12/25/23 – 1/01/24 Campus Winter Quiet Period Advisory

UO’s winter quiet period, between December 25 and January 1 holidays, is almost here! Many on-campus services will be reduced. Please take a moment to review previous news briefs about planning for building closures, winter break locking schedule, and taking extra safety and security precautions.  If an area you work in or are responsible for is planned to be unoccupied, please also review these “before you leave” reminders below for methods to ensure areas that will be unattended are left in a safe, secure, and environmentally sustainable manner.

  • Make sure windows and doors are closed and locked.  Close window coverings if applicable.
  • Turn down heating thermostats to “away mode” if locally controlled.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Turn off computers.
  • Unplug electrical appliances including but not limited to coffee pots, space heaters, holiday lights.
  • Eliminate pest attractants by disposing of all food and garbage.
  • In laboratories, ensure that fume hood sashes are fully closed and that plumbing fixtures (gas and water) have valves closed.

Thank you.

University of Oregon
Safety and Risk Services  |  1260 University of Oregon
1715 Franklin Blvd. Suite 2A, Eugene OR 97403-1260

7/17/23 – 7/31/23 Huestis Hall Cellular Antennae System Disruption for Verizon and AT&T Advisory

Begin:  Monday, July 17th, 2023

End:  Monday,  July 31st, 2023

Building(s) Affected:  Huestis, Willamette, Carson, Streisinger, University Health Services, Klamath, Lewis Integrative Science Building, Deschutes

Scope:  Cellular services provided by Verizon and AT&T will be limited for two weeks as the distributed antennae system is installed on the penthouse of Huestis Hall.

Services Impacted:  Cellular coverage in the vicinity will be spotty.

Work Performed By:  CTS

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Campus ma

6/20/23 – 6/23/23 Oregon Hall Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation

Begin:  Tuesday, June 20, 2023

End:      Friday, June 23, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Oregon Hall – H280, H285, 285, 284, 283, 282,279, 278, 280, and 281 H385, H386, 382,387, 386, 385, 384, 383, and 376

Scope:  We will be conducting a GPR (ground penetrating radar) investigation of the 3rd floor slab in specific areas of the SE portion of Oregon Hall on Tuesday, June 20th – Friday, June 23rd.  See attached plan for the general areas we are targeting.  Most of this investigation will be conducted in the currently unoccupied space on the 3rd floor.  We will be accessing the ceiling of the second floor offices for one day of the investigation.  I will be coordinating with those offices to mitigate the disruption while we capture this data.

Services Impacted:

  • This will mostly impact those on the rooms listed in the second floor for one day as the crew comes through their offices to scan their ceilings.
  • Noise can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  Concrete GPR

ContactJanell Cottam, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-7536

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Diagram of 2nd floor of Oregon HallDiagram of 3rd floor of Oregon Hall


5/22/23 – 5/29/23 Huestis Hall Concrete Cutting and Excavation Work Advisory

Begin:  Monday, May 22, 2023

End:      Monday, May 29, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Huestis Hall Basement, Lokey Labs, Streisinger (Level 1)

Scope:  As part of the Huestis Hall Renovation project, work will commence on May 22nd  around the north elevator in the basement of Huestis to sawcut slab and excavate down to footings. The work is scheduled for night shift. Once the slab is removed there will be a period of investigation of the sub grade conditions to determine excavation methods.

Services Impacted:  This work could result in noise and vibration experienced in Huestis Basement, Lokey Labs, and Streisinger.

Work Performed By:  Staton and Lease Crutcher Lewis

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Huestis Hall

COVID Signage Advisory 7/1/21

With the change in state guidance this week, UO is no longer subject to the physical distancing and “closed to the public” guidance that has been in place since March 2020. Any signage referencing these things can be removed at this point. We’d like to ask your help in removing any of these signs. I’ve attached images of the signs that can come down. Please note that even though the door signs with color codes about building status reference closed to the public, we are going to leave those in place through summer. Please contact Krista Dillon if you have any questions. kristam@uoregon.edu


Distancing Capacity Signs

North Campus (North of Railroad Tracks) Pothole Work Advisory 11/4/20

Begin:  Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

End:      Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  North of Railroad Tracks near Ruth Bascom Bike Path

Scope:  EWEB will be potholing in the area immediately north of the railroad tracks – see map. The work is locate an abandoned steam line.

Services Impacted: No services or access will be effected.

