Update 2/5/20 from Denise Stewart – In order to insulate the piping so it will not sweat/condense when the chilled water is turned back on, this shutdown has been extended. The work is expected to be completed on Wednesday, February 12th.
Update 1/13/20 8:20 pm: From Jim Cody, Associate Director of Facilities Services:
Chilled water will be off to Klamath, Onyx Bridge, Streisinger, Huestis, and Willamette, including all processed cooling water loops until approximately noon on Tuesday, January 14th. Contractors are working overnight to install a bypass to allow most buildings to receive chilled water. Klamath and Onyx Bridge will continue to be without chilled water until the February 7th date identified in the initial shutdown.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258.
Update 1/13/20: In order to accommodate this chilled water shutdown request, both Huestis Hall and Willamette Hall will also be without chilled water for the duration.
Begin: January 13, 2020
End: February 7 12, 2020
Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: All of Huestis, Willamette, Klamath Hall, Onyx Bridge and Streisinger Hall
Services Impacted: Chilled Water and Cooling
Contact: Denise Stewart 541-335-1258
Scope: As part of the 3rd-floor renovation, we need an extended chilled water shutdown to replace piping in the basement of Klamath Hall. We have selected January 13 through February 7 12 to perform the work and the shutdown during a period the outside air temperatures are cool, and the demand for cooling of spaces is least likely.
Special Instructions:
If you find that a cooling source is needed, please contact the Owners Rep (Denise Stewart) who can provide temporary measures. The Owners Rep is currently planning to provide supplemental cooling to the Human Anatomy Lab, Klamath B53.
The below plan shows the area of work in the Klamath basement outside of mechanical spaces.