11/18/24 – 11/29/24 CPFM Compound Main Vehicle Entrance Work Advisory

The contractor will be doing concrete work at the gate next Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th.


Begin:  Monday, November 18, 2024

End:      Friday, November 29, 2024

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  All buildings within the CPFM Compound, including 130, 136, 032, 137, 149, 131, 129, and 134.

Scope:  Contractor will reconstruct the planter on the west side of the main vehicle entrance, associated with the replacement of the main vehicle and pedestrian gates to the CPFM compound.  Work will begin November 18th and is scheduled to be completed by the end of the November. The main vehicle entrance will be restricted to one lane of traffic intermittently throughout the project.

Services Impacted:  All vehicle traffic at main gate will be restricted to one lane and the three parking spots in Lot 2 closest to the gate will be closed periodically.

Work Performed By:  Delta Construction Co.

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Overhead view of CPFM main vehicle entry, planter, and impacted parking spaces

10/28/24 – 12/06/24 Straub Green Landscaping and Irrigation Work Advisory

Begin:  Monday, October 28, 2024, at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, December 6, 2024, at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Straub Green

Scope:  Work will be performed in the Straub Green, in front of Straub Hall, to replace the irrigation system and upgrade the landscaping. Work will be phased throughout the project timeline. Full landscape development is not expected to be complete until the end of the Spring season.

Services Impacted:

  • Fencing and signage will be provided to mark out which areas and sidewalks will be closed throughout the project.
  • Sidewalks around the perimeter will not be closed.
  • Noise can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  Rexius

ContactWaymon Banks, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-0196

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Overhead map image of Straub Green and landscaping activity borders for 10/28/24 - 12/06/24

10/10/24 – 10/11/24 Franklin Boulevard Eastbound Right-hand Lane Closure Between Villard Hall and Lawrence Hall

Begin:  Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 7:00 am

End:      Friday, October 11, 2024, at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Franklin Boulevard’s eastbound lane between Villard Hall and Lawrence Hall

Scope:  In order to safely prune the laurel hedge along Franklin Boulevard, the right-hand lane of east-bound Franklin will be shut down from Villard Hall to the east side of Lawrence Hall.

Services Impacted:  Work will be done on Franklin Blvd. and along the edge of campus. Lawrence Hall may have increased vehicle traffic in the fire lane immediately north of the building.

Work Performed By:  Rexius

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Overhead aerial view of section of Franklin Blvd's eastbound lane closed for hedge trimming October 10 - 11.

5/20/24 – 8/31/24 Memorial Quad Turf Restoration Shutdown

Begin:  Monday, May 20, 2024

End:      Saturday, August 31, 2024

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Memorial Quad

Scope:  The area outlined below will be closed for turf restoration.

Services Impacted:  This section of lawn will be inaccessible during this process and sidewalks may have limited access.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Services

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of area within Memorial Quad to be repaired

3/29/24 – 4/05/24 Riverfront Sports Field Top Dress and Leveling Work Advisory

Begin:  Friday, March 29, 2024

End:      Friday, April 5, 2024

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Riverfront Sports Field

Scope:  Top dress and leveling will take place on the Riverfront Sports Field.  200-tons of turf top-dress material is expected to be delivered 3/29/24 and/or 4/1/24.  Work on the field is scheduled to begin the week of 4/01/24.

Services Impacted:  Work related noise can be expected.  Roadways and sidewalks in the surrounding area will also be impacted.

Work Performed By:  Rexius Landscape

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Riverfront Fields

3/13/24 – 4/05/24 Huestis Hall Exterior Work and Move-In Advisory

Begin:  Wednesday, March 13, 2024

End:      Friday, April 5, 2024

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Huestis Hall and surrounding area

Scope:  The Huestis Hall Deferred Maintenance Project is nearing final completion and the following is a list of upcoming work and impacts around the building:

  • March 13 – Mulching around the south and east
  • March 21 – Construction fencing will be removed on the south and east sides of Huestis Hall.
  • March 22 – April 5 – Construction fencing will remain in place around the Streisinger courtyard to allow for the following site activities:
    • The Coast Redwood tree removal. The growth habit of this tree species in the location poses a risk to infrastructure, property, and life.
    • Replanting, mulching, and landscape repairs in the courtyard and west walkway between Huestis and Willamette Halls.
  • March 25 – Construction trailer will be removed from the site on E. 13th Ave.
  • April 1 – 30 – Occupant move in activities
  • May TBD – Exterior art work installation on the exterior brick of the south stair tower

I appreciate the patience and collaboration from all of our campus partners over the last 2 years! Thank you!!