Work Performed By:  EWEB sub-contractor

ContactJeff Madsen, CPFM Asst. Dir Engineer Utility Systems, 541-346-2256

Key Deposit Refund Update

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Facilities Services Access Office will be implementing a cashless refund system to better accommodate the safety and needs of our clients.

Starting on June 1, 2020 all refunds will be returned by either direct deposit or check (faculty, staff, vendor) or billing account (student). Please allow up to 6 weeks to process the refund.

  • Keys can be returned either in person or by mail;
  • Faculty, staff, and vendors will need to provide a current mailing address to guarantee the check is sent to the correct location;
  • Refunds will only be given to the person who initially gave the deposit;
  • Department paid keys will only be refunded to the department;
  • Refunds will only be given for the keys returned;
  • Keys can be returned on behalf of the keyholder without alerting the Access Program Specialist.

Particulars about student billing:

  • If the student has a negative balance on their account, the refund will be applied toward paying off that balance;
  • If the student account is paid-in-full, their account will have a credit balance
    • The student can request that the funds be sent to them OR
    • The Accounts Receivable office will submit the credit balances when they process their end-of-term procedures.

To return keys by mail, please send to one of the following:

Off Campus? This one is for you:

Vanessa Abbott
ID Services Office
Erb Memorial Union
1395 University St.
Eugene OR, 97403

On Campus? This one is for you:

Vanessa Abbott
ID Services Office

Questions can be sent to keyaccess@uoregon.edu.

DESIGO System Server Shutdown 2/18/2020 – 2/21/2020

Begin:  Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Friday, February 21st, 2020 at 5:30 pm

Buildings or Areas Impacted:

Berwick Hall
Chapman Hall
Gerlinger Hall
HEDCO Education
Klamath Hall
Pacific Hall (RENO Alarming for the Pacific 17 Freezer Farm and the freezers in Pacific rooms 114 and 222)
Price Science Commons
Tykeson Hall

Scope:  The DESIGO System Server will be shut down, but all of the buildings will continue to operate on the program that is stored in the local BAS panel.

Services Impacted:  Users with remote access will not have visibility to the DESIGO Front End during the shutdown.  RENO will be down for the buildings listed until it can be verified and rebuilt as needed on 2/20/20.  Building users should not notice any impacts.

Extra Notes:  Work will be performed by SIEMENS.

Contact:  Stacy Breaux, CPFM FS Electrical/Control System Tech, 541-521-5376

Pacific Hall Conference Room 13 Closure 6/7/19

Conference room 13 will be closed for three hours tomorrow morning, June 7th, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, while we rebalance the system after our construction measures to reduce sound levels in this room.

This work will complete the sound reduction measures being taken in that space.

Work will be performed by Air Inc.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction’s Research Manager Jen Miley at 346-1530 or jmiley@uoregon.edu.

University Day, or U-Day, will be on Thursday, May 16, 2019 from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

University Day is a campus-wide beautification event that takes place each spring. Hundreds of students, staff, and faculty gather together to plant flowers, spread bark dust, and participate in small projects on-campus that will benefit our local community. We also invite community members to join us! The tradition dates back to 1905 as part of Junior Weekend, when projects included things such as laying the walk to Deady Hall, followed by a “feast”. It has always been a spirited event to prepare the university grounds for commencement ceremonies, and even though it has greatly evolved since 1905, our roots still lie in campus spirit and community service.

This year’s University Day, or U-Day, will be on Thursday, May 16, 2019 from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

How To Participate

Any student, staff, faculty, alumni, or community member is welcome to participate. There is no pre-registration required, simply join us at the EMU Amphitheater (on the corner of 13th Avenue and University Street) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to participate. Volunteers will be assigned to a section of campus to plant flowers, weed flower beds, spread bark dust, clean up litter, or contribute to one of our many community service projects benefiting Greenhill Humane Society, Children’s Miracle Network and Sacred Heart Pediatrics, K.I.T.S. (Kids In Transition To Schools), and more. Committing one hour of your time will earn you a free University Day T-shirt and the satisfaction of contributing to a century-old UO tradition!



ROOF RESCUE TRAINING 7/18 – 7/19 & 8/10



Still No Cause for Alarm

Campus Community,

Occupants, visitors or passersby at PLC and McKenzie Hall will see unusual activity on August 10: a big fire truck with an extended ladder, and emergency workers ascending to the roofs.

