9/21/23 – 9/22/23 Campus Move In Traffic and Parking Impacts Advisory

As the UO welcomes new resident students to campus, Transportation Services would like to make you aware of some upcoming traffic and parking impacts that are expected the week of September 18th. To help accommodate this large move-in process, we encourage parkers to avoid parking lots around the residence halls this week.

Traffic impacts related to street closures near residence halls on 9/21 and 9/22:

  • Agate Street and portions of 13th, 15th, and 17th Avenues will be restricted to Move-in traffic and vehicles on UO business.
  • All 13th Ave. traffic must enter from 13th Ave. and Franklin Blvd. and should expect delays.
  • Permit holders will be able to access UO lots but should expect delays.
  • 13th Ave. between University and Agate Streets will be restricted to westbound traffic only.
  • The 13th Ave. Garage will be open to permit holders.
  • Lots 29A, 29D, 33, 36A and 37 will be reserved for Move in.

For questions or concerns, please contact Transportation Services at 541-346-5444.

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of affected roads during Move In 9/21/23 - 9/22/23

9/22/23 – 9/26/23 Esslinger Hall Room H151, 155, 156, 156A, 157, 161, 163, & 165 Renovation Advisory

Work has been rescheduled to take place Friday, 9/22, and run through Tuesday, 9/26.


BeginSeptember 20,   Friday, September 22, 2023

End:      September 22,    Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Esslinger Hall H151, 155, 156, 156A, 175, 161, 163, & 165

Scope:  Renovation demolition and abatement will take place in the locations listed above.

Services Impacted:  Construction noise and activity can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  IRS Environmental

ContactWaymon Banks, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-0196

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Esslinger Hall Room H151, 155, 156, 156A, 157, 161, 163, & 165

9/11/23 – 9/12/23 Prince Lucien Campbell Elevators Emergency Shutdown

UPDATE 9/12/23:
The elevators have been repaired and restored to service.


UPDATE 9/11/23:
One of the elevators has been restored to service.  They are still troubleshooting the other.


Begin:  Monday, September 11, 2023 – effective immediately

End:      Unknown Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Prince Lucien Campbell

Scope:  Both elevators are currently offline.  The Otis technician is onsite and making repairs.  An update will be sent when they are back online.

Services Impacted:  Both elevators are out of service.

Special Instructions:  If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.

Work Performed By:  Otis

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Prince Lucien Campbell Hall

9/21/23 – 9/23/23 Lillis Complex (Anstett, Peterson, Chiles) Window Cleaning Advisory

Begin:  Thursday, September 21, 2023

End:      Saturday, September 23, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Lillis Complex (Anstett, Peterson, Chiles)

Scope:  The exterior windows will be cleaned and a lift will be utilized as needed.  Please close windows the night prior to the scheduled date.

Services Impacted:  Please be aware of the lift staging area, which will move from building to building.

Work Performed By:  American Cleaning Solutions

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Lillis Complex


9/06/23 – 9/15/23 Moss Street Children’s Center Exterior Door Resurfacing Advisory

Begin:  Wednesday, September 6, 2023

End:      Friday, September 15, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Moss Street Children’s Center H110, H130 & 115

Scope:  Facilities Services will be refinishing the exterior side of six (6) sets of double-doors into the courtyard.  The doors involved are off of H110, H130, and room 115.