Services Impacted:  This will affect parking, roadways, and sidewalks in the area.  Noise can also be expected from the activities listed above.

Work Performed By:  Lease Crutcher Lewis and Rexius

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of Huestis Hall and surrounding area

6/09/23 – 9/30/23 Streisinger Hall and Parking Lot 12B East Science Loop Project

2nd UPDATE 9/28/23:
It is expected that the tar odors may be noticed around Klamath Hall, and possibly Onyx Bridge, tomorrow.


UPDATE 9/28/23:
The East Science Loop civil contractor will be paving the parking lot on the north side of the Streisinger building (see picture for specifics), weather depending. This is scheduled for Friday, September 29th from 7:00 am to 12:0 noon.  During this work the adjacent areas will be experiencing heavy vehicle traffic as the work is being performed, and due to this spaces might be blocked temporarily. Additionally, some paving odors will be present during the work as well.

If this work does not take place due to weather, the notice will be updated with future times/dates to be aware of.

Thank you for your understanding.

Diagram of Streisinger Lot Paving Project for 9-29-23


UPDATE 7/11/23:
The crane/closure dates have now been shifted, due to crane availability, to Friday, July 21st, and Wednesday, July 26th.  The third date is yet to be determined.


UPDATE to 6/30/23 Lab Waste Shutdown Entry (7/05/23):
After speaking with the building users regarding lab waste schedules, we are rescheduling the lab waste piping connection shutdown to Friday, July 7th, and Monday, July 10th.


UPDATE 7/05/23:
As part of vault deliveries for the East Loop Electrical project, the parking lot area shown will be closed and also the associated loading dock will be down for the duration of the crane work on Monday, July 17th Friday, July 21st, at 7:00 am through Tuesday, July 18th, until 6:00 pm.  Please take this into consideration for your activities, and reach out should this activity limit critical operations/needs.  This will be the first of 3 such closures, with the next potentially occurring 7/25 7/26 and 8/2 TBD. We will update this notice each time to ensure we are working around your needs as we are able.

Image of parking lot for Streisinger and Klamath


UPDATE 6/30/23:
Due to work needed to move the East Loop electrical project forward, the lab waste piping will be shut down for up to a days’ time to make the necessary connections to improve the system. This will affect Streisinger, Klamath, and Onyx Bridge.  Be advised that during this time, all lab waste drains will be unable to be used (eg: sink drains).  We are intending to perform this work on Tuesday, July 11th, Friday, July 7th, and Monday, July 10th, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.    Please let us know if that day presents a conflict in regard to your operations.  If not, we will update this work as confirmed.


The arborist notified us that due to a change in his schedule, the tree work will take place tomorrow.


Begin:  Monday, June 12, 2023

End:      Saturday, September 30, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Streisinger Hall, East end of Parking Lot 12B

Scope:  Beginning next week, the East Science Loop civil contractor will be kicking off ground work for the project. This will include demolition in the project area, including asphalt removal, tree/planting removal, and earthwork.

Services Impacted:

  • Please be aware associated noises and vibrations are to be expected.
  • The adjacent loading dock will be functional throughout.
  • Pedestrian rerouting (e.g.: not through the parking lot area) will be present for the life of the project. (See picture for details.)
  • No disruptions to services (not previously discussed) are expected.

