4/28/23 Lokey Labs and Willamette Hall Chilled Water Shutdown

The time for this event has been revised to 7:00 am to 9:00 am.


Begin:  Friday, April 28, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, April 28, 2023, at 5:30 pm 9:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Lokey Labs and Willamette Hall

Scope:  As part of the Huestis Renovation project, the chilled water supply will be offline.

Services Impacted:  Chilled water will be shut down to both buildings.

Work Performed By:  JH Kelly

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Lokey Labs and Willamette Hall

4/07/23 Campus RO/DI Water Shutdown

Begin:  Friday, April 7, 2023. at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, April 7, 2023, at 11:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:

Scope:  As part of the Huestis Renovation Project, the RO water supply will be shut down to campus.

Locations Impacted:

  • Streisinger, Lokey Labs, and Willamette Hall RO water will be completed shut off and unavailable.
  • Klamath, LISB, Onyx, and Pacific will have limited supply.
  • Huestis basement will not be affected.

Work Performed By:  JH Kelly

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Pacific, Onyx, Klamath, Willamette, Streisinger, LISB, Lokey Labs

4/18/23 – 4/19/23 Klamath and Price Science Commons Automation System Panel Upgrades Advisory

Begin:  Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 6:00 am

End:      Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 10:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:   Klamath Hall and Price Science Commons

Scope:  Due to building automation system upgrades, two Siemens building automation system panels will be upgraded to provide better reliability of the building mechanical systems.  We will perform one panel upgrade per day starting at 6:00 am with systems returning to some level of operation by 8:00 am and all systems operating normally by 10:00 am.

4/18/23: PXCM60 – Located in Klamath Hall,

Systems impacted:
– Air Handling Unit Systems serving Klamath Hall Ground, 1st, and 2nd Floors
– Lab and Domestic Hot Water Heating System serving Klamath Hall
– Terminal HVAC devices and room temperature control serving Klamath Basement, Ground, 1st, and 2nd floor
– Lighting Controls: Lab 261

4/19/23: PXCM187 – Located in Klamath Hall,

Systems Impacted:
– Air Handling Unit Systems serving Price Science Commons and Klamath Basement
– Chilled water System serving Price Science Commons
– Heating Water System serving Price Science Commons and Klamath Hall
– Terminal HVAC equipment serving Price Science Commons
– Domestic Hot Water System serving Price Science Commons

Work Performed By:  Siemens

ContactKevin Waldrop, CPFM Facilities Engineer, 541-346-2315

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Klamath and Price Science Commons

4/11/23 Clinical Services Chilled Water Shutdown

Begin:  Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 3:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Clinical Services

Scope:  Due to an incorrectly located temperature sensor during the chilled water meter work, building air conditioning will be shutdown to install the sensor in the correct location.

Services Impacted:  There should be minimal impact to building users due to cooler Spring weather.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Utilities & Energy

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Clinical Services

3/29/23 Riverfront Parkway Road Closure Advisory

Begin:  Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 8:00 am

End:      Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 1:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Riverfront Parkway between Millrace Drive and Franklin Boulevard

Scope:  An unexpected shutdown of the intersection at Riverfront Parkway and Millrace Drive is underway.  The shutdown is expected to last until 1:00 pm today with southbound traffic opening sooner if possible.

Services Impacted:  All vehicles in the area will need to travel East on Millrace Drive to Garden Avenue for egress.

Work Performed By:  Hoffman Construction

ContactDenise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

4/07/23 and 4/28/23 – 13th Ave Garage Elevator Shutdown

UPDATE 4/20/23: 
A second attempt to seal the elevator pit will take place on Friday, April 28th, at 9:30 am.  Work is expected to last for approximately 1.5 hours and elevators can resume operation directly after repair attempt.


UPDATE 4/7/23: 
Work has been completed ahead of schedule.  Both elevators are now operational.


Begin:  Friday, April 7, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, April 7, 2023, at 4:30 pm at 10:30 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  13th Ave. Garage

Scope:  The elevators at 13th Ave Garage will be shut down to address flooding in the elevator pit.  Both elevators will be down to clean out the pit and seal it.  This work is required by the State Elevator inspector and needs to be completed as soon as possible.

Services Impacted:

  • Signs will be placed outside the garage entrances to remind users that the elevators will be offline.
  • Both elevators will be down the majority of the day.

