5/30/24 – Unknown – Pacific Hall Subbasement Standing Water Advisory


There is currently standing green water in the subbasement of Pacific Hall. They are working on getting the water pumped out and they hope it will be accessible by tomorrow. It is a possible that work might continue a few weeks after until issue is completely alleviated. Impact is not known at this time. Please contact Adam Jones if you have any further questions.

Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685

Overhead map Image of Pacific Hall

5/30/24 – Unknown – Pacific Hall Elevator, HVAC, Chilled Water, and Possible Emergency Power Shutdown

UPDATE 6/18/24 PM – Elevator:
The elevator has been restored to service.  Parts arrived today and the damaged components have been replaced.

UPDATE 6/18/24 AM – Elevator:
The elevator remains down due to damaged components caused by the flooding incident.  Parts are on order and an update will be provided when the elevator is back online.

UPDATE 5/31/24 – HVAC:

  • The HVAC system (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) for the north end of the building is expected to be offline for 2 – 4 weeks.  (see diagram below for specific areas affected).
  • Cooling has been restored to the freezer farm in room 17.

Diagram of Pacific Hall - HVAC Offline in Affected Rooms 5-31-24

UPDATE 5/31/24 – Elevator:
The elevator will remain offline till approximately Tuesday, June 4th.  Please use Lawrence Hall or Onyx Bridge’s elevators during this time.

UPDATE 5/30/24 – Elevator, HVAC, Chilled Water:
The elevator has been taken offline due to the flooding in the subbasement.  The elevators in Onyx Bridge are still accessible.  If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.

The HVAC system and the chilled water have also been shut down.


Begin: Thursday, May 30, 2024

End:     Unknown

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected: Pacific Hall

Pacific Hall may experience an emergency power shutdown due to a major chilled water leak happening right now.  Crews are attempting to isolate the leak but due to safety issues power may need to be shut down.

Work Performed By: Utilities and Energy & Facilities Services

Contact: Work Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Overhead map Image of Pacific Hall

Klamath Hall B020 and BH006 Water Intrusion Notification 5/14/24

In the past weeks, a clean steam slow leak resulted in building finish impacts in Klamath Hall B020 and the adjacent hallway. Impacts were substantial and were wet for an extended period of time. This led to the decision to demolish and replace affected materials. All demolition and new finish installation will be complete from within a negative pressure enclosure for dust control purposes. The hallway will remain open. Users of the Klamath Hall basement should expect to see activity and hear some noise associated with the work. We anticipate completion by the end of next week. Please do not tamper with the containment or air handling equipment. It is intended to keep construction dust out of adjacent lab spaces. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685


5/14/24 Onyx Bridge 169 and Cascade Annex East 160 Suite Water Intrusion Notification

Hi All,

On May 14, 2024, a faulty cooling coil resulted in a flood that impacted finishes in Onyx Bridge room 169 and the Cascade Annex East 160 Suite. Impacts were substantial. Fortunately, CPFM was able to triage and clean up standing water expeditiously, so we should be able to dry finishes in place with minimal impact. Users of the affected spaces should expect to see drying equipment starting as soon as tomorrow morning and being present with affected spaces for 1-2 weeks. Any necessary repairs will be made after drying has been confirmed to be complete. Drying equipment is noisy and can be disruptive. Please do not tamper with it, as that will prolong the drying process and may increase the likelihood that demolition may be necessary. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685

Image of Onyx Bridge 169 and Cascade Annex East 160

8/28/23 Klamath Hall Water Intrusion Advisory

On August 24, 2023, a water intrusion occurred in the Klamath Hall basement that resulted in water impacts in room B018, B020, B026, and the East hallway. The impacts were substantial enough to require mobilization of a restoration contractor to assist the University with drying out impacted finishes. We are confident that drying should be able to be accomplished with the vast majority of finishes undisturbed in approximately 7 days. In the meantime, users of Klamath Hall basement should expect to see equipment and containments in each of the spaces indicated above. The containments will help create a dry environment and speed the drying process. It is imperative that containments and equipment are left to run unimpeded in order to be successful and prevent larger scale demolition. Once the dry out is finished, repair and restoration will be transferred to CPFM. Please contact Adam Jones if you have questions.


Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685

Image of area affected by water intrusion in Klamath Hall 8/24/23


6/05/23 Onyx Bridge and Cascade Annex East Water Intrusion

In the early hours of June 5, 2023, a leak occurred from a water line in Onyx Bridge, Cold Room 485. The leak impacted several spaces on all floors of Onyx Bridge, and the southern portion of Cascade Annex East. Thanks to the quick work of CPFM staff, the building impacts were contained and limited to cabinetry, carpet, ceiling tiles, and/or wall finishes in the rooms listed below:

Onyx Bridge: 169, 170, H261, 265, 269, H361, 368, and 369.

Cascade Annex East: V150, 160, 160A, and 160B

The University has retained a mitigation contractor, Belfor, to provide mitigation services for all of the affected spaces. Our current mitigation strategy will be to dry out finishes in place where possible, with minimal demolition. This will include the use of dehumidification equipment and large fans strategically placed throughout affected areas. The equipment will generate heat and a significant amount of noise. EHS will oversee the dry out phase of the mitigation. Belfor began setup of mitigation equipment in the affected spaces today (June 7, 2023) and dry out status will be re-evaluated later this week. Once mitigation has been completed, the spaces will be reassembled by CPFM staff as needed.

Starting tomorrow (June 8, 2023), BELFOR will demolish the impacted and failing ceiling tiles in Hallway H261 outside of Rooms 268/269. This work will be performed within a negative pressure enclosure, and the containment will be constructed such that half of the hallway will be passable at all times. This is anticipated to be completed by end of day.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the mitigation phase of this incident. If any non-building related items were damaged as a result of this incident, contact Risk Management at 541-346-8316.


Nate Ferguson
Building Environmental Sciences Coordinator

Safety & Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
Office: 541.346.2901 | Mobile: 530.902.0109

Image of Onyx Bridge and Cascade Annex East

4/10/23 Klamath Hall Water Intrusion

UPDATE 4/21/23:

Good Afternoon Building Occupants,

As of this morning (4/21/23) all impacted materials are sufficiently dry and all mitigation equipment has been removed from the building. For spaces where finishes were damaged or removed (rubber base, ceiling tiles, etc.) during the water intrusion, the repairs will be performed/managed by Campus Planning and Facility management (CPFM) going forward.

A reminder, if any non-building related items were damaged as a result of this incident, contact Risk Management at 541-346-8316.

Thank you for your patience during the mitigation phase.

Nate Ferguson


UPDATE 4/14/23:

Good Afternoon Building Occupants,

We have been monitoring the status of the water intrusion mitigation efforts over the past few days, and the progress is promising. The plan is to let the drying equipment run over the weekend, and re-evaluate with the contractor first thing Monday morning. This re-evaluation will hopefully indicate some areas that are complete where we can begin to remove equipment.

There will still be areas that need additional time to dry, primarily those that had more significant wall impacts. In order to effectively dry the walls in place, the rubber base will need to be removed. As the mastic/adhesive used to attach the rubber base to the walls in several areas has asbestos, the University has retained Belfor (a certified asbestos abatement contractor) to perform the removal portion as an asbestos abatement project. All removal work will be completed within a full negative pressure enclosure using HEPA air filtration units in strict adherence to regulatory requirements, and will be overseen by UO Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). This work is slated to begin on Monday. The areas likely affected by this scenario are:

  • Rooms 083-091C (ground floor offices)
  • Office 179B

Following removal of the rubber base, the drying equipment will need to continue to operate for a few days.

As a reminder, please do not turn off any of the drying equipment. The equipment must operate continuously in order to effectively dry out the impacted finishes.

After mitigation efforts are complete, the repairs will be performed/managed by Campus Planning and Facility Management (CPFM).

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you for your continued patience during this process.

Nate Ferguson


Original notice:

Building Occupants,

In the early hours of April 10, 2023, a water leak occurred from a domestic water line in Klamath Hall, Room 189. The leak impacted several spaces on the 1st floor, ground floor, and basement level of the building. Thanks to the quick work of CPFM staff, the building impacts were contained and limited to cabinetry, carpet, ceiling tiles, and/or wall finishes in the rooms listed below:

B083, B083C, B089, 077, 083, 083A, 083B, 083C, 089, 091, 091A, 091B, 091C, 175, 175A, 179, 179A, 179B, 183A, and 183B, H183, and 189.

