Hayward construction will cause traffic changes on East 15th


AtO March 22, 2019 – 9:31am

Starting April 10, construction on the two-year transformation of Hayward Field and East 15th Avenue will affect access to the Student Recreation Center, UO Psychology Clinic in Straub Hall and Earl Hall.

Access to East 15th Avenue will be fenced off at Onyx Street, and Onyx will have only one lane of traffic heading south.

A portion of the vehicle and bicycle parking on East 15th Avenue next to the Rec Center will be removed as part of the project, but access to the Rec Center’s main entrance on the north side of East 15th will be maintained. Vehicle access to the Rec Center will be via East 15th Avenue and Onyx, while East 15th will be restricted to westbound traffic only. Signs throughout the area will direct pedestrians to detours.

Patrons will be able to enter the psychology clinic via Straub Hall’s main doors on the west side of the building. Residents of Young and Stafford halls within Earl Hall will be able to reach the south-facing doors of those buildings by a fenced pathway that hugs the south side of Straub and Earl. The pathway will not allow access to East 15th Avenue or Onyx Street.

While parking spaces on Onyx Street will not be affected, users will need to access the psychology clinic by following signs around the north and west sides of Straub. Patrons with disabilities will be directed along an accessible route.

The street work will last into Fall May 2020. The East 15th Avenue transformation will progress eastward, allowing access to the Rec Center, Straub and Earl once again from the Onyx Street area, as portions of the project are completed. Access to the psychology clinic should return to normal by late June.

Closures, detours and access details are shown on a project map at the campus map site.

“We’ve pushed schedules and plans to take campus needs into consideration as much as we can, given the demands of the projects,” said Mike Harwood, associate vice president for campus planning and facilities management. “We reached out to the affected users to come up with the best workarounds that conditions give us. Our partner departments have been very helpful in letting us know their priorities.”

“We know this is challenging for users of these buildings,” Harwood said, “but ultimately the transformation of 15th Avenue into a nonmotorized mall is going to be great for all the student, faculty and staff pedestrians and cyclists that use this area so heavily.”

Construction workers and equipment will now enter and leave the site from both East 15th Avenue at Agate Street and the Onyx gate on the west side of East 15th, leaving campus via University Street.

Lawrence Hall East Entry Closure 4/3

Facilities Liaisons,

The East entry to Lawrence Hall will be temporarily re-routed while Terra Firma Foundation Systems is on site making necessary sidewalk repairs. The East entry will remain accessible for emergency egress only. Please see below diagram for the work area. Use caution in the yellow area. There will also be intermitted low-level noise during this work.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Facilities Services Landscape Supervisor Phil Carroll at 541-246-0031.

Oregon Hall Hot Water Shutdown 3/26

Facilities Liaisons,

Due to immediate repairs to the hot water heater that services Oregon Hall the building will be without hot water until parts arrive and repairs can be completed. Updates will be sent out when the plumbing shop has additional information. This will impact restrooms and breakrooms building-wide

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Work Control Center at 541-346-2319.

New Date! HVAC service and inspection at KWAX 4/19

This was moved to April 19.
On Friday, March 29. HVAC will be accessing rooftop equipment to complete equipment service and inspection. This should not affect the broadcast as they will not be directly over the studio. There will also be an inspection and servicing of interior equipment.

This was approved by building occupants and UO Real Estate on March 8, 2019.



Huestis Hall North Access Control System Offline through 4/12

Facilities Liaisons,

The network module in the AMAG panel has failed, the northwest and northeast access control system at Huestis Hall will offline for repairs through April 12, 2019.  This means that occupants requiring after hour access will need to use the south exterior or the north exterior (next to Streisnger (George) Hall).
For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Work Control Center at 541-346-2319.

Millrace I, II & III Potable Water Shutdown 3/27

Facilities Liaisons,

Potable water will be shut off to the Millrace Studios I, II, & III on March 27 for the entire day to repair a leak on the potable water line. This shutdown requires a sink and restroom closure. The contractor Roto-Rooter will completing repairs. Crews hope to have service restored by 5:00 pm.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Facilities Services Associate Director Kevin Farthing at 541-359-6633.