Special Instructions:  If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services and Otis

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of 13th Ave. Garage

3/27/23 Area between Pacific and Columbia Hall Test Hole Noise Advisory

Begin:  Monday, March 27, 2023 – effective immediately

End:      Monday, March 27, 2023 – end of day but possibly sooner

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Between Pacific and Columbia Halls

Scope:  Test holes and scanning are underway for a tunnel leak.

Services Impacted:  Loud noise is to be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  Hydro Excavator

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of area around Pacific and Columbia

3/27/23 – 3/31/23 Knight Library Noise Advisory

Begin:  Monday, March 27, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, March 31, 2023,  at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Knight Library

Scope:  Fall protection anchors will be installed on the south roof of the building.  Twenty four separate holes will be drilled, causing the noise to transmit throughout the building during this time.

Services Impacted:  Noise is to be expected while the drilling takes place in the concrete roof deck.

Work Performed By:  Preferred Construction

ContactBruce Budzik, CPFM Small Projects & Cap Imp Manager, 541-346-8834

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Knight Library

3/24/23 – 3/27/23 Willamette Hall Room 344 Walk In Freezer Offline

Begin:  Friday, March 24, 2023 – effective immediately

End:      Monday, March 27, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Willamette Hall Room 344

Scope:  The walk in freezer is offline for needed repairs.  It is expected to be returned to service on Monday.

Services Impacted:  Walk in freezer is out of service.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Willamette Hall Room 344

3/24/23 Johnson Hall and Tykeson Sidewalk Pressure Washing Advisory

Begin:  Friday, March 24, 2023 – effective immediately

End:      Friday, March 24, 2023 – by 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Johnson Hall and Tykeson Hall

Scope:  CPFM Facilities needs to do some pressure washing to clean up debris left after using a lift between the two buildings.

Services Impacted:  Pressure washing noise can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Johnson Hall and Tykeson Hall

3/20/23 – 4/14/23 CPFM Warehouse Design & Construction Remodeling Activity Advisory

Begin:  Monday, March 20, 2023

End:      Friday, April 14, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  CPFM Warehouse Building 130

Scope:  Design & Construction is remodeling offices on the second floor of the CPFM Warehouse.

Services Impacted:  Noise can be expected as walls are installed and reconfigured.

Work Performed By:  Preferred Construction

ContactBruce Budzik, CPFM Small Projects & Cap Imp Manager, 541-346-8834

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of CPFM Warehouse and Shops Building 130

3/28/23 Prince Lucien Campbell Building Used for Emergency Training

A note from Safety & Risk Services:

On Tuesday, March 28th from approximately 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, the Eugene Springfield Fire Department will be conducting training in Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC).

The training will involve completing a high-speed walk-through response to a reported fire on an upper level of the building. No alarms or water will be used, though they will lay out fire hose in the stairwells and may bring in other equipment. This exercise may block one set of stairs at a time. They may test on multiple sets of stairs. Other stairwells and elevators will still be available.

While the doors to PLC are scheduled to be locked during spring break, they will be unlocked during this time.

If you have questions, please direct them to safety@uoregon.edu.

Thank you,


Krista M. Dillon | Chief of Staff & Senior Director of Operations

Safety and Risk Services

1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260

(W) (541) 346-3588 | kristam@uoregon.edu

Pic of PLC

3/28/23 Living Learning Center North and South Steam Shutdown

Begin:  Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 1:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Living Learning North and South

Scope:  Due to a steam pipe component leak, building heat, and hot water will be shutdown to remove and install new component gaskets.

Services Impacted:

  • Domestic hot water and building heat will be down during this time.
  • Work will take place in room 020 of LLC North.

Work Performed By:  Utilities and Energy

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Map of Living Learning Center

4/24/23 – 4/25/23 Allen Hall Chilled Water Shutdown

The work has been rescheduled for April 24 and 25.

An update will be sent when shutdown has been rescheduled.

BeginMonday, April 3rd, 2023, at 8:00 am Monday, April 24th, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, at 4:30 pm Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Building Affected:  Allen Hall

Scope:  Due to the installation of pressure limiting equipment, the plant chilled water system will be interrupted to the building.

Services Impacted:  Chilled water will be offline during this time.

