Klamath Roof Top North Exhaust Plenum Shutdown 2/4/21

Begin:  Thursday, February 4th, at 7:00 am

End:      Thursday, February 4th, at 7:30 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Klamath Hall

Scope:  The roof top’s north exhaust plenum needs to be shut down to investigate a previous water leak into the exhaust plenum, and confirm that the leak was fixed.

Services Impacted:  No fume hood exhaust or general lab exhaust will be operating for all levels, below level 3, on the north half of building. This shutdown will probably take less than 15 minutes to perform.

Special Instructions:  Fume hood sashes should be closed and containers within the fume hoods sealed prior to this date.

Work Performed By:  Lease Crutcher Lewis

Contact: Jeff Hanson, CPFM Construction Project Manager, 541-346-7991

Onyx Bridge/Klamath Loading Dock and Service Vehicle Spots Closure 2/4/21

REVISED 2/2/21:

We had posted this notice for work that was to happen this morning, however, the crew from Clean Harbors had their work vehicle broken into last night at their hotel.  Since they were unable to perform the work, due to lack of necessary tools, we have had to reschedule for this Thursday, 2/4/21.  It will happen  at the same time and place from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon.


Begin:  Tuesday, February 2nd, at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, February 2nd, at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Onyx Bridge/Klamath Loading Dock area and Service Vehicle Spots

Scope:  The Loading Dock area and the CPFM Service Spots will be closed to accommodate an EHS vendor (Clean Harbors) so they may access their required work site.

Services Impacted:  Vehicles will not be allowed to park here during this time.

Work Performed By:  EH & S / Clean Harbors

Contact: Tim Allenbaugh, CPFM Project Manager, 541-346-8214

Susan Campbell Hall West Main Entrance Closure 1/28/21 – 2/2/21

Begin: Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 7:30 am

End: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Susan Campbell Hall

Scope: West main entrance to Susan Campbell (facing Jordan Schnitzer Museum) will be closed to make connections to a new AMAG card-reader upgrade.

Services Impacted: Entry and exit through west main entrance will be closed.

Work Performed By: CPFM Facilities Carpentry Shop

Contact: Kevin Wilson, CPFM Carpentry Shop Manager, 541-346-3272

Fine Arts Security Fence 2/1/21 – 6/25/21

UPDATE 6/4/21:

The perimeter fence and gate installation is complete.  Card readers will be activated after June 12th.  Facilities will complete remaining small tasks and demo of the old North fence no later than June 25th.

UPDATE 5/13/21:

The work is ongoing and is now expected to be complete on 6/4/2021.

UPDATE 4/15/21:

Fence demo and installation to occur starting Tuesday, 4/20.

Construction work will start at the northside of the North Sculpture Building A next Tuesday, 4/20 through Thursday, 4/22.  This may disrupt activity at the North outdoor covered sculpture work space during this time.

Work will also occur at the Northeast yard of the complex, southeast corner by the Kiln Shed, North & South Porticos until Friday, April 30th.

Users can expect typical construction noise.  UO, Island Fence, and ADT staff, their vehicles, equipment and materials will be on site during normal business hours.  Portions of fence may be down before new fencing is installed for a periodic moment.  Afterward, minor non-disruptive close out work will occur and it is expected the perimeter will be fully secured by May 14th.

We’ll update notices with access and safety info as necessary as the project progresses.

Work performed by:  Island Fence, Facilities Construction Services, ADT


UPDATE 3/11/21:

Concrete pour on 3/12 (this Friday morning) at 7am.  North portico to remain closed during this time but access to the North Sculpture building A will remain open through the Ceramics building B.

Due to critical material delivery delays, construction has been extended to the end of April.  Work will occur intermittently, but we plan to keep the existing security fence up until we are ready to install the new one.  We’ll put out another notice 1 week in advance of this occurring.

UPDATE 2/17/21:

Facilities plans to block the North Portico area (see sketch) starting Wednesday, Feb 24th until Friday, Feb 26th.  The work will involve excavation, cutting, grinding and some possible jackhammering.  Large excavation machinery will be used that may result in occasional loud noise and some vibration at times in the immediate vicinity of construction.  The area of concern will be closed for your safety.  The North Sculpture Fine Arts Studio Building A can be accessed by entering at the South Portico area and going through the Fine Arts Studio Building B.  The area will reopen after this period but construction will be ongoing through the end of March.