Moss Street Children’s Center Gas Meter Replacement 3/25 – 3/27

Facilities Liaisons,

NW Natural Gas and Brothers Plumbing will be onsite at Moss St. Children’s Center installing a new gas meter over spring break. The project will run from March 25 – March 27. EMU has reserved four parking spaces out front of the building allowing crews to complete repairs. All work is on the exterior of the building.

For questions or concerns, please contact:

EMU Building Superintendent

Posted in Gas

Campus Bark Blowing Advisory over Spring Break

Facilities Liaisons,

Lane Forest Products will be on campus March 27 – 28 spreading bark. Please expect noise from bark blowing trucks and temporary obstructions in designated areas. Crews will be working from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm both days.

Impacted Areas:


Jaqua Academic Center

Knight Library

Knight Law

Lokey Education

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Landscape Supervisor Phil Carroll at 541-246-0031.

Reduction in Service for Custodial Spring Training 3/26

Facilities Liaisons,

On March 26, 2019, many of our custodians will be participating in an off-campus training activity. As a result, there will be a reduction in service to all of the buildings cleaned by CPFM Custodial Services on that day. We anticipate that the cleaning needs in the building will be reduced during this time because of spring break; however, support will be available to respond if there is an urgent custodial need.

If you have concerns, please contact CPFM Work Control at workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu or call 541-346-2319. You can also submit requests online at https://cgis.uoregon.edu/Calllog

Thank you for your patience and support of this vital employee development opportunity.

Tim Winder
Interim Custodial Services Manager
CPFM | University of Oregon

Power Outage Impacting Buildings 503, 534, 539, 587, 607 and 608 April 3, 2019

Facilities Liaisons,

As part of the utility rerouting work for the Black Cultural Center project, EWEB will shut down power on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in the below listed buildings.

Impacted Buildings:

503 (Housing) 1528 Villard + Shed
534 (MNCH) Green House
539 (Housing) 1542 Villard
587 (Housing) 1510 Villard
607 (MNCH) Moss House
608 (MNCH) Brown House

For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Martina Oxoby at 541-346-5880.

Construction Work on East Side of Oregon Hall 3/25 – 3/29

Facilities Liaisons,

We are continuing to perform corrective action on heating system components distributed in the building. The final activities to complete this work will be performed over spring break, from March 25th to March 29th.

This work will not impact building services.

The work involves replacing air and temperature sensors, moving sensors and replacing heating water valves in areas identified below. The majority of work will be done in ceiling spaces located in hallways, doorways and in selected rooms.

Disruptions to these spaces will be for a short duration while the contractor is performing the work.

For any questions or concern, please contact:

Jeff Madsen

Kevin Waldrop

Klamath Hall Natural Gas Shutdown 3/27

Facilities Liaisons,

As part of the third-floor renovation the contractor Lease Crutcher Lewis will be shutting down natural gas to Klamath Hall on March 27, at 7:00 pm with a restore time of 5:00 am on March 28. This is necessary while crews install valves to isolate the third floor from the rest of the building. This will be a building-wide natural gas shutdown.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Manager Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258.

Posted in Gas

Knight Law Power Outage 3/25

Building Occupants,

All power will be shut down to replace a fused bucket in the main distribution panel at Knight Law on Monday, March 25 from 6:00 am – 8:00 am. This will impact the entire building including elevators.
We have chosen early in the morning to limit the impact to building occupants.

This outage was coordinated with Clarence Young, Knight Law Facilities Manager.

Please let CPFM Facilities Services Electrical Supervisor Rob Berg 541-346-2313 know as soon as possible if there are any concerns regarding this electrical shutdown.

McKenzie Hall HVAC Shutdown, Floors 2, 3, and 4 North Side 3/27-3/28

Campus Community,

Beginning March 27, 2019 at 7:00a, the HVAC system in McKenzie Hall serving the north side of floors 2, 3, and 4 will be shut down to replace the failing Siemens building controls panel, along with the corresponding linked systems in the related air handlers associated with it. This shutdown will continue through 3:30p on March 28, 2019. Users may experience lower than normal temperatures throughout this shutdown. If you have questions or concerns, please contact CPFM’s Electrical Control System Technician Stacy Breaux at 541-346-2319.


Sewage Odor Campus Notification

This notice has been sent to campus wide Facilities Liaisons please share with building occupants.

