Questioning what school children in your community eat for lunch starts off that kind of a conversation that I personally find valuable in this day and age where people can either get desensitized by too much information with no real-world connection or can just seek to affirm their biases and agenda by paying attention only […]
With the exception of The Interview Project, I was not as engaged by the digital media I reviewed this week as I was in weeks past. In some cases it was the content. In others it was the production.
I read the mission statement and the guiding principles section of The Mapping Memories project before […]
One of the videos I watched on the EngageMedia site was a behind-the-scenes look at the 2013 Santri Film Festival. The gist of the video was that teens in Indonesian boarding schools made documentary films to not only bring people together, but to shore up some fallacies about their topic. One topic was about a […]
One interesting conversation that will never take place is one between novelist H.G. Wells and someone like human rights advocate Kelly Matheson of WITNESS (c. early 21st century).
In the book “Digital Culture,” Wells was quoted as pre-figuring the Internet (although his limited 20th century horizon was focused only on the then-emerging medium of photography) […]
My first book was published at the age of five to sparkling reviews. Of course the cliché tale of damsels in distress was crafted in the crudely shaped, pencil letters of a kindergartner, on lined sheets of paper awkwardly stapled together; but nonetheless it was a hit. And if the adoring approbation of your parents […]
I noticed a few main similarities between the Transmedia hangout discussion and the Precious Places work being done at Scribe Video in Philidelphia.
The first, was the overall theme of story – particularly, personal stories. Louisa Dantes talked about amassing footage during the rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, using “layered collaborative narratives” from locals to spark […]
Building connections across platforms was the unifying thread that weaved all of commentators’ ideas about transmedia, together. Of course there was plenty discussion on the different opinions about what the definition of transmedia is, debate if transmedia should even be called transmedia (crossmedia; multiplatform), the difference between Hollywood transmedia (for profit marketing) and community storytelling […]
A speaker in the Transmedia Hangout cited the idea of “examining user impulse” on the question of encouraging interactivity. I think this idea goes to the heart of not just interactivity as commonly understood but on why collaborations and transmedia engagement should even matter. We want to be able to justly represent, understand, empathize with, […]
I am 50 years old.
I’m not going to lie: My reasons for getting a master’s degree at my age are primarily motivated by greed. In short, I want a better job with a higher pay check. It’s also true, however, to say that I’ve always wanted a master’s degree, and there were always reasons […]
Week 1: Responding to Transmedia – Jamie Schaub
Building connections across platforms was the unifying thread that weaved all of commentators’ ideas about transmedia, together. Of course there was plenty discussion on the different opinions about what the definition of transmedia is, debate if transmedia should even be called transmedia (crossmedia; multiplatform), the difference between Hollywood transmedia (for profit marketing) and community storytelling […]