Begin:  Monday, February 1, 2021

End:      Friday, February 19, 2021 May 14th, June 25th, 2021

Building Impacted:  Fine Arts Studios at the North and South Portico exterior areas along the western edge of the complex adjacent Gallery Row.

Scope:  Concrete works including landscape demo, some minor excavation, grinding in preparation for the fence install.

Services Impacted:

  • No electrical or HVAC disruptions are known at this time.  A shut down notice will be issued as necessary.
  • Building access will be maintained during construction but may require minor detours.
  • Users can expect to hear construction noises like hammering, drilling, grinding and see employees and UO staff entering and exiting the Fine Arts Studio grounds during normal business hours.
  • This notice is likely to be expanded to include the larger fence construction in late February and into March.

Work performed by:  Facilities Construction Services

Contact:  Theo Davis, CPFM Design & Construction Project Manager, 541-346-1012

Pacific Hall HVAC Shutdown 2/1/21 – 3/9/21

UPDATE 3/8/21: Work is complete on the coil replacement, and the system will be brought back online tomorrow 3/9. Please be advised during startup there may be odors throughout the building, as steam will be introduced into the new steam coils.  Every effort will be made to mitigate any odor prior to startup of the Air Handler.

UPDATE 3/2/21: The repairs are still ongoing and work is expected to be complete by 3/9.

UPDATE 2/22/21: This work has been extended to 3/2 due to a parts delay.

Begin:  Monday, February 1st, 2021

End:      Monday, February 22nd, 2021 March 2, 2021 March 9, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Pacific Hall

Scope:  Due to work associated with the replacement of a failed steam coil, Air Handler 1 needs to be shut down while work is performed inside the air handler. This unit serves the north portion of the building only, which is heated by individual radiators.

Services Impacted:  Steam and other building services will not be affected.

Work Performed By:  S2 and Siemens

Contact: Jeff Madsen, CPFM Asst. Dir Engineer Utility Systems, 541-346-2256

Chilled Water Plant Area Noise and Access Advisory 2/2/21 – 2/3/21

Begin:  Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

End:      Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  West of the CPS Chilled Water Plant

Scope:  A contractor will be drilling in the area behind the Chilled Water Plant.

Services Impacted:

  • Noise related to drilling activities.
  • Access to that area may be limited by the drilling equipment.

Work Performed By:  GRI Geotechnical Investigation

ContactDan Morehouse, CPFM Facilities Engineer, 541-346-7988

Klamath Hall Emergency Chilled Water Shutdown 1/26/21

Begin:  Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 at 8:00 am

End:      Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Klamath Hall

Scope:  An emergency chilled water shutdown is needed to investigate the cause of a check valve failure.  The check valve will be removed and inspected and re-installed during the shutdown.

Services Impacted:  Chilled water

Work Performed By:  S2 Industrial

ContactKevin Waldrop, CPFM Facilities Engineer, 541-346-2315

Hedco North elevator not in service 1-25-21 (Back in service)

Hedco North elevator back in service 1-25-21 at 7:35am



Begin:  Monday, January 25, 2021 7:15am

End:     TBD

Building Impacted: Hedco

Services Impacted:  North Elevator is out of service

Extra Notes:  The Otis elevator technician has been dispatched.  A second notification will be sent out once elevator services are restored.

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Computing Center HVAC Shutdown 1/25/21

Begin: Monday, January 25th, 2021 at 7:30 am

End: Monday, January 25th, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Computing Center

Scope: The HVAC Mechanical unit on the first floor will be shut down as part of a detailed AHU/HVAC cleaning process.

Services Impacted: It will only impact the heating on the first floor, but NOT the Data Center, Room 180.

Work Performed By: CPFM Facilities Mechanical Shop

Contact: Ken Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Riverfront Parkway Partial Road Closure 1/26/21 – 1/29/21

3rd (and hopefully final) UPDATE: (1/28/21)

A paving window opened for tomorrow. The west side of the roadway, next to the railroad tracks and the parking garage, will be closed for a few hours on Friday (1/29) for this work and anticipated to be reopen by end of day. The east side of the roadway will remain open for traffic.