Services Impacted:

  • Access from the north and south corridors into the courtyard playground area will be limited.
  • Access to and from other areas of the building will not be affected.
  • Doors will be refinished on-site and temporary noise from sanding and odors from stains and top-coats are expected.
  • These impacts will be most noticeable outside of the building.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of door locations at Moss Street Children's Center

2023 – 2024 Campus Locking Areas for Holidays and Academic Breaks

The purpose of this email is to share details of the door lock procedure for observed holidays and academic breaks in 2023 – 2024. The procedure is designed to protect against theft and vandalism, while also providing access to specific public facing buildings on the UO’s campuses, as follows:

  • Most university building doors will be locked during observed holidays and academic breaks as defined below.
  • Some buildings with public facing services may not be subject to the locking schedule, especially during academic breaks. These building are listed in the procedure.
  • Faculty, staff, and student employees should already have either keys or prox card access to enter buildings during these times. Departments have authorized individuals who can request access for those who may need it.
  • Finance and Admin Shared Services IT (FASS IT) will send reminders out through the facility liaison list as a reminder prior to each of the door locking dates. Those reminders will include instructions for adding prox card access for those who may need it.
  • No changes will be made to individual access, so anyone with existing access will still be able to access their normal locations.

Authorized individuals may request exceptions to the locking procedure, by meeting specific criteria listed in the procedure. Requests for exceptions can be submitted to FASS IT by calling 541-346-2245 or by emailing fass@uoregon.edu, providing as much advance notice as possible and noting which exception criteria their situation meets. FASS-IT will consult with the Campus Vulnerability Assessment Team on approval of exemptions.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. My email address is: cpeaster@uoregon.edu

Thank you!


Carl Peaster | Director of Physical Security
University of Oregon Police Department
2141 E. 15th Ave. Eugene, OR 97403
Office (541) 346-2919 | Cell (541) 653-2336

Image of campus

8/28/23 Klamath Hall Water Intrusion Advisory

On August 24, 2023, a water intrusion occurred in the Klamath Hall basement that resulted in water impacts in room B018, B020, B026, and the East hallway. The impacts were substantial enough to require mobilization of a restoration contractor to assist the University with drying out impacted finishes. We are confident that drying should be able to be accomplished with the vast majority of finishes undisturbed in approximately 7 days. In the meantime, users of Klamath Hall basement should expect to see equipment and containments in each of the spaces indicated above. The containments will help create a dry environment and speed the drying process. It is imperative that containments and equipment are left to run unimpeded in order to be successful and prevent larger scale demolition. Once the dry out is finished, repair and restoration will be transferred to CPFM. Please contact Adam Jones if you have questions.


Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685

Image of area affected by water intrusion in Klamath Hall 8/24/23


9/07/23 – 9/22/23 Johnson Hall Break Room 217 Remodel

Begin:  Thursday, September 7, 2023

End:      Friday, September 22, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Johnson Hall

Scope:  Break room 217 will be offline for use by staff while it is being remodeled.

Services Impacted:

  • Occupants can expect to see Facilities Services staff and their subcontractors coming and going from the site.
  • Light construction noises including cutting and drilling is expected to occur infrequently and intermittently during normal business hours over the course of the project.
  • The printer in the room can still be used.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Johnson Hall breakroom 217

8/24/23 – 9/29/23 McArthur Court Duct Work and Access Advisory

Begin:  Thursday, August 24, 2023

End:      Friday, September 29, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  McArthur Court

Scope:  Due to the installation of new duct work on the mezzanine at McArthur Court, a number of staircases will be closed as scaffolding is placed to install high runs of ductwork.

Services Impacted:  This should only affect the incoming Math department, as they start to use the upper spaces, with the exception of one unoccupied office.  There will be no staircase that is blocked, that doesn’t have a second means of access/egress.

The proposed stair closure dates are as follows:

NE corner (S06) 8/25-9/1
SW corner (S76) 9/4-9/8
SW corner (S64) 9/11-9/15
NW corner (S92) 9/18-9/27
NW corner (S02) 9/25-9/29

Work Performed By:  GBC Construction/ FM Sheetmetal

ContactTim Allenbaugh, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8214

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of McArthur Court

8/23/23 – 8/25/23 1600 Millrace Room 104 Door and Frame Replacement Advisory

Begin:  Wednesday, August 23, 2023

End:      Friday, August 25, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  1600 Millrace

Scope:  The door and frame between room 104 and hallway H101 will be removed and replaced by Facilities Services starting Wednesday morning.