Campus Planning and Facilities Management and Environmental Health and Safety have been receiving reports regarding an intermittent sewage-like odor in buildings across campus today. The odor has also been identified outside and inside buildings. Based on the facilities affected and locations where the odor has been identified, we believe that the source is unlikely to be related to university buildings or systems. If the odor persists or if you have any concerns, please notify Environment Health and Safety through the web form at:


Thank You!

Environmental Health & Safety

Hendricks Hall Restroom 327 Closure 3/25 – 4/4

Facilities Liaisons,

Hendricks Hall Restroom 327 will be closed for a remodel during Spring Break 3/25 – 4/3.  The impact to the building should be minimal due to work being performed by the night shift carpenters.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Facilities Services Structure & Support Manager Tad Lueck at 541-346-2273.


Black Cultural Center Utility Service Work Impacting Pedestrian Traffic 3/25 – 3/28

Campus Community,

As part of ongoing utility service work for the Black Cultural Center project, the fence line will be changing on the west and north ends of the project site.

The fence line on Villard Alley has been shifted to accommodate construction vehicle access points.

The sidewalk on 15th in front of the project will be closed starting Monday 3/25 and reopened on Thursday, 3/28 to allow for a new domestic water vault to be excavated and installed at the NE corner of the site. Pedestrian traffic will be routed to the north side of E 15th Ave.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Martina Oxoby at 541-346-5880.


UO BCC Site Logistics Plan Updated 3.5.19-SpringBreak-1ew6ccs

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2019/03/UO-BCC-Site-Logistics-Plan-Updated-3.5.19-SpringBreak-1ew6ccs.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Johnson Hall ADA Ramp Closure 3/23 – 3/31

Facilities Liaisons,

As part of the Tykeson Hall construction project, Fortis Construction will be repaving the sidewalk and ADA ramp from 13th Ave to the west entrance of Johnson Hall. ADA access will NOT be available during Spring Break, from March 23 – March 31. For ADA access to Johnson Hall, please call VPFA Office Staff at 541-346-3003. Additional site work will also be completed during this time. All thru-way pedestrian and bike traffic will be rerouted to the east side of Johnson Hall.

Sequence of work:
Saturday 3/23
Relocate site fence to incorporate sidewalks on north and east
Start Demo
Monday 3/25 – Friday 3/29
Demo sidewalks
Excavate for walks and Johnson rain drain
Install drain connections, backfill
Prep, form and pour sidewalks
Strip forms, tune up grading at walks
Saturday 3/30 – Sunday 3/31
Return fence to the original location on the east site boundary
Fence on 13th to remain in place, incorporating 13th sidewalk thru 5/31/19

General Project Questions: Martina Oxboy 541-346-5880

ADA Access: VPA Office Staff 541-346-3003

Johnson Hall ADA ramp (1)-2cybg63

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2019/03/Johnson-Hall-ADA-ramp-1-2cybg63.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Student Recreation Center Flooring Replacement and Mat Improvements 3/15 – 3/29

Facilities Liaisons,

In coordination with PE and Rec, CPFM Design & Construction will be conducting the flooring replacement and mat improvements to the Student Recreation Center rock wall area. Construction work is scheduled to commence 3/15 and continue until 3/29. The rock wall area will be closed during this time. Users can expect to hear normal and occasional construction noises such as hammering and drilling. A low to zero VOC adhesive with a faint non-hazardous odor will be used to install the tile. MSDS sheets will be on site and on file with EHS. Users will see the contractor, Preferred Construction & Rubenstein’s and their subs, working and entering/exiting the building with tools and materials during regular business hours. No utility disruptions or shutoffs are expected at this time.

For questions or concerns please CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Theo Davis at 541-346-1012.

Volcanology steam heat shutdown 3/13

Volcanology Facilities Liaisons,

Building Steam will be turned off on March 13, 2019, while crews install four radiators on the second floor of Volcanology. This will impact building heat during the duration of the outage. Steam will be restored as soon as the installation is complete. Facilities Services plumbing shop will be performing this work.

For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Colin Brennan at 541-346-8242

Lab Vacuum Shutdown in Klamath Hall Room 45 3/15

Klamath Facilities Liaisons,

The lab vacuum in Klamath Hall Room 45 will be offline on March 15, 2019, from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. The project manager confirmed there will be no classes during this outage. Work will occur in the basement mechanical room. The scope involves relocating the vacuum pump and reconnecting. Work will be performed by the contractor Lease Crutcher Lewis.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258.