It’s no cause for alarm. It’s all a preparedness training arranged by University of Oregon Safety and Risk Services, to allow Eugene and Springfield Fire Department crews to practice for roof rescue on campus. The training is scheduled for 9:00 a.m.- noon, and will include a ladder truck, one or two other fire engines, and one or two other support vehicles. As many as 15 fire department personnel and more UO staff could be on hand, and crews might use a portable ladder along with the ladder truck at McKenzie Hall. Some of the team may enter the buildings and climb to the roofs with UO staff help.

The same drills ran successfully on July 18 and 19; August 10 is the third and final session this summer. These drills are the first with the ESFD team. More could follow in the future for other rooftop rescues, or confined space and tunnel rescue training.
Contact: Haily Griffith

For questions or concerns please contact Haily Griffith Occ Health & Safety Manager, Safety & Risk Services 541-346-2962.


ROOF RESCUE TRAINING 7/18 – 7/19 & 8/10



Campus Community,

Occupants, visitors or passersby at PLC and McKenzie Hall will see unusual activity on July 18 and 19, and again on August 10: a big fire truck with an extended ladder, and emergency workers ascending to the roofs.

It’s no cause for alarm. It’s all a preparedness training arranged by University of Oregon Safety and Risk Services, to allow Eugene Springfield Fire Department crews practice for roof rescue on campus. The training is scheduled for 9:00 a.m.-noon each day, and will include a ladder truck, one or two other fire engines, and one or two other support vehicles. As many as 15 fire department personnel and more UO staff could be on hand, and crews might use a portable ladder along with the ladder truck at McKenzie Hall. Some of the team may enter the buildings and climb to the roofs with UO staff help.

This summer’s drills are the first with the ESFD team. More could follow in the future for other rooftop rescues, or confined space and tunnel rescue training.

Contact: Kelly McIver

For questions or concerns please contact Kelly McIver Director of Strategic Engagement and Communications, Safety and Risk Services 541-346-8335 or Haily Griffith Occ Health & Safety Manager, Safety & Risk Services 541-346-2962.


5/1: Message to Campus Partners Regarding Landscape Protection

This notice has been sent to Housing, Athletics, UOPD, EMU, Telecom and CPFM

Campus Partners,

Now that Spring is upon us, and many projects and outdoor events across campus are planned, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that the campus landscape is a valuable asset to the University, one that is worth protecting just as any of our facilities are.  A few simple guidelines will help protect our trees, lawns, and plantings for the enjoyment and education of our students and campus visitors alike.

Tips Did you Know?
Follow driving guidelines Driving, and parking on lawns and landscape beds is permitted only with the approval of Campus Planning and Facilities Management.  Yes, even golf carts!


Use the EMU Scheduling Office for your outdoor event They will be able to assist you to make your event successful and avoid damaging practices like driving stakes into the ground and tying ropes to campus plants or fixtures
Contact Facilities Services Landscape Team for advice We are here to support campus activities as best we can, offering advice and guidance on landscape preservation and project planning to minimize your landscape repair costs

Thank you for helping to keep the campus beautiful.

Phillip Carroll

Landscape Supervisor
Facilities Services
Campus Planning and Facilities Maintenance
541 246-0031


4/10-11:10th & Mill Building Cleaning & Resealing Slate Floors on 1st and 2nd Floor

Brothers Cleaning will be scrubbing and re-sealing the, 1st & 2nd floor common area, slate floors. This will include the restrooms and elevators. Work will take place Tuesday, April 10th and Wednesday April 11th from 6pm – 1am.

Please use caution as the floors may be slippery.

Melinda Seeley
Real Estate Property Coordinator/Lease Management
Real Estate
Campus Planning
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
University of Oregon

(541) 346.5550


3/26 – 3/31: 10th and Mill – Pressure Washing

The following information has been received regarding pressure washing at 10th and Mill.

“New Look Cleaning will be onsite pressure washing Monday, March 26th through Saturday March 31st. Work will take place from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. each day.

  • Monday, March 26th – Concrete around bike lockers will be pressure washed.
  • Tuesday, March 27th – Parking garage ramps will be pressure washed. This work will not hinder tenants use of the parking garage. New Look will pressure wash only one ramp at a time. When tenants need to drive up or down, New Look will move out of the way.

The rest of the week they will work on pressure washing sidewalks surrounding the building.”

Please be cautious as there may be water in areas that you access.