Services Impacted:  Occupants can expect intermittent light construction noises including cutting and drilling during the project.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of location of door at 1600 Millrace Room 104

8/30/23, 9/11/23 – 9/12/23 Fenton Hall Hallway H314/H315 Temporary Closure Advisory

While a portion of this work was completed on August 30th (scraping and prepping the floor), the installation of the flooring as noted in the original notice will occur on Monday, September 11th, and Tuesday, September 12th.


Begin:  Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, August 30,  Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Fenton Hall

Scope:  The small hallway on the 3rd floor that connects the Main building to the Stacks (hallways H314 and H315 – now merged into one space), is receiving new flooring.

Services Impacted:

  • While the floor glue is being spread and the flooring is installed, the hallway will have limited access.
  • This will affect access to the roof and office 315.

Special Instructions:  Temporary accommodations can be made if access is needed.

Work Performed By:  GBC Construction / Rubenstein’s

ContactTim Allenbaugh, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8214

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Fenton Hall hallway H314 and H315 flooring area

8/17/23 Susan Campbell West Entrance Closure

Begin:  Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 7:30 am

End:      Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Susan Campbell

Scope:  The gutters near the west entrance will be repaired tomorrow morning.

Services Impacted:  The west entrance will be closed during this time.  Please use an alternate entry.

Work Performed By:  Stedman Sheetmetal

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Susan Campbell

8/30/23 – 9/08/23 Gerlinger Hall 220 and SRC 138 & 290 Floor Refinishing Odor Advisory

Begin:  Wednesday, August 30, 2023

End:      Friday, September 8, 2023

Building or Area Impacted:  Student Recreation Center (SRC) and Gerlinger Hall

Scope:  The hardwood floors in SRC 138 & 290 along with Gerlinger Hall 220 need to be screened and sealed as part of routine maintenance.

Services Impacted:  This process creates an odor in the nearby areas that is not harmful, however, some people find it unpleasant. All rooms will be properly ventilated to assist with odor dissipation.

Work Performed By:   New Dimension Hardwood Floors

ContactCody Weaver, PE & Rec Associate Director for Facilities, 541-346-8993

To view current construction and impacts, visit UO Map

Images of Gerlinger hall 220, and the SRC 138 and 290

8/21/23 Kalapuya Ilihi Geo-technical Soil Borings Advisory

Begin:  Monday, August 21, 2023, at 8:00 am

End:      Monday, August 21, 2023, at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Kalapuya Ilihi

Scope:  We will be performing Geo-technical soil borings near Kalapuya Ilihi.

Services Impacted:

  • The drill rig will be staged near the location of each bore, so please use caution in these areas.
  • Noise can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  GRI

ContactGeorge Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of locations where drilling will take place on the east and west ends of Kalapuya Ilihi

8/16/23 Knight Library NW Entrance Closed

The door has been repaired and is now operational.


Begin:  Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at 8:00 am

End:      Wednesday, August 23 16, 2023, at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Knight Library

Scope:  The NW entry door will be closed for repairs.

Services Impacted:  This entrance will be unavailable for use.  Please use another entry point.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Knight Library NW Entrance


8/28/23 – 9/01/23 Riverfront Parkway Road Closure

Begin:  Monday, August 28, 2023

End:      Friday, September 1, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Riverfront Parkway between Millrace Drive and Franklin Boulevard

Scope:  All lanes of Riverfront Parkway will be closed to modify utilities beneath the roadway.  See the image below for detour routes.

Services Impacted:

  • Riverfront Parkway will be closed to all vehicle traffic during this time as well as the eastbound left turn lane on Franklin Blvd.
  • The east sidewalk will remain open for pedestrian traffic.

