Week 4: Joel Arellano

Tilman Hornig, Content is King!

Gere writes that John Cage’s 4’ 33″ “is perhaps the perfect model for modern electronic media,” because in it, anything and everything can happen (115). He also observes that the nature of the Web as a medium makes it easier to run through different possibilities, offering what […]

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Week 4: Grace Roxas Morrissey — Old is new again

When I tour people around the Portland Japanese Garden, I always love to point out the paradox of the sand-and-stone garden, that Japanese garden of empty spaces and abstract composition that people somewhat precipitously think of as the Zen garden (A garden is only properly called Zen when there’s a Zen Buddhist monastery around).


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Week 4: Jamie Schaub

Participatory art has always left me curious about what I’ve just looked at (or participated in) and why the artist choose to present their idea in this way. It’s been a long time since I’ve been exposed to participatory artists, and so I appreciate learning more about Brooke Singer and Stephanie Rothenberg.

Stephanie’s The Garden […]

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Week 4 – Kevin Gaboury

The examples of digital art we looked at this week range from the abstract to meaningful, socially conscious to bizarre, and just about everywhere in between. With the help of new participatory media platforms, artists Stephanie Rothenberg and Brooke Singer confront familiar issues that aren’t going away anytime soon. Globalization, corporate greed, outsourced labor, urbanization […]

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Week 4 Brett Harmon: Tactical Media

What is the truth about our world? When I looked at this week’s topic of tactical media and I read the description of what it is, that is the question that my mind boiled it down to. It may seem simple of course but really that what I took tactical media to be. Now I’m […]

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Week 3 _ Omar Aldakheel

Mapping Memories uses a great underestimated Multimedia tool that is maps! It’s more identifiable that way based on proximity. The few downfalls in this project were the amount of text that made it look too busy, and the amount of commercials in the site played pretty much before each video.

I like how in the […]

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Week 3: Steven Wheeler – Response to Viewings

“Listening is hard.” This statement, which can be found in the Center for Digital Storytelling’s credo, points to the obstacles that the pace of life and chattering of social spaces present to the listening process. On further reflection, however, it seems like a bit of a misdiagnosis. The existence of sites like CDS, Mapping Memories, […]

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Week 3 Responses_Summer Hatfield

As I look at or read all of this week’s content I am becoming increasingly aware of this feeling of people’s need to reconnect with each other in a real way. It seems to be one common thread throughout everything we have looked at so far this term. In answer to this there are a […]

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Week 3: Kevin Gaboury response

Context. That’s the theme for this week, and the diverse projects we looked at this week are framed by the context of the human experience. Let me just start out by saying that I love the Interview Project. It reminds me of a column by a former coworker at the Lewiston Tribune called “Everyone has […]

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Week 3: Grace Roxas Morrissey

If “value” implies something quantifiable and therefore relevant to commercial purposes and “worth” doesn’t come with a price tag because a lot of it resides in the context of personal experience — as Henry Jenkins et al pointed out in the book “Spreadable Media…” — then we should certainly re-calibrate our expectations on the quality […]

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