Work Performed By:  Wildish Construction

ContactDamon Rutherford, CPFM D&C Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8285

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Diagram of Streisinger and Lot 12B

5/08/23 – 7/15/23 Walton Hall Project Area and Powell Plaza Fence Adjustment

Begin:  Monday, May 8, 2023, at 8:00 am

End:      Saturday, July 15, 2023, at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  Walton Project Area / Powell Plaza

Scope:  On May 8th at the Walton replacement project, we will shifting the fence line on Powell Plaza to the south in order to finish the landscaping on the project.

Services Impacted:  This will not impact pedestrian flow, and the fencing will remain in place until the removal of the fencing July 15th.

Special Instructions:  We will have a bump out in the fence to allow for deliveries.  During large track events, this bump out will be pulled back.

Work Performed By:  Fortis Construction

ContactGeorge Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Diagram of Walton Replacement Fencing shift

4/11/23 – 4/26/23 Tykeson and Chapman McCaslin Lawn Work Advisory

Begin:  Tuesday, April 11, 2023

End:      Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:

Scope:  The McCaslin Lawn at Tykeson and Chapman Halls will be offline due to minor excavation and installation of a new plaque and associated irrigation and sod repair work.

Services Impacted:  Pathways to and through may be temporarily blocked but will not interfere with circulation around the space or egress to neighboring buildings.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of McCaslin Lawn by Tykeson and Chapman

3/09/23 – 3/24/23 – 1744 Moss Street Landscape Activities

The completion date has been extended to next Friday, March 24.


Begin:  Thursday, March 9, 2023

End:      Friday, March 17  24, 2023

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected:  1744 Moss Street and nearby lot

Scope:  Landscape and tree work are taking place in this area, including sidewalk planters directly in front of the building.

Services Impacted:

  • This will periodically affect vehicle traffic on Moss St Alley and the driveway of 1744 Moss Street as debris is hauled away.
  • Noise related to this activity can be expected during this time.

Work Performed By:  Lucan Landscape

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

2/14/2023 Campus Landscape Protection Advisory

As winter continues and rains have saturated the campus landscaping, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that the campus landscape is a valuable asset to the University, and one that is worth protecting. The following guidelines will help protect our trees, lawns, and plantings for the enjoyment and education of our students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors:

  1. When driving on campus – including small utility vehicles and golf carts – please stay on paved streets and pathways. This will protect both lawns and tree roots zones from damage
  2. Coordinate with the EMU Scheduling Office for outdoor events. They will be able to assist you to make your event successful and avoid damaging practices like driving stakes into the ground and tying ropes to campus plants or fixtures.
  3. Contact CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319, or via the Call Log if you have any questions about the landscape, or if an activity you are planning might have an impact on the landscape. We are here to support campus activities as best we can, and we will offer guidance on landscape preservation and project planning to minimize landscape damage.

Thank you,

Campus Planning & Facilities Management, Facilities Services

Road Access and Parking Between ZIRC and Millrace Studios 3/7-3/11

UPDATE 3/3: The affected area has been extended to include the blue area in the diagram below.

Begin:  March 7, 2022 at 6:00 am

End:      March 11, 2022 at 4:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Road between ZIRC and Millrace studios

Scope:  The service road between ZIRC and the Millrace Studios will be closed for one week to install a new building utility connection to ZIRC and remove the 3 western red cedars on the south side of the ZIRC building. Parking north of ZIRC can be accessed via Riverfront Parkway during this period.

Services Impacted:  Road access and parking between ZIRC and Millrace studios

Work Performed By: Fortis Construction

Contact: Colin Brennan, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8242 or 541-654-2972


Fine Arts Sculpture Bark Delivery and Noise Advisory 12/06/21

The bark will be placed the following week, on Monday, December 6th, 2021 at the same time.


Begin:  Monday, November 29th, December 6th, 2021 at 8:00 am

End:      Monday, November 29th, December 6th, 2021 at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Area by Fine Arts Sculpture

Scope:  Lane Forest Products will be blowing bark around the Fine Arts Sculpture Studio.  The blue area on the diagram below shows where the truck will be stationed and the red shows the location where the bark will be blown next to the building.

Services Impacted:  Loud noise is to be expected from the truck blower.