The section of roadway affected is actually north of Millrace Drive (almost underneath the railroad track overpass), so it will be of very minor impact to vehicles. It’s more for bikes and pedestrians. Gravel roadway by the greenhouses will be unaffected and no impact to Millrace Drive either, except when the paving truck arrives and departs.


2nd UPDATE: (1/27/21)

Paving work will not take place this week due to cold weather. An update will be sent when work is rescheduled.


1st UPDATE: (1/26/21)

The utility work was completed today. Roadway will be reopened for access tonight and tomorrow. There is a temporary patch in the asphalt where the work occurred. Paving is scheduled for Thursday (weather dependent). Roadway will be closed again on Thursday (1/28) for this work and anticipated to be reopen for traffic on Friday.


Begin:  Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

End:      Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Riverfront Parkway

Scope:  The west side of Riverfront Parkway will be closed for underground utility work related to the Millrace Garage project.  Work is expected to take 1-2 days.  Signage and fencing will be in place to direct traffic.

Services Impacted:

  • The west side of the road will be closed to all pedestrian, bike, and vehicle traffic.
  • The east side of the road will be open to all traffic.

Work Performed By:  Hoffman Construction

ContactJenna Shope, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2281

Hayward Field Wet Zone 4 Fire Sprinkler System Shutdown 1/22/21

Begin:  Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Hayward Field Wet Zone 4

Scope:  Harvey & Price needs to complete work on Human Physiology Tenant Improvement fire sprinkler system that began under a Hayward Field sprinkler system shut down.

Services Impacted:  The fire sprinkler system will be offline for the Human Physiology Tenant Improvement, NW corner of lower level of Hayward Field (Wet Zone 4).

Extra Notes:  Harvey & Price is coordinating their work with IES for alarm support.

Special Instructions: Horns, Strobes, and Speakers on the fire alarm system will not sound after the scheduled time. Provisions have been taken to monitor the building fire systems during this time and alarms that occur after the scheduled time should be considered real events and occupants should evacuate as usual per the U of O Emergency Procedures.

If there are questions regarding emergency evacuation, please visit Emergency Management & Continuity, https://safety.uoregon.edu/evacuations

Work Performed By:  Harvey & Price

ContactGene Mowery, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5593

Hedco North Elevator Out of Service 1-19-21 (Elevator is now operational)

Hedco North elevator is now operational

1-19-21 8:25am


Begin:  Monday, January 19, 2021 6:40am

End:     TBD

Building Impacted: Hedco

Services Impacted:  North Elevator is out of service

Extra Notes:  The Otis elevator technician has been dispatched.  A second notification will be sent out once elevator services are restored.

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

LISB Electrical Shutdown 2/20/21

Begin: Saturday, February 20th, 2021 at 8:00 am

End: Saturday, February 20th, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Lewis Integrative Science Building (LISB)

Scope: Electrical outage required to perform maintenance on the normal power 480/277 volt transformer.

Services Impacted: The Normal 480/277 Volt transformer will be de-energized. The Stand-by system 480/277 volt transformer and the Normal 208/120 volt transformer will remain energized for the duration.

Extra Notes: This outage was coordinated with prior feedback from Facilities Liaisons on 1/4/21, and the date agreed upon was 2/20/21. We will send out reminders when we are 10 days out and also a few days prior to the event.

Special Instructions: Please shut down all multi-function copier devices as well as any printers during scheduled power outages. The software on these machines can be negatively affected due to the power surge when the power is turned back on. A power surge can corrupt the clone files in the machines and change preconfigured settings.

Work Performed By: CPFM Utilities & Energy and a Contractor

Contact: Rick Tabor, CPFM Interim Co-Dir Utilities and Facilities Management, 541-346-7511

CPFM Warehouse Bldg. 130 – Suite 111 Closed for Pest Control 1/14/21 – 2/15/21

Begin:  Thursday, January 14th, 2020 – effective immediately

End:      Monday, February 15th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Building 130, Suite 111 (old Purchasing offices)

Scope:  Area closed to all personnel due to a rodent remediation operation. No one should enter the area until further notice. The operation will last for 1 month.