Work Performed By:  S2 Industrial

ContactDavid Kephart, CPFM Project Mechanical Engineer, 541-231-7729

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.


4/05/23 Huestis Basement Chilled Water Supply Shutdown

Begin:  Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 7:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Huestis Basement

Scope:  As part of the Huestis Renovation project, the chilled water supply will be offline to Huestis basement. This may impact Zebrafish’s AHU 1 and 2 and LEF 1 and 2.

Services Impacted:  This will affect the chilled water, exhaust, and HVAC air supply.

Work Performed By:  JH Kelly

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/28/23 – 3/29/23 Lewis Integrative, Lokey Labs, and Willamette Process Chilled Water Shutdown

Begin:  Tuesday, March 28, 2023

End:      Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Lewis Integrative Science Building, Lokey Labs, and Willamette Hall

Scope:  CPFM Design and Construction will temporarily isolate individual process chilled water equipment drops in Lewis Integrative Science Building and Lokey Labs.  The process chilled water system needs a few final adjustments to complete the project to improve system operation, water quality, and redundancy.

3/28-3/29: Installation of additional ball valves on equipment drops in LISB and Lokey Labs will allow for bypass water flow when equipment is not connected. This will require equipment to be disconnected during installation.  Immediately following valve installation, the equipment can be reconnected.  The process chilled water system will remain active during this work and the only interruption will occur at individual equipment drops.

3/29-3/31: Water flow adjusting and balancing for the system will occur during this time.  A contractor will need to access each equipment drop and will make adjustments to the manual balance valves. Flow to individual equipment drops in Willamette may be disrupted for a few minutes if there is a manual balancing valve already installed in the bypass piping. Any interruptions in Willamette will be short and no other buildings have this condition, so they will not be impacted.

This will impact:

  • Willamette: Rooms 36, 39, 41C, 42, 154, 242, 255, 272, 273
  • LISB: 003, 004A, 004B, 004C, 004D, 018
  • Lokey Labs: 053A, 063, 073, 073A, 080, 083A, 083A, 087A, 096A, 097A

Work Performed By:  S2 Industrial, Air Inc.

ContactKevin Waldrop, CPFM Facilities Engineer, 541-346-2315

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/27/23 – 3/28/23 Spring Break Grease Trap Cleaning Odor Advisory

Begin:  Monday, March 27, 2023

End:      Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Scope:  Housing and Dining will have a contractor clean the grease traps in select areas – see schedule below

Buildings and Schedule:

Monday, March 27th

  • 7:00 am –         Central Kitchen – grease interceptor
  • 9:00 am –         Carson Hall – grease interceptor
  • 11:00 am –        Global Scholars – grease interceptor and hydro jet
  • 1:00 pm –         Barnhart Hall – grease interceptor and hydro jet
  • 3:00 pm –         Unthank Hall – grease interceptor

Tuesday, March 28th  

  • 8:00 am –         Carson Hall – hydro jet via sewer main line
  • 9:00 am –         Hamilton Hall – hydro jet via sewer main line
  • 10:00 am –       Hamilton Hall – grease trap
  • 11:00 am –        Ford Alumni – grease trap
  • 1:00 pm –         Knight Library – grease trap
  • 2:00 pm –         Tykeson Hall – grease trap
  • 3:00 pm –         Hedco – grease trap
  • 4:00 pm –        EMU – grease interceptor

Services Impacted:  Noise can be expected in the area, along with the possibility of encountering unpleasant odors outside the building with potential drift inside via entryways.

Work Performed By:  Roto Rooter

ContactFarrah Meade, University Housing, HCS & Work Control Manager, 541-346-4082

4/03/23 Huestis Basement Steam and Condensate Shutdown

Begin:  Monday, April 3, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Monday, April 3, 2023, at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Huestis Hall

Scope:  As part of the Huestis Renovation project, the steam and condensate to the Zebrafish Facility in the basement of Huestis Hall will be offline. This will also require the shutdown of equipment LEF 1&2, AHU 1&2, Willamette Hall supply and exhaust fan to quarantine. Dish and rack washing will be affected and scheduled off during this period.

Services Impacted:  This will affect the heating systems, exhaust, HVAC air supply, and steam condensate.