Work Performed By:  Lane Forest Products

ContactRod Madison, CPFM Landscape Coordinator, 541-346-8626

Tykeson Hall and Chapman Hall Lawn Renovation Advisory 3/29/21 – 7/30/21

UPDATE 7/28/21:

The fencing will remain in place through August.


UPDATE 7/15/21:

The fencing will remain in place until the end of July. Work is expected to be complete by July 30th.


UPDATE 7/7/21:

The work is still ongoing and is expected to be complete on July 23rd, 2021.


2nd UPDATE 5/25/21:

Concrete Work Advisory extended to 6/07/21

Due to the recent wet weather conditions, the concrete pour was delayed.  Therefore, the west entry to Tykeson will remained blocked until Tuesday, June 1.  The  construction fence will remain in place and block the west entry. This will allow for adequate cure time on the newly poured concrete.

The remainder of the concrete flatwork pavement will be poured on June 6 and 7. The west end of Johnson Lane will be blocked during these days for the concrete trucks.


UPDATE 5/5/21:

Concrete Work Advisory 5/17/21 – 5/28/21 6/7/21 7/23/21 7/30/21 8/31/21

Scope:  As part of the Tykeson Lawn Renovation Project, Delta Construction will be removing and pouring concrete panels outside Tykeson Hall’s west entry.

Services Impacted:  The construction fence will be moved to block access to the west entry/exit of Tykeson Hall and close the seating area under the west canopy.

Special Instructions:  See diagram below for the area involved.

Work Performed By:  Delta Construction

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880



Original Notice

Begin:  Monday, March 29th, 2021

End:      Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Lawn between Tykeson Hall and Chapman Hall

Scope:  Fortis Construction will begin work on site next week for the renovation of the lawn area between Tykeson Hall and Chapman Hall. This exterior project will close access to the lawn until completion at the end of June. The project includes new hardscape pathways and landscape mounds with seat walls.

Services Impacted:

  • Building entries and access to Chapman and Tykeson Halls will be maintained and not impacted.
  • Typical construction activities and noises, including the sound of beeping from vehicles backing up, is to be expected in and around the landscape and hardscape areas.

Work Performed By:  Fortis Construction

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Fine Arts Security Fence 2/1/21 – 6/25/21

UPDATE 6/4/21:

The perimeter fence and gate installation is complete.  Card readers will be activated after June 12th.  Facilities will complete remaining small tasks and demo of the old North fence no later than June 25th.

UPDATE 5/13/21:

The work is ongoing and is now expected to be complete on 6/4/2021.

UPDATE 4/15/21:

Fence demo and installation to occur starting Tuesday, 4/20.

Construction work will start at the northside of the North Sculpture Building A next Tuesday, 4/20 through Thursday, 4/22.  This may disrupt activity at the North outdoor covered sculpture work space during this time.

Work will also occur at the Northeast yard of the complex, southeast corner by the Kiln Shed, North & South Porticos until Friday, April 30th.

Users can expect typical construction noise.  UO, Island Fence, and ADT staff, their vehicles, equipment and materials will be on site during normal business hours.  Portions of fence may be down before new fencing is installed for a periodic moment.  Afterward, minor non-disruptive close out work will occur and it is expected the perimeter will be fully secured by May 14th.

We’ll update notices with access and safety info as necessary as the project progresses.

Work performed by:  Island Fence, Facilities Construction Services, ADT


UPDATE 3/11/21:

Concrete pour on 3/12 (this Friday morning) at 7am.  North portico to remain closed during this time but access to the North Sculpture building A will remain open through the Ceramics building B.

Due to critical material delivery delays, construction has been extended to the end of April.  Work will occur intermittently, but we plan to keep the existing security fence up until we are ready to install the new one.  We’ll put out another notice 1 week in advance of this occurring.

