Updated 9/13/19
It has come to our attention that this change may require departments to change their internal procedures. Due to the short notice, we are postponing implementation of this change to the Academic Building Key Request process. We plan to implement before the start of Winter Term (actual date to be determined).
Thank you for your feedback and questions.
Jeff Butler
Campus Community,
The UO Access Control policy was revised and then approved by the President in 2017. Beginning 9/16/2019, Campus Planning & Facilities Management (CPFM) will initiate the initial phase of a revised key distribution process to conform to this policy.
The new process will transition away from the previous refundable key deposit system to a non-refundable fee recovery-based system. This fee supports the associated labor and supplies required to maintain the key inventory, distribution process, and fulfill requests for audit reports for Departments.
Departmental banner indexes must accompany all key requests beginning 9/16/19.
All issued keys will continue to be tracked by the individual user, but the requesting Department is now responsible for the new key fee as well as all costs associated with lost keys resulting in key replacements and necessary re-keying (rooms opened by individual, sub-master, and building master keys, etc.).
Key requests will be billed when keys are available for pick-up. Keys will be held for 30 days before returning to the key inventory. Associated fees will not be refunded.
Individual key holders and departments who received keys on or before 9/13/2019 and paid a deposit will still receive refunds upon the return of their keys.
University keys are the property of the University of Oregon, and therefore it is imperative key management records are accurate. Due to this requirement, a new fee structure is being implemented. There will be a fee for the initial cut and distribution of a key (includes replacement of broken/bent keys), and a transfer fee if the department plans to take the key from a leaving employee and give it to someone else, without returning it to the Key and Access office. In all cases, the final key holder will be required to sign the Key Issuance form.
To request building access, visit the Key and Access website at https://emu.uoregon.edu/key-and-access-office and select the appropriate form along the right side of the page. Below is the new fee structure.
Key distribution and access control are managed by CPFM Facilities Services as part of the EMU ID Card Services (Key and Access Office).
Please contact CPFM Work Control workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu with any questions or concerns.
Jeff Butler
CPFM – Facilities Services
University of Oregon – Eugene
Desk: 541-346-1531
Email: jbutler8@uoregon.edu