Melinda Seeley

Real Estate Property Coordinator/Lease Management

Real Estate

Campus Planning

Campus Planning and Facilities Management

University of Oregon


(541) 346.5550


Cardboard Recycling Reminder from UO Zero Waste Program

Building Occupants,

Please ensure that cardboard is hauled by building users to exterior building/loading dock cardboard recycling locations. Cardboard needs to be flattened when recycled. This will reduce trips to buildings. Unflattened boxes fill up containers and require more frequent pick-ups and increased costs for this service.

If a building is expecting a large volume of cardboard to be generated from events, shipments, moves, etc. please contact CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319 or CSC@uoregon.edu to add an extra pickup to building services. All buildings are on a route schedule that is determined by the average amount generated. If a building is anticipating non-routine cardboard production, an extra pick-up is required.

Thank you,

UO Zero Waste Program


2/7/18-2/21/18: Oregon Hall Equipment Repurposing

Building Occupants,

As part of Oregon Hall Renovations, we will be decommissioning electrical equipment in Mechanical Room 334 on Wednesday 2/7 at 6AM. Some equipment will be repurposed and be brought back on-line Wednesday 2/21. We will be providing temporary power to some network equipment and Fire Alarm equipment during this period.

Work will be performed by Fortis Construction and JKG Electrical.

Please contact me if you encounter any electrical issues during this period.  I can be reached at pmucker@uoregon.edu, or 346-8216.


30 Days: Willamette Hall Collaborative Furniture Installation

Dear Building Occupants,

The Office of Design and Construction (CPFM) will be installing a temporary mock-up of collaborative furniture in the Willamette Hall Atrium. This mock-up is being installed for 30 days to help us understand how collaborative furniture groupings are used across campus. This is one of a few places that this furniture will be installed on our campus, with the intent to gather information in regards to how students in our science complex utilize collaborative and informal meeting spaces.

These furniture pieces were designed to enhance collaboration and encourage student interaction in active learning spaces. We will occasionally monitor and document student utilization and there will be a survey available via QR code to solicit student feedback on the pieces. We hope that this installation helps to advance the collaborative environment that we strive for on the University of Oregon campus.

The existing furniture in the atrium will be shifted to make room for the temporary mock-up. We do not plan to remove any existing furniture, and upon removal of the collaborative furniture, we will return all existing items to their original locations.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Special Projects & Design Team Manager  Maggie Kendall  (mgordon@uoregon.edu) at  541-346 -5959.

Message: [STREISINGER, HUESTIS, LISB, KLAMATH & DESCHUTES] Prohibition on Feeding Wild Animals

Dear Building Users,

This is a friendly reminder of the University’s prohibition on feeding wild animals at University owned or leased locations, as described in University of Oregon’s Animal Control Policy IV.05.02. Feeding squirrels/birds and other wildlife may seem a positive and benign activity, but often attracts feral rodents. Attractive conditions for rodent populations can lead to human health concerns, and they create significant biosecurity concerns for the research animals within Terrestrial Animal Care Services. To manage these impacts of rodents and other unwanted wildlife, the University implements a robust Integrated Pest Management Program. This program focuses on eliminating conditions attractive to pests, eliminating existing pest populations, and ensuring protection of human health and the environment.

Issues with rodents and other unwanted wildlife, and feeding of wildlife, have a history of recurring in of the immediate vicinity of Streisinger Hall and the Lewis Integrative Science Building. The health of adjacent research animal colonies is critical to the success of research being performed at the University, and your assistance educating staff and students about exposures created by feeding wildlife is greatly appreciated.

Questions about the University’s Animal Control Policy and the Integrated Pest Management Program should be directed to Environmental Health and Safety.

Questions about the biosecurity impacts to research animal colonies should be directed to Terrestrial Animal Care Services.


Cassandra Moseley, Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation, Institutional Official
Mike Harwood, Associate Vice President, Campus Planning & Facilities Management
Steve Stuckmeyer, Director, Environmental Health and Safety & Radiation Safety Officer
Monte Matthews, Terrestrial Animal Care Services Director
Judith Eisen, Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee


[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2017/12/Final-NO-FEEDING-ANIMALS-reminder-letter-12-15-17mm_cm-1osq41n.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

10/13/17: Message from Design and Construction Tom Shepard Sr. Associate Director of Capital Projects

To our Campus Customers,

Design and Construction and our Special Projects team would like to assist you in implementing your small capital project goals.
Small projects can include:

  • Furniture procurement
  • Interior Finish Improvements & Updates (flooring, paint, etc.)
  • Office or small suite renovations
  • Learning Environment Improvements & Updates
  • And other projects of similar size & scope

Construction for these projects is typically implemented within the school year breaks such as Winter, Spring, and Summer. However, for these types of projects, please allow design & procurement time which can be 2 or 3 months prior to the intended break for construction.