Services Impacted:  Suite 111 is closed.  Please do not enter this space.

Work Performed By:

ContactKevin Wilson, CPFM Construction Field Superintendent, 541-968-4024

Allen Hall Steam Heat Shutdown 1/20/21

Begin:  Wednesday, January 20th, at 9:00 am

End:      Wednesday, January 20th, at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Allen Hall, which includes the Data Center in the basement

Scope:  The steam will be shut down in order to change out a pressure relief valve on the heat exchanger.

Services Impacted:  The steam and building heat will be off-line.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Mechanical Shop

ContactRichard Vaughan, CPFM Facilities Services, 541-346-2319

Lawrence Hall Steam Shutdown 1/20/21

Begin:  Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 at 8:00 am

End:      Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  NE portion of Lawrence, including rooms 172, 185, and others unknown.

Scope:  Due to an unsafe steam piping design, the steam will be shut down to the north portion of Lawrence Hall.  This will allow the installation of the needed isolation valves in the Mechanical Closet, room 172.

Services Impacted:  This will slightly affect building heat, but should not impact the hot water.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Utilities & Energy

ContactKyle Wilson, CPFM Utilities Maintenance Manager, 541-346-2246

Campus Wide Soap Dispenser Installations for 1/12/21

Due to issues in the supply chain and acquiring product, this project was postponed, but has since resumed as of this week.

Installations for 1/12/21:
Listed below are the buildings expected to be serviced Tuesday, January 12th, 2021.
Additional notification will be sent if installers are unable to finish on the projected date.

Paleoecology Research (112)
MNCH Archaeological Research (107)
Greenhouses (109, 110, 111)
CPFM buildings
CPS buildings
EC Cares (W 12th Avenue)


Begin: Monday, November 9th, 2020

End: Friday, December 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Campus Wide Academic Buildings

Scope: The manufacturer is discontinuing our current soap refills, so we are transitioning to a different soap dispenser across the academic campus. Since this transition is manufacturer caused, they are providing the contractor to do the install at no cost to the university.

Services Impacted: Temporary access to soap dispensers in restrooms, labs, teachings spaces, and kitchenettes.

Extra Notes: Each install will only take a few minutes but there are thousands across campus.

Work Performed By: Home Depot Pro

Contact: Tim Winder, CPFM FS Custodial Services Manager, 541-346-5771

Student Rec Center Shop Elevator Out of Service 1-11-21

Begin:  Monday, January 11, 2021

End:      TBD

Building Impacted: Student Rec Center (Shop)

Services Impacted:  Elevator (E137) is out of service

Extra Notes:  The Otis elevator technician has been dispatched.  A second notification will be sent out once elevator services are restored.

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Informational Notice – Local fire and police department trainings to take place on campus

The University of Oregon is allowing Eugene Springfield Fire and the Eugene Police Department to use the soon-to-be-demolished Wooley building for training exercises over the next two weeks.

The building, also known as the Knight Campus Annex, is located on the north side of Franklin Boulevard, just south of the Campus Planning and Facilities Management complex.

Most of the training will occur inside the building but there will be some training activities and vehicles outside the building that may be visible to passersby.

The Eugene Police Department trainings will take place on Tuesday, January 12, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., and on Wednesday, January 13, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The Eugene Springfield Fire trainings will take place January 14 to 18, between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily.

The trainings will potentially involve forcing doors, scaling the building’s exterior, and breaching exterior walls with chainsaws and other tools.

To report any issues or concerns during the exercises, please contact the UO’s Safety and Risk Services Duty Phone at 541-603-8970.

The building is set to be demolished later this month.


Campus Wide Soap Dispenser Installations for 1/11/21

Due to issues in the supply chain and acquiring product, this project was postponed and is now ready to begin again next week.

Installations for 1/11/21:
Listed below are the buildings expected to be serviced Monday, January 11th, 2021.
Additional notification will be sent if installers are unable to finish on the projected date.

AAA North/Millrace/Wood Shop



Begin: Monday, November 9th, 2020

End: Friday, December 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Campus Wide Academic Buildings

Scope: The manufacturer is discontinuing our current soap refills, so we are transitioning to a different soap dispenser across the academic campus. Since this transition is manufacturer caused, they are providing the contractor to do the install at no cost to the university.

