ROTC Practice McArthur Court 10/11

Building Occupants, 

ROTC Cadets will be practicing at McArthur Court East facing basement entries on October 11, 2018 from 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm.. Please expect increased activity in this area.

For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Facilities Services Associate Director Jim Cody at 541-346-2302

PLC Electrical Vault Maintenance 10/23

Building Occupants,

On October 23, 2018, from 6 am – 7 am Utilities and Energy will be performing electrical vault maintenance at Prince Lucien Campbell Hall.  This work will only impact standby power and buildings users will not be affected unless the campus experiences a normal feeder power outage during this time.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Utilities and Energy Electrical Supervisor Rick Tabor at 541-346-7511.

Shutdown Postponed to January Seeking Feedback for Pacific Hall and Columbia Hall Power Outage over Winter Break

Due to conflicts with research activities the power outage has been postponed with a tentative date of January 18 – 19, 2019.

For questions or concerns please contact:

Jeff Madsen
Design & Construction
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
Office: 541.346.2256 | Cell: 541.505.4850




Primary Building Occupants,

During winter break it is necessary for Campus Planning and Facilities Management to replace a failing transformer that services Pacific Hall and Columbia Hall.  The transformer has failed three oil sampling tests showing contaminates during routine inspections.  The conclusion is that the transformer must be replaced.  This will require a normal power outage on an upcoming Saturday during winter break. Standby power will not be affected.

We are proposing Saturday, December 15th, 2018 to limit the impact to the building occupants.

Design and Construction will be contacting each building group to review the planned shutdown and specific considerations for each space.

Please submit all feedback to CPFM Design and Construction Nick Pritchard  541-346-9139