7/6/17: Lawrence Barn Door Repairs Affecting Access and Noise Advisory

Building Occupants,

On Thursday, July 6, 2017, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon) CPFM Facilities Services crews will be removing the Lawrence Barn Doors on Room 254.  These doors have been dragging on the floor and need to be removed and trimmed to remedy this ongoing issue.  Due to the size of these doors, over 400 pounds each, crews will need to work on these doors in the hallway (H250) that services rooms 251A, 251B, 251C, 251D, 251E, 253 & 254.  Building Occupants should expect some noise and brief interruptions to access during this time.  Crews will do their best to adjust to allow access when needed.

For questions or concerns contact Ken Straw, CPFM Facilities Services Lock & Door Supervisor at 541-346-5406.

07/12/17: Clinical Services Air Handlers & Exhaust Fans Intermittent Shutdowns Related to Preventative Maintenance

Building Occupants,

 Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on the Clinical Services HVAC equipment, building occupants should expect intermittent shutdowns on air handling units and restroom exhaust fans to allow crews to change system filters. This scheduled work will be taking place on Wednesday, July 12th, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.

 For questions or concerns contact Jim Cody, CPFM Zone A Maintenance Manager at 541-346-2302.

07/12/17: HEDCO Air Handlers & Exhaust Fans Intermittent Shutdowns Related to Preventative Maintenance

Building Occupants,
Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on the HEDCO HVAC equipment, building occupants should expect intermittent shutdowns on air handling units and restroom exhaust fans to allow crews to change system filters. This scheduled work will be taking place on Wednesday, July 12th, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
For questions or concerns contact Jim Cody, CPFM Zone A Maintenance Manager at 541-346-2302.

7/11/17 – 8/21/17: Straub, EMU, Columbia Tunnel Steam Pipe Shutdown

Update: This work is delayed starting July 11th


Building Occupants,

On Friday, July 7th at 8:00 am until approximately Monday, August 21st at 8:00 am, steam piping will be shut down and remain off in preparation for abatement and insulation.  The area of work is in the tunnel section from Columbia Crossover to Straub.

NO BUILDINGS are expected to be impacted, due to an existing bypass valve system.

Work will be performed by outside contractors.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jana Gerow, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Design and Construction at 346-8317 or Mo Soleimani, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Utilities Maintenance Supervisor at 346-2213.

7/11/17 – 8/14/17: Collier, Johnson, Hendricks, Gerlinger Hall & Gerlinger Annex Steam and Condensate Tunnel Line Shutdown

Update: This work is delayed starting July 11th


Building Occupants,

On Friday, July 7th, at 8:00 am until Monday, August 14th, at 8:00 am, steam and condensate lines in the tunnel will be shut down from Johnson Hall to Gerlinger Annex

Buildings affected are Collier House, Johnson Hall, Hendricks Hall, Gerlinger Hall and Gerlinger Annex.

Work will be performed by an outside contractor.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jana Gerow, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Design and Construction at 346-8317 or Mo Soleimani, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Utilities Maintenance Supervisor at 346-2213.

7/1/17: Cascade Hall Egress + Emergency Egress Lighting Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Saturday, July 1st from 3:30 am to 6:00 am, emergency egress lighting will be off, and from 6:00 am to 11:30 am, all egress lighting will be off.

Work will be performed by Andersen Construction.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Denise Stewart, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Design and Construction at 346-2280.

7/1/17: Klamath Hall Heating Water Pump Shutdown & Price Science Commons Power Outage

Building Occupants,

On Saturday, July 1st from 3:30 am to 6:00 am, Klamath Hall’s heating water pumps will be shut off for the entire building.  This may cause spaces to be cooler by 10 degrees Fahrenheit if outside temperatures are cool.

Also affected during this same time, and isolated to the Klamath basement, the HVAC supply air and chilled water pumps will be shut down.

Included in this time frame, the Price Science Commons & Research Library’s normal power will be off, the elevator will be out of service, the data equipment will be off, HVAC supply air will be shut down and all lighting will be off.

Work will be performed by Andersen Construction.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Denise Stewart, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Design and Construction at 346-2280.

7/5/17 – 7/14/17: Updated McKenzie Hall Hot Water Shutdown + Cooling 7/13-14

7/17/17 Update:

I’ve received reports that a number of McKenzie Hall occupants have experienced warm air flow into their offices today.  I’ve learned that events associated with completing the work on the south mechanical room caused air handlers to generate and discharge warm air.  I am told by the contractors that the issue has been resolved and any warm air discharge you may experience should be dissipating from the system and conditioned air returning to normal discharge by this afternoon.  Thank you for your patience.


Update:  We’ve been informed that work slated for July 13th and 14th during this shutdown period will cause the shutdown of a mechanical unit that could affect McKenzie Hall cooling.

Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, July 5th until Friday, July 14th, McKenzie Hall’s hot water system will be shut down to remove and reinstall piping in the lower level of the building.

This will only effect the hot water in the building.  All cold water service will continue, including the air conditioning system.

Work will be performed by GBC Contractors and Alliance Systems.

For questions or concerns about how this may affect your area, contact Gene Mowery, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Design and Construction at 346-5593.

Advisory: 6/23 – 6/30: Johnson Hall Exterior Steps Restoration

Building Occupants,

The North, main entry steps of Johnson Hall will be receiving a restoration treatment beginning Friday June 23rd through June 30th. This will result in periodic closing of these areas. Affected areas will receive cones and caution tape identifying the work space. Work will be intermittent as the various materials used are allowed to cure. Weather and material cure time will play a role in the time table. If there is an extension of the time, building users will be notified.

Work will be performed by Brown Concrete.

For questions about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, CPFM Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.

6/30/17: Klamath Hall 20# Lab Steam Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Friday, June 30th  from 6:00 am until 12:00 pm noon, 20# lab steam will be off for 6 hours to replace a 2″ valve in room 249.

This will affect all labs that use 20lb steam on the benches or inside fume hoods in Klamath Hall.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Bruce Budzik, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Zone B Maintenance Manager at 346-8834.


Notice: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Steam Outage 6/16/17

Building Occupants,

Due to repairs to the steam line Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art will be temporarily without 60# steam on June 16, 2017, from 7:30 am – 9:30 am while crews install an isolation valve.  The heat exchanger in the basement mechanical room will be offline during this repair.

For questions or concerns regarding this repair contact CPFM Owners Representative Jana Gerow at 541-346-8319.

Notice: Geo-spatial Study Around Science Complex Buildings 6/15 – 6/16

Campus Community,

This is an informational notice to make you aware that a consultant, Ambient Air Technologies will be on campus June 15 – 16, 2017 gathering exterior building information developing a wind dispersion model in support of the Pacific and Klamath renovation projects.  The consultant will be taking exterior photographs and collecting Geo-spatial information of buildings and topographical features encompassing the north portion of campus and including science complex buildings.  The investigation will take place from the ground level and the Pacific, Klamath and Lewis Integrative Science Building rooftops.  This activity will not affect and building systems or occupants.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Energy Systems Manager Jeff Madsen at 541-346-2256.

Notice: Intermittent Power Outages Allen Hall 7/11/17 6:00 am – 10:00 am

Building Occupants,

Due to utility testing Allen Hall will experience intermittent power outages on July 11, 2017 between 6:00 am – 10:00 am.  Crews from Utilities and Energy and Facilities Services will be working closely with a contractor to verify vector grouping.  This involves shutting down one transformer at a time.  Allen Hall is not in phase sequence. Transfer switches will be manually transferred in the computing center and the rest of the building will be walked to verify emergency system.

For questions or concerns on how this might impact your area you can contact CPFM Facilities Services Electrical and Lighting Supervisor Rob Berg 541-346-2313 or CPFM Utilities and Energy Electrical Supervisor Rick Tabor 541-346-7511

Notice: Gerlinger Lounge Project Starting 6/20/2017 Running Through 10/1/2017

Building Occupants,

On June 20, 2017 renovations will begin on Gerlinger Lounge.  This project includes improvements to Gerlinger East Entrance Lobby (101), Gerlinger Lounge (201), and auxiliary spaces.  Classrooms 301, 302, and 303 will be off-line and used to access the ceiling spaces of Gerlinger Lounge located on the floor below.  The project will start with moving furniture out of the lounge area and storing off-site.  The project should be completed by October 1, 2017.

For questions related to this project contact CPFM Owners Representative Patrick Mucker at 541-346-8216

6/26/17 – 6/30/17: Hendricks Basement Work – Possible Noise Advisory

NOTICE:   Work has been postponed on the Hendricks steam lines until Monday, June 26th to allow for the contractor to implement a redesign in the system per the instructions of Zone A.  Work is expected to completed by June 30th or sooner.  There is no expected impact on the building systems.

Building Occupants,

Monday, June 19, 2017, sometime between 6:00 am – 5:00 pm MacDonald-Miller will be on site replacing components related to the heating system in the basement Hendricks.  The impact to the building will be minimal, and steam is already off to the building.  There may be potential noise associated with this work coming from the basement.

For questions about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, CPFM Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.

Notice: Straub Hall PM Work Affecting Air handlers 6/28/17

Building Occupants,

Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on the Straub Hall HVAC equipment, building occupants should expect intermittent shutdowns on air handling units and restroom exhaust fans to allow crews to change system filters. This scheduled work will be taking place on Wednesday, June 28th, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.

