After-hours access will require using the old Willamette exterior key.  Access can also be obtained by going through Klamath, LISB, or Huestis.

For questions or concerns, please contact Work Control Center at 346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.

Untreated Steam Emergency Shutdown 9/25/19

On Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm, clean (untreated) steam will be shut down in order to repair a pipe weld.

During the shutdown, no steam will be available.

Impacted Buildings:

University Health, Counseling and Testing Center
Lewis Integrative Science Building
Streisinger Hall
Huestis Hall
Willamette Hall
Klamath Hall
Onyx Bridge
Cascade Annex
Pacific Hall
Columbia Hall

For questions or concerns, please contact:
Jeff Madsen, CPFM Design and Construction 541-346-2256
Darin Dehle, CPFM Design and Construction 541-346-2282

McKenzie Hall AHU 3 Shutdown 9/20/19

Update 9/24/19: The Air Handling Unit has been repaired and is up and running.


Due to a power issue last night, on 9/19/19, Air Handling Unit 3 has been put out of service. The power issue tripped the smoke and fire dampers, which is now affecting the air distribution.

Air Handling Unit 3 services the South sections of floors 1 and 2, as well as the L200. These areas will be without heating and cooling over the weekend. Repairs will resume on Monday and an update will be provided then.

Contact: Ken Straw

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Mechanical & Plumbing Shop Manager Ken Straw at 541-346-5406 or kstraw@uoregon.edu.


Klamath Hall Fume Hood Shutdown 9/27/19

On Friday, September 27th, from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon, contractors will be accessing the north exhaust plenum on the Klamath roof to build a barrier.  This will allow them to safely work in the shaft and avoid multiple shutdowns.  To enter the plenum, the north exhaust fans have to be shut off for safety reasons.

The evening prior to the shutdown, Thursday September 26th, please close all fume hood sashes in the north half of the building, for all floors.

Work will be performed by Lease Crutcher Lewis.

For questions or concerns, please contact Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258 or dstewart@uoregon.edu.



New Project Intake Form Launches 9/23

Facilities Liaisons,

Monday, September 23, the project request form will take you to a new project intake form that is integrated with the U of O Call Log. If you are already a call log user, you can toggle at the top of the screen between “Project Request” and “Service Request.”

The form will remain available via the Design and Construction website under “Initiate a Project.”


This new integration streamlines the project intake process into our Work Management system AiM. Many of the questions are similar to the previous project intake form. The interactive map now allows the requestor to select more than one location through multiple pin drops.

The requestor has the ability to notify the Liaison when the pin is dropped. Click on details next to Liaison count. The Liaison list provides the requestor the opportunity to inform the Liaison of the project request by selecting notify.


For questions regarding this new form please contact Bruce Budzik Small Projects & Cap Imp Mngr, Campus Planning and Facilities Management 541-346-8834

Reminder About Seasonal Building Steam Management

As the cooler weather arrives, CPFM Facilities Services will again implement its process for systematically activating the heat within steam-controlled buildings. These locations include the following:

  • Chapman
  • Collier House
  • Condon
  • Deady
  • Esslinger
  • Friendly
  • Gerlinger
  • Hendricks
  • Lokey Education (East and West)
  • Music (radiators only)
  • Mac Court (radiators only)
  • Susan Campbell
  • Villard

Because turning on the system is a lengthy and involved process, Facilities Services has established the following methodology regulating when technicians activate the steam for the cold season:

As fall temperatures get cooler, we systematically turn on the steam when outside nighttime air temperature is below 50 degrees for five (5) consecutive nights AND daytime air temperature is below 70 degrees for five (5) consecutive days.

Since fall temperatures can vary widely from day to day, building occupants can expect fluctuating inside temperatures until outside conditions meet the above criteria, and technicians can activate the steam.

Contact:  email Work Control Center or call 541-346-2319


Message to Campus Partners Regarding Landscape Protection 9/18/19

All Vehicle Users,

With the fall rains beginning to soften the earth, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that the campus landscape is a valuable asset to the University, one that is worth protecting just as any of our facilities are. A few simple guidelines will help protect our trees, lawns, and plantings for the enjoyment and education of our students and campus visitors alike.

Tips  Did you Know?
Follow driving guidelines Driving, and parking on lawns and landscape beds is permitted only with the approval of Campus Planning and Facilities Management.  Yes, even golf carts!
Use the EMU Scheduling Office
for your outdoor event
They will be able to assist you to make your event successful and avoid damaging practices like driving stakes into the ground and tying ropes to campus plants or fixtures
Contact Facilities Services Landscape Team for advice We are here to support campus activities as best we can, offering advice and guidance on landscape preservation and project planning to minimize your landscape repair costs

Thank you for helping to keep the campus beautiful.