The University has retained a mitigation contractor, Belfor, to provide mitigation services for all of the affected spaces. Our current mitigation strategy will be to dry out finishes in place, with minimal demolition. This will include the use of dehumidification equipment and large fans strategically placed throughout affected areas. The equipment will generate heat and a significant amount of noise. EHS will oversee the dry out phase of the mitigation. Belfor began setup of mitigation equipment in the affected spaces yesterday (April 10, 2023), and dry out status will be re-evaluated later this week. Once mitigation has been completed, the spaces will be reassembled by CPFM staff.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the mitigation phase of this incident. If any non-building related items were damaged as a result of this incident, contact Risk Management at 541-346-8316.


Nate Ferguson
Building Environmental Sciences Coordinator

Safety & Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
Office: 541.346.2901 | Mobile: 530.902.0109

Image of Klamath Hall

1/20/23 Lewis Integrative Science Building Leak – User Update

In the early hours of January 19, 2023, a water leak occurred within the water softener system in LISB room 307B. The leak impacted several spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. Thanks to the quick work of CPFM staff, the impacts were contained and limited to some cabinetry, carpet, ceiling tiles, and/or gypsum board wall finishes in the rooms listed below.

201, 204, 206, 206A, 206B, 207, 207D, 303C, 304, 307, 307A, and 307B.

The University has retained a mitigation contractor, Belfor, to provide mitigation services for all of the affected spaces. Our current mitigation strategy will be to dry out finishes in place, with minimal demolition. This will include the use of dehumidification equipment and large fans strategically placed throughout affected areas. The equipment will generate heat and a significant amount of noise. EHS will oversee the dry out phase of the mitigation. Once mitigation has been completed, the space will be reassembled by CPFM staff. Belfor will be setting up mitigation equipment in the affected spaces this afternoon (January 20, 2023) to run over the weekend. Dry out status will be re-evaluated on Monday (January 23, 2023).

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the mitigation phase of this incident. If any non-building related items were damaged as a result of this incident, contact Risk Management at 541-346-8316.


Nate Ferguson

Building Environmental Sciences Coordinator



Safety & Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260

Office: 541.346.2901 | Mobile: 530.902.0109

8/19/22 – Unknown Computing Center Cooling Shutdown

Begin:  Today, August 19th, 2022 at 9:00 am

End:      Unknown, possibly Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Computing Center

Scope:  A water intrusion was found on the 2nd floor and Air Handling Unit 5 was determined to be the source. AHU-5 has been shut down to stop the water intrusion and will be off until repairs can be made. This will impact the cooling in the building.

Services Impacted:  Users may notice a difference in building cooling throughout the day.

Work Performed By: CPFM FS Mechanical and Plumbing Shops

ContactKyle Harshbarger, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Hendricks Hall Environmental Health Conditions and Protocol Advisory 11/24/21

Subject: Water intrusion related environmental health assessment and control protocols for Hendricks Hall room 107 and adjacencies.

CPFM discovered a small amount of mold growth in room 107 of Hendricks Hall the week of November 15th. This discovery was made during investigation of an exterior water leak. Approx. 3 ceiling tiles were removed that were impacted with mold growth, and additional mold growth was identified on the gypsum board substrate above the tiles. The total impact was 2-3 square feet in one room, with the ceiling tiles being removed intact. The cause of the leak was determined to be the building gutter system. Similar leaks have been assessed in this area in the past, but this is the first instance where mold growth has been identified. CPFM is working to minimize the likelihood of future water intrusions.

On November 22 the area was inspected by Environmental Health and Safety at the request of the occupant. EHS recommended that the removed ceiling tiles be disposed of, the hole in the ceiling be sealed, and out of an abundance of caution the office cleaned according to EPA recommended protocols. The recommendations were completed the week of this inspection by appropriately trained CPFM personnel. Due to the small area impacted and the manner in which work was conducted during the initial impact, contamination resulting from this incident in room 107 and adjacent building areas is estimated to be insignificant.

Moving forward, affected portions of the ceiling in room 107 will be demolished using EPA recommended mold abatement protocols. Mold contaminated materials will be demolished where possible and cleaned and disinfected where contaminated materials must remain. Abatement work will be conducted by trained CPFM personnel and managed by EHS. The ceiling will be patched following approval by EHS that contamination has been removed. Adjacent office areas will be evaluated and may receive similar treatment at a future date to be determined.

Thank you for your patience while we work through this issue.

