Week 8 Adam King

Ahhh, finally some categorical reference points! La Buena Vida’s ability to filter through responses by selecting which questions were answered is a tool that could benefit so many of the projects we’ve looked at this semester. Imagine if David Lynch’s Storytellers Project had used some sort of itemized talking points to unite different stories? It […]

Week 8 Scott Anderson: public post

The Post Secret website was interesting because it was much lighter in terms of trying to promote an altruistic cause. When I first started reading it, it reminded me of the Missed Connections ad that was circulating around Facebook last week. They’re both forms of information that serve to say something that the person would […]

Week 8: Mike Plett response to viewings

“Post Secret” and “Hurricane Digital Memory Bank” really drew me in this week. “Post Secret” is strange and wonderful and a bit creepy – all at the same time. Each postcard tells its secret in a unique and artful way. Some secrets are funny, others poignant and others quite sad (more than a few touched […]

Week #8 – The Database – Lauren Marie Paterson

La Buena Vida is a great look at our nation’s practices and policies from another pair of eyes. I do enjoy hearing the way media outlets in other countries feel about the United States (such as Russia Today) because however biased their media is toward their own country’s interests, it’s still an entirely new perspective […]

Week #7 – Collaboration – Lauren Marie Paterson

Of all of the projects on the Saving The Sierra site, I loved the adorable poem by the Grass Valley Charter School 4th grade class the most. They wrote it after a rafting trip, and while exploring the story map, this one struck me most because I started to think: if we invest in making […]