2017/18 Winter Break is fast approaching, and we wanted to provide you with a gentle reminder on how our talented team of designers and project managers can assist you with your project needs.  The timeline below shows ideal project submission dates to support a timely and successful project.



Construction Period

Date of Break Latest Date for Project Submission
Winter Break 2017/2018 December 11 – January 5 Mid-October 2017
Spring Break 2018 March 26 – March 30 January 1, 2018
Summer 2018 June 18 – September 21 March 1, 2018
Winter Break 2018/2019 December 10 – January 4 October 1, 2018

Please note that we understand that our campus clients may be unable to meet the project submission dates for many reasons that are out of your control. We will do our best to accommodate your project and timeline needs if submitted after the date listed above.

Project requests should be submitted through our online Capital Projects Initiation Form. Please feel free to review this and other segments of the Design and Construction website for additional information and tools for your use.

For questions and projects more involved, feel free to contact Maggie Gordon, Special Projects, and Design Manager directly to review your intentions further. Our office is committed to providing you with the best possible design and construction services.

Most sincerely,

Tom Shepard
Sr. Associate Director of Capital Projects
Design and Construction
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
University of Oregon

Advisory: Klamath Hall and Onyx Waste System High Acidity – Seeking Information from Building Users

Building Occupants,

The City of Eugene sent notification of high acidity in the waste system at Onyx utility hole which both Onyx and Klamath Hall drain into. On 9/27/17 at about 10:15 am, for 7-8 minutes, we had readings of 3.0 pH acidic discharge at 2-3 gallons per minute. This has resulted in a warning letter, and we want to make sure this doesn’t escalate into a fine.

If you have any information as to the cause of this event, please contact Jeremy Chambers EH&S 541-346-2865 and Bruce Budzik CPFM Zone B Maintenance Manager 541-346-8834.

Informational Notice: Lawrence Window & Power Washing Starting 10/9

Building Occupants,

Starting in October DDJ Window Cleaning will be onsite performing power washing and window cleaning on the exterior of Lawrence.  Please close all exterior windows on the below-listed dates.  Expect temporary sidewalk access closures as they move around the exterior the building.

October 9, 2017
October 10 – 13, 2017

Please let CPFM Facilities Services Night Maintenance and Central Support Supervisor Tad Lueck 541-346-2273 or CPFM Customer Service 541-346-2319 know as soon as possible if you do not want your windows cleaned or potential impacts to research.

DDJ is part of the International Window Cleaners Association and have extensive technical knowledge and training to use the bosun chair rope system and lift.  For more information about their company visit the DDJ Window Cleaning website.

9/5/17: JSMA Survey of Mechanical Assets

Building Occupants,

On Tuesday,  September 5, 2017 from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm CPFM Facilities Services Staff will be performing a survey of mechanical assets in JSMA.  There will be no interruptions of services.  They may enter your spaces to inspect building equipment.

For questions or concerns about this survey, please contact CPFM Zone D Maintenance Manager Kevin Farthing at 541-346-2857.

8/31/17: Klamath Hall Preventative Maintenance Asset Field Verification Starts

Building Occupants,

On Thursday, August 31, 2017, through September 21, 2017, CPFM Facilities Service Staff will be performing preventative Maintenance asset field verification in Klamath Hall.  There will be no interruptions of services.  They may enter your spaces to inspect building equipment.

For questions or concerns about this field verification or to report a sensitive research area, please contact CPFM Zone D Maintenance Manager Kevin Farthing at 541-346-2857.

8/30/17: Informational Notice: Klamath Hall Space Survey

Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, August 30, 2017, from approximately 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon) consultants will be walking through Klamath Hall surveying spaces.  There will be no interruptions of services.  They may enter your spaces for visual confirmation only.

For questions or concerns about this survey, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Research Manager Jen Miley at 541-346-1530.

8/26 & 9/9: CPFM Administration Building #136 Exterior Roof Work

Building Occupants,

For the next two weekends, August 26 – 27, 2017 and September 9 – 10, 2017, CPFM Facilities Services will be applying a sealer coating on the roof of the CPFM Administration Building #136.

Please remember to close your windows before leaving on Friday.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact CPFM Zone B Maintenance Manager Bruce Budzik at 346-8834.