Steven Stuckmeyer
Environmental Health and Safety Director
Radiation Safety Officer
541-346-3197  |  fax 541-346-7008
541-285-7593 cell
University of Oregon
Safety and Risk Services  |  1260 University of Oregon
1715 Franklin Blvd. Suite 2A, Eugene OR 97403-1260

McKenzie Hall Water Intrusion impacting rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors 11/14

Update 11/17/21:

Upon further detailed investigation, classrooms 221 & 214 were found to be unaffected by the mechanical failure.  Because these classrooms continue to be appropriately served by building HVAC systems as before, the recently installed portable filtration units will be relocated to areas where they provide needed benefits.

We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Work Control Center at 541-346-2319 or email workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.


Update 11/15/21:

McKenzie Hall faculty and staff,

In response to the water intrusion in room 127, facilities deployed portable air filtration units over the weekend so classes could be scheduled today.  Some of the units are operating at higher noise levels and will be replaced with quieter units today.  Facilities is investigating why the sump pump failure alarms did not function and have installed temporary water detection alarms in addition to supporting ongoing mitigation efforts.

Due to flooding with greywater, the following mitigation actions are underway, including engagement of restoration contractors:

  • Remove loose items from the space.
  • Catalog damaged items of value as a loss.
  • Clean and disinfect the mechanical room.
  • Clean and disinfect HVAC unit, remove and replace all damaged insulation.
  • Clean and disinfect return-air ductwork and duct insulation that was below the waterline.

The affected HVAC system is expected to remain offline for at least 2-3 weeks and until HVAC cleaning and restoration activities are complete.  Portable HEPA units will remain in place until the successful cleaning and testing of the HVAC system is complete.

The restoration contractors are working under the scope provided by Environmental Health and Safety professionals.

We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Work Control Center at 541-346-2319 or email workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu



Original Notice:

Over the weekend, McKenzie Hall mechanical room 127 was flooded with multiple feet of water. The water containment and clean up are complete. However, the HVAC system has been impacted and will remain offline for specific classrooms (listed below) until the system can be repaired or replaced. HEPA units have been set up in the affected classrooms to ensure proper air circulation and filtration. These are the same type of HEPA units that are currently used in older buildings across campus that do not have existing HVAC systems.

The affected areas in McKenzie may see some comfort impacts until the HVAC system is back online. Some of the HEPA units currently in place are the louder industrial style. These will be exchanged for the quieter commercial styles as those become available.

More information will be communicated this week as the repair needs and timelines are identified.










We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Work Control Center at 541-346-2319 or email workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu

Lillis Room 320 Water Leak Advisory 10/22/21

A water intrusion from overflowing roof drains has been identified in Lillis. It is currently known to be affecting room 320. Water containment and clean up response actions are underway including placing a fan to dry a small section of carpet.  Further updates will be sent as the situation develops.

Please direct all questions to CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319.

Oregon Hall 1st Floor Restrooms Shutdown 10/1/21-10/4/21

UPDATE: A contractor is removing carpet and baseboard from H190, building a containment, and drying the wall finishes in the area. The first floor restrooms will be closed until approximately 10:00 AM on Monday October 4, 2021. Diagram is attached.

Begin:  Immediately

End:      10/1/21 at 12:00 pm 10/4/21 at 10:00 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Oregon Hall L150, H151, H190, 190, 191, and 192

Scope:  Waste water from the restrooms backed up from the drains and intruded into hallways 151 and 190 and lobby 150.

Services Impacted: The area, including the restrooms, will be closed until approximately 12:00 pm. Roto Rooter will be on-site snaking the drain lines.

Extra Notes: We will send an update when the restrooms are operational again.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services Plumbing and Roto Rooter

Contact: Work Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 346-2319

Oregon Hall Waste Water Intrusion[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2021/10/Oregon-Hall-Waste-Water-Intrusion.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

Agate Hall Plumbing Leak Near Room 100 6/21/21

A water intrusion has been identified in Agate Hall coming from the restroom near room 100. Water containment and clean up response actions are underway; however, the full extent of impacts are not known at this time. Further updates will be sent as the situation develops. Please direct all questions to CPFM Work Control at 541.346.2319.

Knight Library 4th Floor HVAC Leak 6/21/21

A water intrusion has been identified in Knight Library. It is currently known to be affecting the 4th floor between stacks 147 and 148. Water containment and clean up response actions are underway; however, the full extent of impacts are not known at this time. Further updates will be sent as the situation develops. Please direct all questions to CPFM Work Control at 541.346.2319.

Lokey Ed (West) Entrance Closure on the North 2/25/21 – 4/16/21

UPDATE 3/25: Due to delays, this closure needs to be extended three weeks.