Work Performed By:  Hoffman Construction

ContactDenise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of detour route for Riverfront Parkway 8/28/23 - 9/1/23

8/21/23 – 8/25/23 Vivian Olum Child Development Center Dry Rot Repair Advisory

Begin:  Monday, August 21, 2023, at 8:00 am

End:      Friday, August 25, 2023, at end of day

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Vivian Olum Child Development Center

Scope:  The front entrance will be closed due to necessary dry rot repair of the roof structure above the front entry.

Services Impacted:  The front entry will be closed.  Please use a different entrance during this time.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Carpentry Crew

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Viv Olum

8/16/23 – 8/17/23 Lillis Hall North Entrance Closure Advisory

Begin:  Tuesday, August 16, 2023

End:      Thursday, August 17, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Lillis Hall

Scope:  The 4th floor balcony will be pressure washed.  Water will be cascading down to the areas below, which includes the north entrance.

Services Impacted:

  • The north entrance will be closed.
  • Noise is to be expected during this time.

Special Instructions:  Please use the south entry or other entrance points.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Maintenance Support

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Lillis Complex

8/14/23 – 8/17/23 Friendly Hall Pressure Washing Advisory

Begin:  Monday, August 14, 2023

End:      Thursday, August 17, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Friendly Hall

Scope:  The stairs leading to the basement will be pressure washed.

Services Impacted:

  • This will affect the basement stairwells and surrounding areas.
  • Noise is to be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Maintenance Support

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Friendly Hall

8/14/23 – 8/16/23 Johnson Hall North Entrance Pressure Washing

Begin:  Monday, August 14, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, August 16, 2023 – until completed

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Johnson Hall

Scope:  The north entrance will be pressure washed.

Services Impacted:

  • The north entrance will be closed.  Please use a different entry point.
  • Noise is to be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Maintenance Support

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Johnson Hall

8/14/23 and 8/28/23 Lokey Education Wing C Elevator Shutdown

The contractor needs to come out again to complete this work, next Monday, August 28th.  The elevator will be down for the entire day.
If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.


Begin:  Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:30 am plus Monday, August 28, 2023

End:      Monday, August 14, 2023 at 5:00 pm plus Monday, August 28, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Lokey Education Building (Wing C – Building #41)

Scope:  Due to warranty work required for the Lokey Elevator project, the elevator will be down for the day to service the equipment.

Services Impacted:  The elevator will be offline, please use alternate means of access during this time.

Special Instructions:  If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.

Work Performed By:  TK Elevator

ContactDamon Rutherford, CPFM D&C Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8285

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

map of lokey education building C

8/09/23 Millrace 1 & 2, Fine Arts A, B, C, & Woodshop Electrical Power Shutdown

Begin:  Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Millrace 1, Millrace 2, Fine Arts A, Fine Arts B, Fine Arts C, & Woodshop.

Scope:  EWEB will be installing new power feeders to a new utility vault and contractors will be reconnecting buildings to new EWEB feeders.

Services Impacted:  Electrical power will be offline during this time.

Work Performed By:  EWEB and Hoffman Construction

ContactDenise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of the Fine Arts and Millrace Studio buildings that will be affected

8/9/23 Millrace Path and Gallery Walk Axis Power Pole Work Advisory

UPDATE:  EWEB has changed the schedule and will now complete this work on 8/9/23

BeginThursday, August 10, 2023 – morning Wednesday, August 9, 2023

End:      Thursday, August 10, 2023 – morning Wednesday, August 9, 2023 by 10:00 a

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Area SW of Urban Farm

Scope:  On the morning of August 10th, EWEB will be removing an existing power pole near the intersection of the Millrace Path and Gallery Walk Axis that will temporarily detour bike and pedestrian traffic. (See map below)

Services Impacted:

  • This will affect access in the Millrace Path and Gallery Walk Axis area.
  • Bike and pedestrian traffic will be rerouted along Franklin Blvd. and Onyx Street.