Services Impacted: Temporary access to soap dispensers in restrooms, labs, teachings spaces, and kitchenettes.

Extra Notes: Each install will only take a few minutes but there are thousands across campus.

Work Performed By: Home Depot Pro

Contact: Tim Winder, CPFM FS Custodial Services Manager, 541-346-5771

PeaceHealth North Building Domestic Water Shutdown 1/11/21

Begin:  Monday, January 11th, 2021 at 6:30 pm

End:      Monday, January 11th, 2021 at 10:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  PeaceHealth North Building

Scope:  A repair due to a leaking underground main domestic water line that serves the North building is needed.

Services Impacted:  The water will be shut off, affecting all plumbing fixtures including restrooms, sinks, and drinking fountains.

Extra Notes:  We are scheduling this work to start in the evening, and the estimated duration is 4 hours. This may take longer if the connection is not repairable.

Work Performed By:  PeaceHealth Contractors

ContactMelinda Seeley, CPFM Campus Planning, Real Estate Property Specialist, 541-346-5550

Klamath Hall Fume Hood Exhaust Shutdown 1/8/21

Begin: Friday, January 8th, 2021 at 7:00 am

End: Friday, January 8th, 2021 at 7:45 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: North side of Klamath Hall – basement through level two.

Scope: EMERGENCY investigation of a rain water roof leak within the north exhaust shaft. Currently only mechanical spaces are impacted with water but a repair will be needed to eliminate risk to occupied spaces.

Services Impacted: This will affect fume hoods and exhaust.

Special Instructions: Please close all fume hood sashes and seal containers within fume hoods before leaving for the night.

Work Performed By: Lease Crutcher Lewis

Contact: Denise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Pacific Hall Emergency Water Shutdown 1/6/21


The broken water line has been repaired and the water has been restored.


Begin:  Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 effective at 10:00 am

End:      Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 till approximately 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Pacific Hall

Scope:  EMERGENCY water shutdown due to a broken water line.  Expected to take approximately 2 hours to repair.

Services Impacted:  All water will be shut down in the building, including restrooms, sinks, and drinking fountains.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities

ContactKen Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406


Frohnmayer Music SW Elevator Area Work Advisory 1/4/21 – 7/13/21

UPDATE 6/30: The modernization is not quite complete and work will continue to July 13th.

UPDATE 6/10: The modernization is still delayed and work will continue to the end of the month.

UPDATE 5/13: The modernization has hit some unexpected delays. The elevator crew will be there for the next 3+ weeks.

Begin:  Monday, January 4th, 2021

       Noise Advisory:  Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 between 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

End:      Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 Early May June 10 June 30 July 13th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Frohnmayer Music – Immediate impact in rooms 1, 7, & 9. Eventual impact in E120.

Scope:  We are performing a modernization on Elevator E120. Work is anticipated between January 4th and March 30th early May June 10th July 13th.  The bulk of the work will take place in basement rooms 1, 7, and 9.

Services Impacted:

  • NOISE ADVISORY for Tuesday, January 12th, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contractor will be cutting concrete access points in basement room 001. Noise and vibration will be felt/heard throughout the building.
  • The elevator will eventually be offline and additional notices will be sent at that time.

Work Performed By:  Chambers Construction

ContactTim Allenbaugh, CPFM Project Manager, 541-346-8214

Pathway Closure Between Fine Arts Studios and ZIRC and Millrace Studios 1/5/2021

Begin:  Started this morning

End:      End of day

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Pathway between Fine Arts Studios and ZIRC and Millrace Studios

Scope: Pathway ripped up and repaved by EWEB for utility work.

Services Impacted: Access to Riverfront Pathway and exit from parking

Extra Notes: EWEB did not notify us that this work was going to occur.

Special Instructions:  EWEB will be done by the end of the day, but until then, people will need to access/exit the area by ZIRC, the Fine Arts Studios, or any parking in that location via the gate by the North side of Building 136 and the Lock Shop. Cars cannot cross the Riverfront Parkway at this time. The yellow shows what is torn up.

Work Performed By: EWEB

Contact: Work Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 346-2319