Past Meetings
SOMD MEETINGS | 2023–2024
FALL 2023
Tuesday, September 19 | Fall Kick-Off Meeting | 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Kick-off Meeting Agenda | Minutes
Friday, October 6 | canceled
Friday, November 3 | Agenda | Minutes
Friday, December 1 |canceled
Friday, January 12 | Agenda| Draft Summer Session Policy | Draft Window Covering Policy | Minutes
Friday, February 2 | canceled
Friday, March 1 | Agenda| NOM details | NOM results | Minutes
Friday, April 5 | Agenda | Minutes
Friday, May 3 | Agenda | NOM revised Summer Session Policy | Minutes
Friday, June 7 | Agenda | NOM – tabled | Minutes
Thursday, June 13 | Spring Wrap-Up Meeting | NOM (from June 7) | Minutes
SOMD MEETINGS | 2022–2023
FALL 2022
Tuesday, September 20 & Wednesday, September 21 | Fall Kick-Off Meeting
Area Updates | Agenda | Minutes | Vision Planning
Wednesday, October 12 | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, November 9 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Grad
Wednesday, December 7 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM UGrad
Wednesday, January 11 | Agenda | Minutes| Student Wellbeing Slides
Wednesday, February 8 | canceled | NOM (online ballot) | Ballot Results
Wednesday, March 8 | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, April 12 | Agenda | Minutes | Climate Survey Results
Wednesday, May 10 | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, June 7 | Extra meeting RE draft policy docs | Minutes
Thursday, June 15 | Spring Wrap-Up Meeting | Minutes
SOMD MEETINGS | 2021–2022
FALL 2021
Tuesday, September 21 | Fall Kick-Off Meeting | 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Agenda | Faculty Updates and Accomplishments | Meeting Slides | Meeting Recording
Wednesday, October 13 | Meeting w/ Provost Phillips | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, November 10 | canceled | NOM Grad Piano Pedagogy (online ballot) | Ballot Results
Wednesday, December 8 | canceled** | NOM Ugrad Applied Voice (online ballot) | Ballot Results
**Department meetings on 12/8/21 RE IHP proposals | 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 12 | canceled
Wednesday, February 9 | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, March 9 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Ugrad course proposal | NOM Grad ensemble requirement –tabled | NOM Grad language requirement
Wednesday, April 13 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Ugrad BA Music Theory
Wednesday, May 11 | Agenda| Minutes
Thursday, June 9 | Spring Wrap-Up Meeting | 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. | Agenda | Slides| NOM Ugrad BA Popular Music (online ballot) | Ballot Results
Retirement and End-of-Year Reception to follow wrap-up meeting [approx 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.]
SOMD MEETINGS | 2020–2021
FALL 2020 | Remote Zoom Meetings
Tuesday, September 22 | Fall Kick-Off Meeting | 8:30 a.m.2:30 p.m.
Agenda | Area Updates | Zoom Recording | Minutes
Wednesday, October 14 | Agenda | Minutes
Wednesday, November 11 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM 487/587 | NOM 627 | NOM 628
WINTER 2021 | Remote Zoom Meetings
Wednesday, January 13 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Ugrad Course Proposals | NOM 670 | NOM Grad Specialization HPP | NOM CEI
Wednesday, February 10 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Ugrad Course Proposals | NOM Jazz Studies | NOM Popular Music
Wednesday, March 10 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Grad Specialization Collaborative Piano | NOM PhD
SPRING 2021 | Remote Zoom Meetings
Wednesday, April 14 | Agenda | Minutes | NOM Music History & Lit | NOM Professional Development Policy
Wednesday, April 28 | Meeting w/ Revolve Consulting
Wednesday, May 12 | Agenda | Minutes
Thursday, May 20 | canceled
Wednesday, May 26 | Meeting w/ Revolve Consulting
Thursday, June 10 | Spring Wrap-Up Meeting | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Agenda| Minutes | NOM SOMD Internal Governance Policy
SOMD MEETINGS | 2019–2020
FALL 2019
Tuesday, September 24 | Agenda | Presentation
October 16 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion: Graduate Committee
November 13 | Agenda | Minutes
January 22 | Agenda | Minutes | Cybersecurity Awareness Training Slides | Notice of Motion: Undergraduate Committee
February 19—Canceled / Notice of Motion: Graduate Committee (online ballot) / Ballot Results
April 15 [via zoom] | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion: Graduate Committee
May 13—[via zoom] Agenda / Minutes
May 27—[via zoom] Special Faculty Meeting RE SOMD Restructuring | Slides
Thursday, June 11* | 3:00-5:00 p.m.—[via zoom] Agenda | Minutes | NOM: MUS 428/528 | NOM: MUS 436/536 | NOM: Grad Specialization in Jazz Pedagogy
SOMD MEETINGS | 2018–2019
FALL 2018
September 18 | Agenda
October 17 | Agenda | Minutes
November 28 | Agenda | Minutes
January 30 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of motion: Performance Certificate
March 13 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of motion from Curriculum Committee
April 24 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of motion: PhD in Music Education
May 29 | Agenda | Minutes
June 12 | Agenda | Minutes
SOMD MEETINGS | 2017–2018
FALL 2017
September 19 | Agenda | Minutes
October 25 | Cancelled
November 29 | Agenda | Minutes
February 7 | Cancelled
March 14 | Agenda | Minutes
May 2 | Cancelled
June 6 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion: MUE 649: History of American Music Education and Syllabus
SOMD MEETINGS | 2016–2017
FALL 2016
September 20 | Agenda | Minutes | IDEAL, EXCELLENCE 2016-2021 Strategic Framework, Professional Development Opportunities
October 19 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion
November 30 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion
January 25 | Cancelled
February 15 | Cancelled
March 15 | Agenda | Minutes (includes SOMD Diversity Action Plan 2017–2020) | Notice of Motion withdrawn
April 19 | Agenda | Minutes | SOMD Strategic Framework for 2017-2022
May 10 | Agenda | Minutes
June 7 | Agenda | Minutes | Notices of Motion: MUP 100 & 112; MUE 432/532; MUE 438/538
SOMD MEETINGS | 2015–2016
FALL 2015
September 22 | Agenda | Minutes
November 05 | Agenda
January 13 | Agenda | Minutes
February 03 | Agenda | Minutes
March 09 | Agenda | Minutes | Notices of Motion (checklists a, b, c, d)
April 06 | Cancelled
May 04 | Agenda | Minutes | Notice of Motion
May 25 | Agenda | Minutes