2nd UPDATE 9/28/23:
It is expected that the tar odors may be noticed around Klamath Hall, and possibly Onyx Bridge, tomorrow.
UPDATE 9/28/23:
The East Science Loop civil contractor will be paving the parking lot on the north side of the Streisinger building (see picture for specifics), weather depending. This is scheduled for Friday, September 29th from 7:00 am to 12:0 noon. During this work the adjacent areas will be experiencing heavy vehicle traffic as the work is being performed, and due to this spaces might be blocked temporarily. Additionally, some paving odors will be present during the work as well.
If this work does not take place due to weather, the notice will be updated with future times/dates to be aware of.
Thank you for your understanding.

UPDATE 7/11/23:
The crane/closure dates have now been shifted, due to crane availability, to Friday, July 21st, and Wednesday, July 26th. The third date is yet to be determined.
UPDATE to 6/30/23 Lab Waste Shutdown Entry (7/05/23):
After speaking with the building users regarding lab waste schedules, we are rescheduling the lab waste piping connection shutdown to Friday, July 7th, and Monday, July 10th.
UPDATE 7/05/23:
As part of vault deliveries for the East Loop Electrical project, the parking lot area shown will be closed and also the associated loading dock will be down for the duration of the crane work on Monday, July 17th Friday, July 21st, at 7:00 am through Tuesday, July 18th, until 6:00 pm. Please take this into consideration for your activities, and reach out should this activity limit critical operations/needs. This will be the first of 3 such closures, with the next potentially occurring 7/25 7/26 and 8/2 TBD. We will update this notice each time to ensure we are working around your needs as we are able.

UPDATE 6/30/23:
Due to work needed to move the East Loop electrical project forward, the lab waste piping will be shut down for up to a days’ time to make the necessary connections to improve the system. This will affect Streisinger, Klamath, and Onyx Bridge. Be advised that during this time, all lab waste drains will be unable to be used (eg: sink drains). We are intending to perform this work on Tuesday, July 11th, Friday, July 7th, and Monday, July 10th, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please let us know if that day presents a conflict in regard to your operations. If not, we will update this work as confirmed.
The arborist notified us that due to a change in his schedule, the tree work will take place tomorrow.
Begin: Monday, June 12, 2023
End: Saturday, September 30, 2023
Building(s) or Area(s) Affected: Streisinger Hall, East end of Parking Lot 12B
Scope: Beginning next week, the East Science Loop civil contractor will be kicking off ground work for the project. This will include demolition in the project area, including asphalt removal, tree/planting removal, and earthwork.
Services Impacted:
- Please be aware associated noises and vibrations are to be expected.
- The adjacent loading dock will be functional throughout.
- Pedestrian rerouting (e.g.: not through the parking lot area) will be present for the life of the project. (See picture for details.)
- No disruptions to services (not previously discussed) are expected.
Work Performed By: Wildish Construction
Contact: Damon Rutherford, CPFM D&C Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8285
Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.