(These are the curriculum expressions that are the backbone for Ella Inglebret’s curriculum, “Honoring Tribal Legacies in Telling the Lewis and Clark Story.”)
Big Ideas
- Honoring Tribal Legacies through exploration of stories related to the Lewis and Clark expedition, as told from different perspectives by tribal and non-tribal peoples.
Enduring Understandings
- History can be described and interpreted in various ways and from different perspectives.
- Knowledge of cultural, environmental, political, social, and economic factors affects how we make sense of a particular place and its stories.
Essential Questions
- How do different perspectives change the way stories of a place or event are told?
- Whose perspective is represented in specific stories related to the Lewis and Clark expedition?
- How do we understand a place?
- What is important to learn about tribes during and after the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial?
- How is perspective communicated by particular designers (authors, illustrators)?
- Why were particular designs and tools selected to tell a particular story?
- What alternative designs and tools might be used to re-tell a story?
- How does culture relate to the way a story is told?
- How does the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition change when tribal perspectives are added?
- How can you use this experience to make a contribution to cross-cultural understanding?
Key Knowledge Objectives
Students will be able to:
- Understand that the Lewis and Clark expedition travelled through the homelands of over 100 tribal nations and that each has a unique culture, history, and language.
- Identify specific American Indian tribes in a nearby area whose homelands were crossed by the Lewis and Clark expedition.
- Describe contributions that American Indian tribes made to the survival and successful completion of the journey of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
- Explain consequences of encounters between American Indian tribes and the Lewis and Clark expedition.
- Describe current priorities of American Indian nations along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.
- Use their knowledge and skills to create a new symbol for the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail that is inclusive of tribal and non-tribal perspectives.
Honoring Tribal Legacies Standard
The Eleventh Standard
Demonstrate environmental stewardship and a sense of service achieved through acknowledgement of the interconnectedness of humanity in historical, cultural, scientific, and spiritual contexts.