Work Performed By:  JH Kelly

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/28/23 – 9/15/23 Knight Library Basement Abatement and Demolition Advisory

UPDATE 6/15/23:
The week of June 20th electrical work will be occurring in the ceiling of hallway H037, the west hallway of the basement level.  During this above head work, the hallway will be closed to regular foot traffic.  Access to the southern portions of the basement will be directed through hallway 30 and hallway 57.


UPDATE 6/01/23:
Abatement of ductwork and two older mechanical units in rooms 56 and 50A is scheduled to start on Monday, June 5th and finish on Friday, June 16th.  Noise can be expected during this time.


UPDATE 5/02/23:
Abatement has been completed and general demolition work should be finished by next week.  We will then begin the construction phase with an expected end date in early September.
This Wednesday morning, May 3rd, Preferred Construction will be saw cutting concrete in the basement. The extra noise associated with this will occur between 7:00 am – 10:00 am.


UPDATE 4/6/23:
General demolition in preparation for construction will start April 17th.  Signage will be in the halls directing use of the temporary location for the Testing Center in rooms 41 & 42.  Hallway H30 will remain open, though may have temporary closures as work is occurring in the area. Please watch for signage in this area. Construction is expected to continue through the summer with completion in early September. There also will be material removal and delivery occurring through the double doors to the exterior on the basement level northwest corner at times.

Diagram of Knight Library basement

CPFMnoticePlan (1)

UPDATE:  The completion date for the abatement portion of this project has been extended out to Friday, April 14, 2023.  An update will be provided when a timeline for the demolition and construction portion has been finalized.

Begin:  Tuesday, March 28, 2023

End:      Thursday, April 6, 2023 Friday, April 14, 2023 (abatement), Friday, September 15, 2023 (project completed)

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Knight Library

Scope:  Abatement and demolition will be underway in the basement as part of the Consolidated Testing Center Renovation. The lower northwest entrance and hall H30 will be blocked temporarily, but not for the entire work period. Hallway H30 and the entrance will be addressed first during the week of Spring Break to minimize ADA disruption.

Services Impacted:  Lower northwest entrance hall, H30, and a small corner in hall H57. The following rooms have been vacated and are part of the renovation: 19, 19A, 30, 30A, 32, 33, 34, H31, 31, 31A, 31B, and 58

Special Instructions:  If you need an accessible entrance during this time period, please plan to use the accessible entrance on the NE main floor.

Work Performed By:  Rose City Contracting

ContactJanell Cottam, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-7536

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/21/23 Oregon Hall Structural Assessment

Begin:  Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 7:30 am

End:      Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 10:30 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Oregon Hall, 2nd Floor Financial Aid Offices L287, 287A, 267, 268, H277, 272, 274, 278, 279, 282, 284, 286, H285, 281, 280

Scope:  As part of a structural investigation for the sloping third floor, we have engaged a structural engineer. The engineer and facilities assistants will be accessing the third floor structure for a visual assessment. This requires access to the 2nd floor Financial Aid department offices. The team will use a ladder to access the ceiling area. The areas to be investigated are included in the attached map. It should only take a few hours to access and view the different points the engineer is interested in.

Services Impacted:  When we enter certain offices, we will likely interrupt the occupant for a short time. They may need to step out so the ladder can access the ceiling in their office.

Work Performed By:  Hohbach-Lewin and Facilities

ContactJanell Cottam, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-7536

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.


3/27/23 – 3/30/23 Klamath Hall Hot Water Pipe Work Advisory

Begin:  Monday, March 27, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Klamath Hall

Scope:  In order to improve efficiency, hot water piping will be reworked to increase water flow to SF-2 in B033. Heating system will remain operational throughout.

Services Impacted:  Occupants may periodically experience slightly cooler than normal temperatures.

Work Performed By:  S2 Industrial

ContactDavid Kephart, CPFM Project Mechanical Engineer, 541-231-7729

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/21/23 Gerlinger Hall Downspout Work Advisory

Begin:  Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Gerlinger Hall

Scope:  Approximately nine downspouts will be installed on Gerlinger Hall tomorrow.

Services Impacted:  Contactors will be in the area and associated noise is to be expected.

Work Performed By:  Stedman Sheet Metal

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/20/23 – 3/31/23 Parking Lot 2 (South of CPFM Warehouse) Light Pole Installation Advisory

UPDATE 4/26/23:
We will be blocking four spaces at the base of each of the two poles in Parking Lot 2 for the installation of the security cameras. This will occur Tuesday, May 2nd – Thursday, May 4th.  We do not anticipate any other disruption to the area.  Work will be performed by ADT Security.