Begin:  Thursday, February 25th, 2021 – effective immediately

End:      Friday, March 26th, 2021 – rough estimate April 16th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Lokey Education West – north entrance L125

Scope:  A leak has caused damage to the north entrance area and needs to be closed.  The duration of the repairs are unknown at this point and the entrance may not be reopened for potentially four weeks.

Services Impacted:

  • The north entrance will be closed.
  • Construction noise can be expected during repairs and carpet replacement.

Special Instructions:  Please use an alternative entrance.

Work Performed By:  UO CPFM Facilities Services

ContactKevin Wilson, CPFM Construction Field Superintendent, 541-968-4024

PLC Water Intrusion on Sixth Floor

UPDATE 10/1/20:

Crews will be working on the 5th and 6th floors.  There will be noise and congestion in the work areas as this issue is addressed.


Wednesday, September 30th, a water intrusion has been identified in PLC, affecting the sixth floor. Water containment and clean up response actions have started, and EH&S will evaluate for building impacts this morning. Mitigation will be taking place in the coming days to dry affected building finishes. Mitigation will be managed by EH&S and CPFM. Please direct all questions to CPFM Work Control at 541.346.2319.


The water intrusion was caused by a malfunctioning drinking fountain in the South portion of hallway 601 near the elevators. Occupants of affected spaces should catalog any damaged items and report them to Risk Management. Further information about this process can be found at: https://safety.uoregon.edu/property-claims.

Additional information will be provided as the situation develops.

Allen Hall Water Intrusion 5/9/20

This email is intended to provide information regarding the water intrusion event in Allen Hall on 5-9-2020. Specific areas impacted, mitigation planning, an overview of the process, and insurance process guidelines are included below.

The cause of the water intrusion is related to a piece of HVAC equipment above the ceiling at the South end of H301. The specific cause has yet to be determined, but the unit has been turned off and the leak has been halted.

Areas impacted include rooms H301, 302, H318, 319, 319A, & 221. The areas will be contained and dried over the coming days. Access may be challenging during this time. We anticipate mitigation set up to begin on Monday 5-11-2020 in the afternoon. Minimal amounts of impacts to building finishes will be conducted, and noisy equipment will be used for days to dry affected materials. It is imperative that the equipment is left alone to run uninterrupted to promulgate drying.

The mitigation process is tasked with drying all affected materials with the ultimate goal of limiting demolition and preventing mold growth. The mitigation process is managed by Environmental Health & Safety.

The reconstruction process is tasked with returning the space to finished and operational status. The reconstruction process is managed by CPFM.

Both mitigation and reconstruction are conducted by University staff whenever possible to save money and reduce complications associated with the work. Outside contractors are used when mitigation or reconstruction scopes exceed our available staff or equipment resources.

Individual departments are responsible for inventorying damaged non-building related items, such as computers, office furnishings, lab equipment, etc. The Office of Risk Management within Safety & Risk Services is available to provide guidance, inventory forms, and other information on the insurance process associated with these claims. This information can be found at https://safety.uoregon.edu/property-claims.

Klamath Hall Water Intrusion 11/21/19

A water intrusion in Klamath Hall was caused by a safety shower in the third-floor restroom that was activated and left on. The event that led to the shower being turned on is under investigation at this time. Damages include impacts to wall and ceiling finishes in the areas indicated on the diagram below. EHS will prepare a more detailed inventory through the course of today. There also appears to be impacts to office equipment and lab equipment as a result of this event. 

Individual departments are responsible for inventorying damaged non-building related items, such as computers, office furnishings, lab equipment, etc. The Office of Risk Management within Safety & Risk Services is available to provide guidance, inventory forms, and other information on the insurance process associated with these claims. This information can be found at https://safety.uoregon.edu/property-claims. Please contact Risk Management if you have any questions about this process. Their contact information is indicated on the website link above. 

Occupants can expect obstructions in the hallways, related to the containment set up, in order to remove impacted rubber cove base and sheetrock.  These installations may be up as long as a week.

Please direct all other questions to CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319.


Water Intrusion Impacting Cascade 11/20

A water intrusion has been identified in Cascade. It is currently known to be affecting Cascade rooms 105C and 030.  These rooms are accessed through Price Science Commons. Water containment and clean up response actions are underway; however, the full extent of impacts are not known at this time. Further updates will be sent as the situation develops.

Please direct all questions to CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319.

Notice has been sent to building occupants in Cascade and Price Science Commons