Week 8: Steven Wheeler – Response to Viewings

During our last in-class session, Dr. Zimmerman remarked that our struggle with projects like Witness and EngageMedia may stem from the fact that we are not their primary audience or, to use a term coined by Umberto Eco, “model readers.” This observation may seem like a truism to some, but it’s one I’ve been slowly […]

Week 5: Mike Plett Mid Term Response

The two sites I’m going to compare and contrast are WITNESS and the Center for Digital Storytelling because, of all of the many sites we’ve looked at, they seem to have stuck with me more. Not quite sure why, but perhaps as I write my paper it’ll become clearer to me.

Both sites tell people’s […]

Week 5: Amanda Eckerson

I’m interested in analyzing two forms of participatory media that seek to shift power paradigms by comparing and contrasting a focus on product (films that emphasize their content’s message) and process (films that focus on an inclusionary process to shift power dynamics). I’ll be looking at Scribe as an example of a community institution that […]

Week 2 – Derek Yoshikane – Response to Witness and Engage

In the Witness Your Environment-TED lecture, a few things that Kelly Matheson spoke about stood out to me. The purpose of WITNESS is to, “Elevate the stories, so their stories are heard”. I like the fact that WITNESS provides an honest place where stories could be told, especially with the media bias on all of […]

Week 2: Eckerson Reading Response –Witness vs. Precious Places

Witness is an international human rights organization that uses the power of video and storytelling to open the eyes of the world to human rights abuses. Their tagline is “see it, film it, change it,” and they define video advocacy as “setting specific objectives, identifying target audiences, and developing a strategic plan […]

Week 2: Steven Wheeler – Response to Viewings

In her TedX talk, “Witness Your Environment,” Kelly Matheson describes George Holliday’s videotaping of the Rodney King incident as the event that “put the Handycam on the map as a powerful human rights tool.” The video can also be considered seminal in another, connected sense: it prefigures the growing democratization of journalism Henry Jenkins describes […]

Week 2: Mike Plett response to viewings

WITNESS was a bit of a revelation for me, because its mission is strikingly similar to an initiative I have been trying to advance in my role as communications specialist for a public-sector union. Like WITNESS, this initiative is about transforming personal stories into “tools for justice, promoting public engagement and policy change.” My organization […]

Week 2: Joel Arellano’s Response To Reading/Viewings

Charlie Gere introduces Digital Culture by declaring his aim to disenchant the reader from the charm of digital culture. He is alluding to Max Weber’s interest in forces of rationalism and secularism to liberate mankind from superstition, but Gere inverts Weber’s formula, applying the term ‘enchantment’ instead to the mistaken belief that the hyper-rationalism […]

Week 2: Kevin Gaboury

Unanticipated advances in technology over the past decade have been huge advantages to non-profit organizations like Witness and Engage Media. In 20 years, Witness has gone from the archaic Sony HandyCam to top-of-the line video and audio equipment and the unlimited potential of the Internet. For a laugh, check out this ad for the Sony […]

Week 2: Brett Harmon Response to Social Change Websites

Media for social change was what we had to look into this week. Social change is a difficult thing to achieve, because it takes the changing of a mass group of people to really make something significant happen. But that does not stop several highly devoted individuals from making the attempt at changing the world. […]