UPDATE 3/30/23:
A crane truck will be in Parking Lot 2 tomorrow, March 31st, starting at 11:00 am to install the two light poles and heads. Spaces near the pole bases will be blocked tonight after work. The north access lane of the parking lot will be blocked for through traffic during the installation. If you park in this area, be aware you may be blocked during the time of the lift. Parking along the mill race and that access area will remain open.

Diagram of Parking Lot 2

UPDATE 3/07/23:
We will be closing spaces and blocking through traffic in Parking Lot 2, south of the CPFM building.  User’s with B-North Permits are allowed to also park in C lots which include the Millrace Garage.  Fencing will be up around the construction area. Be aware of construction equipment and activity when driving and parking in the remaining spots. The drive through area adjacent to the CPFM building will be re-opened between construction activities as possible.  The drive through in the lot will be closed for the duration.  The majority of the work and space closures will be completed by Monday, March 27.  Additional camera installation and cabling will continue through March 31st.   During the week of March 27th-31st, traffic lanes will be open and only a few spots near the new poles will be blocked for work.


UPDATE 2/7/23:
Parking spaces (approx. 35 spaces) and traffic flow in Parking Lot 2 will be impacted during the installation of two light poles with cameras.
We have moved the start date up by three days (3/20/23 – 3/31/23) so that the construction will be completed by the end of Spring Break.
We will coordinate with those using the lot for alternative parking solutions during the construction.
See revised diagram.


Begin: Thursday, March 23, 2023 Monday, March 20, 2023

End: Friday, April 07, 2023 Friday, March 31, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Parking Lot 2 (South of CPFM Warehouse)

Scope:  Two new light poles with security cameras are scheduled to be installed in Parking Lot 2.

Services Impacted:

  • This will impact the availability of some parking spaces and modify the traffic flow during the construction.
  • Construction and Design is working with Parking to develop temporary parking solutions as needed.

Work Performed By:  Preferred Construction

ContactJanell Cottam, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-7536

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/20/23 – 3/27/03 UPDATE – Parking Lot 2 (South of CPFM Warehouse) Light Pole Installation Advisory

UPDATE 3/07/23:

We will be closing spaces and blocking through traffic in Parking Lot 2, south of the CPFM building.  User’s with B-North Permits are allowed to also park in C lots which include the Millrace Garage.  Fencing will be up around the construction area. Be aware of construction equipment and activity when driving and parking in the remaining spots.  The drive through area adjacent to the CPFM building will be re-opened between construction activities as possible.  The drive through in the lot will be closed for the duration.  The majority of the work and space closures will be completed by Monday, March 27.  Additional camera installation and cabling will continue through March 31st.   During the week of March 27th-31st, traffic lanes will be open and only a few spots near the new poles will be blocked for work.

UPDATE: 2-7-23:

Parking spaces (approx. 35 spaces) and traffic flow in Parking Lot 2 will be impacted during the installation of two light poles with cameras.

We have moved the start date up by three days so that the construction will be completed by the end of Spring Break.

We will coordinate with those using the lot for alternative parking solutions during the construction.

See revised diagram.

Begin: Thursday, March 23, 2023   Monday, March 20, 2023, at 7:00 am

End: Friday, April 07, 2023   Friday, March 31, at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected: Parking Lot 2 (South of CPFM Warehouse)

Scope: Two new light poles with security cameras are scheduled to be installed in Parking Lot 2.

Services Impacted:

  • This will impact the availability of some parking spaces and modify the traffic flow during the construction.
  • Construction and Design is working with Parking to develop temporary parking solutions as needed.

Work Performed By: Preferred Construction

Contact: Janell Cottam, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-7536

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

3/20/23 – 3/22/23 Clinical Services Building Chilled Water Shutdown

Begin:  Monday, March 20, 2023, at 7:30 am

End:      Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 3:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Clinical Services Building

Scope:  Due to the installation of a new chilled water meter, building air conditioning will be shutdown.

Services Impacted:

  • There will be some noise and slight odor from pipe work in basement mechanical room 050.
  • According to the current weather forecast, this work should have little to no impact on building users.

Work Performed By:  S2 Industrial

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.