UPDATE 2/17/21:

Facilities plans to block the North Portico area (see sketch) starting Wednesday, Feb 24th until Friday, Feb 26th.  The work will involve excavation, cutting, grinding and some possible jackhammering.  Large excavation machinery will be used that may result in occasional loud noise and some vibration at times in the immediate vicinity of construction.  The area of concern will be closed for your safety.  The North Sculpture Fine Arts Studio Building A can be accessed by entering at the South Portico area and going through the Fine Arts Studio Building B.  The area will reopen after this period but construction will be ongoing through the end of March.

Begin:  Monday, February 1, 2021

End:      Friday, February 19, 2021 May 14th, June 25th, 2021

Building Impacted:  Fine Arts Studios at the North and South Portico exterior areas along the western edge of the complex adjacent Gallery Row.

Scope:  Concrete works including landscape demo, some minor excavation, grinding in preparation for the fence install.

Services Impacted:

  • No electrical or HVAC disruptions are known at this time.  A shut down notice will be issued as necessary.
  • Building access will be maintained during construction but may require minor detours.
  • Users can expect to hear construction noises like hammering, drilling, grinding and see employees and UO staff entering and exiting the Fine Arts Studio grounds during normal business hours.
  • This notice is likely to be expanded to include the larger fence construction in late February and into March.

Work performed by:  Facilities Construction Services

Contact:  Theo Davis, CPFM Design & Construction Project Manager, 541-346-1012

North Campus (North of Railroad Tracks) Pothole Work Advisory 11/4/20

Begin:  Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

End:      Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  North of Railroad Tracks near Ruth Bascom Bike Path

Scope:  EWEB will be potholing in the area immediately north of the railroad tracks – see map. The work is locate an abandoned steam line.

Services Impacted: No services or access will be effected.

Work Performed By:  EWEB sub-contractor

ContactJeff Madsen, CPFM Asst. Dir Engineer Utility Systems, 541-346-2256

Global Scholars Lawn Work Advisory 10/15/20 – 10/20/20

Begin:  Thursday, October 15th, 2020 at 9:00 am

End:      Tuesday, October 20th, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Global Scholars Hall Lawn

Scope:  Sections of the lawn will be renovated, and a small area of new concrete sidewalk will be installed.

Services Impacted:  There will be intermittent noise during this period, with large trucks present in the fire lane parts of Saturday and Tuesday.

Work Performed By:   Rexius and CPFM Facilities Services

ContactPhil Carroll, CPFM FS Landscape Maint Supervisor, 541-246-0031

Matthew Knight Arena East Sidewalk and Parking Lane Closure 10/26/20 – 11/6/20

Begin:  Monday, October 26th, 2020

End:      Friday, November 6th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Matthew Knight Arena Sidewalk on East Side

Scope:  The sidewalk and parking lane will be closed to replace the existing sidewalk and trees in the area highlighted in red.

Services Impacted:  Sidewalk and parking lane alongside Matthew Knight Arena

Special Instructions:  Please use the sidewalk on the east side of Villard Street.

Work Performed By:   Fortis Construction

Contact:  Work Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 346-2319

Mowing Advisory near CPFM Warehouse 6/8/20

Begin:  Monday, June 8th, 2020 at 7:30 am

End:     Monday, June 8th, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  CPFM Compound

Scope:  Mowing — in preparation for the grading project — will be occurring in the area directly north of the existing chain link fence between the CPFM Compound and the train tracks.

Services Impacted:  Impact to users of the CPFM compound will be minimal.

Work Performed By:   On Demand Excavation

ContactKevin Farthing, CPFM Assoc. Dir Facilities Services Env., 541-346-2857

Landscaping Noise Advisory 3/23/20 – 3/27/20

Begin:  Monday, March 23rd, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Friday, March 27th, 2020 at 2:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:

  • Millrace Studios
  • Jaqua Center
  • Frohnmayer Music
  • EMU
  • Knight Law
  • Villard Hall
  • Student Recreation Center
  • Fenton Hall

Scope:  Landscape bark will be blown in amongst the trees and sidewalk strips.

Services Impacted:  Associated noise

Work Performed By:  Lane Forest Products

ContactPhil Carroll, CPFM Landscape Maintenance Supervisor, 541-246-0031