Work Performed By:  EWEB

ContactDenise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

map to closure

8/01/23 – 8/7/23 – Fenton Hall Passenger Elevator Emergency Shutdown

UPDATE:  The elevator has been repaired and returned to service.

Begin:  Tuesday, August 1, 2023 – effective immediately

End:  Unknown Monday, August 7, 2023

Building Impacted:  Fenton Hall

Scope:  The passenger elevator is down for repairs.  Parts have been ordered but due to supply chain shortages, it may take a while for them to arrive.

Services Impacted:  The elevator will be offline during this time.

Special Instructions:  If you have concerns about accessing your workplace when elevator services are impacted, please contact your supervisor to find an appropriate accommodation.

Work Performed By: Otis

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Fenton Hall Passenger Elevator

8/5/23, 8/6/23, 8/12/23, 8/13/23 Summer Parking Lot Painting Closure Advisory for 2023

1st Weekend:  Saturday, August 5, and Sunday, August 6, 2023

2nd Weekend:  Saturday, August 12, and Sunday, August 13, 2023

Scope: Summer parking lot maintenance will be performed on the weekends for the locations listed below.

Services Impacted: Lots will be closed the preceding Friday night for both Saturday and Sunday work.

Extra Notes:  The lots will be re-opened as soon as the paint is dry.

Parking Lots Impacted Saturday, August 5, 2023:
2 – CPFM lot east of power plant and south of CPFM Warehouse
3A – Strip north of Wilkinson House and Millrace Studios and south of ZIRC
3B – Parking areas north of Lock Shop and buildings north of Zebrafish
10 – North side of Lawrence Hall
12A – North of Cascade Annex West and East
12B – North of Streisinger, Klamath, and NE of Onyx Bridge
14 – NE corner by Oregon Hall
47 – West and south of Rainier
57 – North of 1600 Millrace and south of the Millrace Garage
60 – SE of 1900 Millrace
Millrace Riverfront

Parking Lots Impacted Sunday, August 6, 2023:
23 – East of Johnson Hall and west of Collier House
25 – East of JSMA and west of Susan Campbell
26 – South of Gerlinger Annex
27 – Horseshoe parking east of Hendricks
28 – Horseshoe parking east of Gerlinger Hall
29A – South of EMU
29D – Street parking west of Straub
30 – South and east of McArthur Court and west and north of Student Tennis
36A – East of Carson and west of University Health Services
36B – SW corner of University Health Services
Carson Loading Dock
Johnson Fire Lane
13th Ave Crosswalk
15th Ave Crosswalks
University Street

Parking Lots Impacted Saturday, August 12, 2023:
34A – NE of Knight Law Center
34B – N of Viv Olum Child Center
34C – E of Many Nations Longhouse/Viv Olum/Oregon Law Clinic
34E – Lot south of Global Scholars Hall and north of Kalapuya Ilihi
37 – Long lot east of Hamilton and west of Ford Alumni Center
38 – North of Agate Hall
41 – NE parking by Outdoor Program Barn and SW of Jane Sanders Stadium
43 – South of Knight Law Center
49 – South of Riley Hall
50 – West and east of Barnhart Residence Hall
13th Ave. Garage

Parking Lots Impacted Sunday, August 13, 2023:
6B – Half-moon north of Miller Theatre and McKenzie Hall, north side of East 11th Ave.
7B – NW corner of McKenzie Hall
16A – NW of PLC and SW of Condon
16B – West of Condon
19 – South of HEDCO and north of Clinical Services
20 – East of Education Annex and north of Music
21 – South of Clinical Services
42 – West of UO Annex
58 – North and east of 1715 Franklin
59 – Romania
UOPD Lot (unnumbered)
Baker Downtown Center Loading Dock

To be Scheduled
EC Cares W. 12th Ave.

Work Performed By: Transportation Services

Contact: James McGladrey, UO Transportation Services Field Operations Manager, 541-346-2676