Contact:  Phil Carroll

For questions or concerns please contact Landscape Supervisor Phil Carroll 541-246-0031.

Chapman Hall Domestic Cold Water Emergency Shutdown 9/18/19

Today, Wednesday, September 18th, from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm, the domestic cold water will be shut down to make an emergency repair to a faucet on the 3rd floor.  This will affect restrooms, sinks, and drinking fountains.

Work will be performed by CPFM Facilities crew.

For questions or concerns, please contact Work Control Center at 346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.




Streisinger Hall Constant Temperature Room 266 Construction Activity 9/18/19 – 10/4/19

Update 9/26: This project has been extended and is expected to be completed by Friday October 4th.


Beginning Wednesday, September 18th, through Friday, September 27th October 4th, UO CPFM Facilities Services and their subcontractor will be replacing mechanical equipment in room 266.  Building occupants can expect to hear normal and occasional construction noises such as drilling and cutting, plus see UO Facilities personnel and their contractors entering/exiting the building with tools and materials during regular business hours.

No utility disruptions or shutoffs are expected at this time; however, if there are any disruptions or shutdowns to services, an additional notice will be distributed.

For questions and concerns, please contact Justin Grishkin at 346-5242 or jgrishki@uoregon.edu.

Exterior Building Cleaning 9/18 – 10/13 (Education Complex, Lillis, LISB and Streisinger)

Facilities Liaisons,

Starting on 9/18 DDJ Window Cleaning will be onsite performing power washing and window cleaning on the exterior of Education Complex, Lillis, LISB and Streisinger.

Please close all exterior windows on the below-listed dates. Expect temporary sidewalk access closures as they move around the exterior the building.


Education Complex (Lokey, HEDCO, Annex) – Starts September 18

Lillis Business Complex – Starts September 25

Lewis Integrative Science Building – Starts October 2

Streisinger Hall – Starts October 10

Contact:  Work Control Center 541-346-2319

LISB Domestic Hot Water Emergency Shutdown 9/13/19

Update 9/19: The plumbers have located and ordered the part. It will arrive tomorrow and the repairs will be made by 5:00 pm on Friday, September 20th.


Update 9/17: Due to the unavailability of parts, the shutdown is being extended. We are moving as quickly as possible and are hoping to resolve the situation by 12:00 pm on Thursday, September 19th.


Update: The plumbers have discovered that the domestic hot water shut down will also affect cage washers.


Effective immediately, September 13th, the domestic hot water has been shut down in LISB.  This is expected to be off throughout the weekend and into Monday. This will affect all sinks in the restrooms and break rooms, plus the showers.

Industrial hot water to the labs has not been affected, and will remain operational.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ken Straw at 346-5406 or kstraw@uoregon.edu.


Allen Hall Fire Alarm System Testing 9/13/19

On Friday, September 13th, from 6:00 am to 7:00 am, the fire alarm system will be tested in the remodel area of the first floor level of Allen Hall.  Fire alarms will be set off for decibel testing and will be heard throughout the building.

Work will be performed by IES.

For questions or concerns, please contact Gene Mowery at 346-5593 or gmowery@uoregon.edu.


Millrace Woodshop Emergency Treated Steam Shutdown 9/12/19

Update 9/25: The treated steam has been restored, and in turn, the heating and hot water have been restored.


Effective immediately, the treated steam for the Millrace Woodshop has been shut down due to a failed PRV.  The part has been ordered and will be installed upon arrival.  This will affect the heating and hot water in the building.  A notice will be sent when the steam has been restored.

For questions or concerns, please contact Work Control Center at 541-346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.




Hendricks Hall Drinking Water Notification Update 9/12/19

In August of 2019, CPFM installed filters on all of the drinking fountains in Hendricks Hall.  EHS collected confirmation samples on August 26, 2019, and results were received yesterday.  Results show that the issues have been successfully mitigated.  The water from the drinking fountains is now safe to drink and the fixtures have been returned to service.  See the table below for the initial lead results and the confirmation results after filters were installed.

Room Number, Name Fixture Type Initial Result (PPB) Confirmation Result (PPB)
L119 – First floor lobby Drinking fountain 4.56 2.06
L119 – First floor lobby Bottle fill station 4.29 4.41
L219 – Second floor lobby Drinking fountain 27.1 4.29
L319 – Third floor lobby Drinking fountain 56.7 2.47

Iron content has also shown significant reduction, dropping from 1,610 ppb to 69.4 ppb.  Iron is a by-product of water sitting in the plumbing during periods of low building use and is considered a secondary contaminant by the EPA.  That is, it affects taste and appearance of the water as opposed to the health of building users.  Please note that discoloration may return during periods of low use and can be cured by flushing several gallons of water through the fixture.

