Week 3: Mike Plett response to viewings

Of the three sites we were assigned to explore this week, the Center for Digital Storytelling was the most arresting. I enjoyed the deceptive simplicity of CDS’s approach to storytelling: short narration, still photos, perhaps a bit of video. But these digital stories pack a lot of emotional power in a short amount of space, […]

Week 3 – De Lyser

With the exception of The Interview Project, I was not as engaged by the digital media I reviewed this week as I was in weeks past. In some cases it was the content. In others it was the production.

I read the mission statement and the guiding principles section of The Mapping Memories project before […]

Week 3: Lindsey Newkirk

In looking at the work plan for this weeks assignment, I was drawn to the sentence “These approaches (stories) reveal deep relationship-building over time — skills that documentary filmmakers and community-based artists have been developing for decades, and are now taking online to mix old and new methodologies.” I realized I wasn’t familiar with the […]

Week 3: Natalie Henry Bennon response to viewings about context

It took me 20 minutes of googling simply to start to make sense of this week’s viewings. The first thing that helped me was a definition of digital storytelling. According to the Center for Digital Storytelling, it is “a short, first-person video narrative created by combining recorded voice, still and moving images, and music or […]