Notice: Intermittent Power Outages Allen Hall 7/11/17 6:00 am – 10:00 am

Building Occupants,

Due to utility testing Allen Hall will experience intermittent power outages on July 11, 2017 between 6:00 am – 10:00 am.  Crews from Utilities and Energy and Facilities Services will be working closely with a contractor to verify vector grouping.  This involves shutting down one transformer at a time.  Allen Hall is not in phase sequence. Transfer switches will be manually transferred in the computing center and the rest of the building will be walked to verify emergency system.

For questions or concerns on how this might impact your area you can contact CPFM Facilities Services Electrical and Lighting Supervisor Rob Berg 541-346-2313 or CPFM Utilities and Energy Electrical Supervisor Rick Tabor 541-346-7511