Additional information on the University’s Drinking Water Monitoring program and a link to results posted online can be found at https://safety.uoregon.edu/drinking-water-monitoring.


Clean (Untreated) Steam Shutdown 9/17/19

On Tuesday, September 17th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, clean (untreated) steam will be shut down in order to replace an expansion joint.  During the shutdown, treated steam will be available for use.  Advance  notification was sent to building Liaisons.

Impacted Buildings:
University Health, Counseling and Testing
Lewis Integrative Science Building
Streisinger Hall
Huestis Hall
Willamette Hall
Klamath Hall
Onyx Bridge
Cascade Annex
Pacific Hall
Columbia Hall

For questions or concerns, please contact Jeff Madsen at 541-346-2256 or Darin Dehle at 541-346-2282.


Oregon Hall Freight Elevator Noise Advisory 9/12/19

On Thursday, September 12th, from 7:00 am to approximately 2:00 pm, there will be noise associated with the removal of the shaft on the freight elevator in the NE section of the building.

Work will be performed by Preferred Construction and OTIS Elevator.

For questions or concerns, please contact Tom Shepard at 541-346-6959 or toms@uoregon.edu.

POSTPONED: Revised Academic Building Key Request Changes Starting 9/16

Updated 9/13/19

It has come to our attention that this change may require departments to change their internal procedures. Due to the short notice, we are postponing implementation of this change to the Academic Building Key Request process. We plan to implement before the start of Winter Term (actual date to be determined).

Thank you for your feedback and questions.


Jeff Butler


Campus Community,

The UO Access Control policy was revised and then approved by the President in 2017. Beginning 9/16/2019, Campus Planning & Facilities Management (CPFM) will initiate the initial phase of a revised key distribution process to conform to this policy.

The new process will transition away from the previous refundable key deposit system to a non-refundable fee recovery-based system. This fee supports the associated labor and supplies required to maintain the key inventory, distribution process, and fulfill requests for audit reports for Departments.

Departmental banner indexes must accompany all key requests beginning 9/16/19.

All issued keys will continue to be tracked by the individual user, but the requesting Department is now responsible for the new key fee as well as all costs associated with lost keys resulting in key replacements and necessary re-keying (rooms opened by individual, sub-master, and building master keys, etc.).

Key requests will be billed when keys are available for pick-up. Keys will be held for 30 days before returning to the key inventory. Associated fees will not be refunded.

Individual key holders and departments who received keys on or before 9/13/2019 and paid a deposit will still receive refunds upon the return of their keys.

University keys are the property of the University of Oregon, and therefore it is imperative key management records are accurate. Due to this requirement, a new fee structure is being implemented. There will be a fee for the initial cut and distribution of a key (includes replacement of broken/bent keys), and a transfer fee if the department plans to take the key from a leaving employee and give it to someone else, without returning it to the Key and Access office. In all cases, the final key holder will be required to sign the Key Issuance form.

To request building access, visit the Key and Access website at https://emu.uoregon.edu/key-and-access-office and select the appropriate form along the right side of the page. Below is the new fee structure.

Key distribution and access control are managed by CPFM Facilities Services as part of the EMU ID Card Services (Key and Access Office).

Please contact CPFM Work Control  workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu with any questions or concerns.


Jeff Butler
CPFM – Facilities Services
University of Oregon – Eugene
Desk: 541-346-1531
Email: jbutler8@uoregon.edu

Feeder 10 Electrical Shutdown 9/20/19

On Friday, September 20th from 2:00 am to 7:00 am the University will be shutting off normal power feeder 10 to connect new construction at both Klamath Hall and the Student Health & Counseling Center. Feeder 10 work will shut off normal power to the buildings listed below.  Building systems feed by normal power will be offline for the duration.

Carson Hall
Hamilton Hall
Knight Law Center
Many Nations Longhouse
Museum of Natural & Cultural History
Vivian Olum Child Development Center
Streisinger Hall
Walton Hall
Willamette Hall

On Friday, September 20th from 5:00 am to 7:00 am the University will be shutting off stand-by power STBY #1 to connect new construction at the Student Health & Counseling Center.  The following buildings will be impacted:

CPFM Warehouse
CPFM Planning
Oregon Hall Data Center Primary Feed

After 7:00 am September 20th, please contact CPFM Work Control Center with any issues at 541-346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.