For questions contact CPFM Facilities Services Zone A Maintenance Manager Jim Cody 541-346-2302.

Notice: Pacific Hall Construction Impacts to Lab Gas, Drain Lines, Compressed Air, RO System and Water Starting 6/21/17 Ending 07/07/17

Building Occupants,

As part of the Pacific Hall Project, the following impacts will be happening starting June 21, 2017 and running through July 7, 2017.


Starting June 21, 2017, at 7:00 am

Ending June 22, 2017, by 4:00 pm

Scope: Lab gas will be disconnected temporarily to allow for construction activities.


Starting June 22, 2017, at 7:00 am

Ending June 23, 2017, by 4:00 pm

Scope: Lab sink drain lines need to be temporarily disconnected and configured to accommodate construction activities.


Starting June 23, 2017, at 7:00 am

Ending June 23, 2017, by 4:00 pm

Scope: Compressed air will be disconnected to allow construction activities.


Starting June 26, 2017, 7:00 am

Ending June 29, 2017, by 4:00 pm

Scope: RO water will temporarily be disconnected to allow for construction activities.


Starting July 5, 2017, at 7:00 am

Ending July 7, 2017, by 4:00 pm

Scope: The chilled and hot water will be temporarily disconnected to allow for construction activities.


For questions regarding these impacts contact CPFM Design and Construction Nick Pritchard at 612-803-0664 or Jen Miley at 541-346-1530.


Notice: Water Intrusion at Huestis Hall (1st and 2nd floors)

Building Occupants:

There was a small water intrusion related to an ongoing construction project on the first and second floors of Huestis Hall. Visible impacts included damage to some ceiling finishes in the first floor hallway. Environmental Health and Safety and Campus Planning and Facilities Management staff responded over the weekend and repaired the leak point and cleaned up all bulk water and debris. Follow-up investigation into damage and mitigation will follow on Monday morning. It does not appear as though impacts extend into instructional spaces. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Notice provided by Adam Jones, Building Sciences Manager (6-8397)



Notice of Crane Staging at Knight Library and Gerlinger Annex 6/21/17 – 7/14/17

Campus Community,

Starting June 21, 2017, and running through July 14, 2017, a Crane will be onsite between the Knight Library and Gerlinger Annex. This work is related to the elevator project. Contractors will be removing a section of the roof and performing demo and removal of existing elevator equipment, installation of steel for new roof system and new elevator equipment. Please review the below map for the Crane staging location.


For questions about this project, please contact CPFM Owners Representative Patrick Mucker at 541-346-8216

6/22/17: Frohnmayer Music Electrical Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Thursday, June 22nd from 5:00 am to 6:00 am, the temporary power feed will be removed from Frohnmayer Music Building’s panel 4N1B.  This has been is use for the Berwick Hall Project.

The line voltage will be disconnected from the Beall Hall/Frohnmayer Music panel during the shutdown, which will affect the entire building.  The electricity will be turned back on after the shutdown.

The work will be performed by On Electric Group (OEG) and Lease Crutcher Lewis.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Martina Oxoby, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Campus Planning at 346-5880.

Notice of Bean Hall Renovation Mobilization Running through Summer 2018

Campus Community,

On June 21, 2017 mobilization of the Bean Hall Renovation and Addition project starts.  Project kick off will start with fencing the area around Bean Hall.  Click on the below map for full PDF.  Accessible pathways around the site will be maintained, and the fencing will remain through the summer of 2018,  then revised for phase 2.

For questions regarding this project contact George Bleekman at 541-346-2625.


[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2017/06/Bean-Hall-Site-Logistics-6.6.17-Phase-1-Only-1quh5i0.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Update: Regarding Crane Staging for the AHU2 Repairs 6/13/17

Update: Regarding Crane Staging for the AHU2 Repairs 6/13/17

Click on the attached map showing the blocked locations. UOPD, Safety Risk Services, and CPFM Facilities Services personnel will be on site to ensure compliance with the closure. Reminder this is part of the emergency closure replacing the failed motor that services the Knight Library. The closure will begin Tuesday, June 13 at 6:00 am with the hope to be completed by 1:00 pm June 13.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.

Update:  A crane will be placed at the Knight Library on Tuesday June 13 from 6:00 am – 1:00 pm related to the AHU2 repairs.  The fire lane will be temporarily blocked to accommodate the staging and emergency repair.


Building Occupants,

The Knight Library AHU2 has failed.   Zone A is reaching out to a 3rd party vendor to perform the work as an emergency repair.  Until this time, BAS will be working with the functioning systems to ensure the best air flow possible in the affected areas which are the SE Part of the building on floors 1-4.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.