Lewis Integrated Science Building HVAC and Fume Hood Shutdown 12/28/20

Begin:  Monday, December 28th, 2020 at 9:00 am

End:      Monday, December 28th, 2020 at 11:45 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Lewis Integrative Science Building

Scope:  The HVAC Preventative Maintenance Crew will be changing filters on the roof exhaust units for LISB, including the HVAC filters. They will also be inspecting equipment for any potential issues.

Services Impacted:  This will affect all floors.

  • HVAC Units will go offline for short periods of time to change belts and filters building wide. Users shouldn’t notice the heating or cooling being off due to the short amount of time that they are down.
  • The Fume hoods will also go down for short periods of time while their filters are being changed between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, and will set off some air flow alarms during this time. (This is rough estimate of time, and will most likely be shorter.)

Special Instructions:  Please close all fume hood sashes prior to Monday morning.

Work Performed By:  Campus Planning and Facilities Maintenance HVAC Preventative Maintenance Crew.

ContactJosh Chadwick, CPFM Facilities Services, 541-913-3039

Huestis, Ford Alumni, ZIRC, and Knight Library Building Air Shutdown 10/5/20 – 10/9/20

UPDATE 10/6/20:
Ford Alumni has been rescheduled for next Monday 10/12, and the Knight Library has been rescheduled for next Wednesday 10/14 and Friday 10/16.

UPDATE:  Huestis work will be performed on Monday, October 5th, and ZIRC will be on Friday, October 9th.

Building Impacted (during the week of Oct. 5th):  Huestis Hall, Ford Alumni, ZIRC, and Knight Library

Scope:  Facilities Services is currently responding to the impacts of the recent fire/smoke event.  As a result, all building air handling systems will be taken off-line, cleaned and all filters replaced.

Begin:  Monday, October 5th, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Friday, October 9th, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Services Impacted:  This will affect the building’s cooling, cooling tower, heating, and HVAC air supply.

Extra Notes:

Work Performed By:   UO CPFM Facilities Services

ContactKen Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Jim Cody, CPFM Assoc. Dir of Facilities Services, 541-346-2302

Cascade Hall and Klamath Hall Building Air Shutdown 10/1/20 – 10/2/20

Building Impacted:  Cascade Hall and Klamath Hall Roof Units

Scope:  Facilities Services is currently responding to the impacts of the recent fire/smoke event.  As a result, all building air handling systems will be taken off-line, cleaned and all filters replaced.

Begin:  Thursday, October 1st, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Friday, October 2nd, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Services Impacted:  This will affect the building’s cooling, cooling tower, heating, and HVAC air supply.

Extra Notes:  Attached is the link to the original campus wide emergency HVAC filter replacement project notice  https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/2020/09/21/campus-wide-hvac-filter-replacement/

Work Performed By:   UO CPFM Facilities Services

ContactKen Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Klamath Hall Emergency Fume Hood/Building Air Shutdown 9/29/20

Building or Area Impacted:  Klamath Hall – Basement, 1st floor, and 2nd floor

ScopeScope:  Facilities Services is currently responding to the impacts of the recent fire/smoke event.  As a result, all building air handling systems will be taken off-line, cleaned and all filters replaced.

Begin:  Today, Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 at 12:30 pm

End:      Today, Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 at 2:30 pm

Services Impacted:  Fume hoods and building air will be offline.  This will affect ½ of the building the first hour, and the 2nd half of the building the second hour, but it is unknown at this time which will be first.

Extra Notes:  Attached is the link to the original campus wide emergency HVAC filter replacement project notice  https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/2020/09/21/campus-wide-hvac-filter-replacement/

Special InstructionsPlease close all fume hood sashes

Work Performed By:   UO CPFM Facilities Services

Contact:  Ken Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Streisinger Hall HVAC Shutdown Notice 9/28/20

UPDATE 10/2/20:  The filters have arrived and are ready to be placed on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020.

Begin:  Monday, September 28th, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Monday, September 28th, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Streisinger Hall

Scope:  Due to the recent smoke particulate event, the building HVAC will be shut down for a complete filter change.  This is necessary to remove the ash from the intake and coil assemblies.

Services Impacted:  This will affect the building’s cooling, cooling tower, heating, and HVAC air supply.

Extra Notes:  Attached is the link to the original campus wide emergency HVAC filter replacement project notice https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/2020/09/21/campus-wide-hvac-filter-replacement/

Work Performed By:   UO CPFM Facilities Services

ContactKen Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Klamath Third Floor HVAC Shutdown 8/11

Begin:  Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 6:30 am

End:      Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:30 am

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Klamath Hall third floor

Scope: The HVAC supply fans for the third floor need to be shut down briefly for testing of lab pressurization.

Services Impacted: The HVAC supply will be unavailable for the hour that testing is being conducted.

Work Performed By: Systems West

Contact: Denise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

Klamath Hall 2nd Floor HVAC Shutdown 8/8-8/9

Begin:  Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 3:30 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Klamath Hall second floor

Scope: Due to fan motor replacement and building control updates the HVAC supply air to Klamath level 2 will be offline for the 2 day duration.

Work Performed By: Lease Crutcher Lewis

Contact: Denise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258

CPFM Administration Quonset A/C Shutdown 6/25/20 – 6/29/20

Begin:  Thursday, June 25th, 2020 – current issue

End:      Monday, June 29th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  CPFM Administration Quonset (Bldg #136)

Scope:  An outside chilled water pipe was discovered broken under the AHU unit.  Repairs have been scheduled for Monday.

Services Impacted:  The A/C will be off during this time.

Work Performed By:   CPFM Facilities Mechanical Shop

ContactKen Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406

Loss of Cooling for West Side of Lillis 2/21/2020-3/13/2020

UPDATE 3/12/20: The repairs are complete and cooling has been restored.

UPDATE 2/27/20:  The repair is more extensive than expected and will most likely be completed by Friday, March 13th.

Update 2/26/20: The parts have still not arrived so the shutdown has been extended to Friday.

Begin: Friday, February 21, 2020

End: Possibly Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 March 13, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Entire West side of Lillis (Not Computing, Chiles, or Peterson)

Scope: The 6” chilled water line has burst. The pipe to replace the broken section has been ordered and repairs will be made upon its arrival.  Because of the scope of the repairs, the repairs may be finished on Monday or may take until Wednesday to be completed.

Services Impacted: This will affect the cooling to the entire West side of the building.

Extra Notes: Please let Work Control know if any areas need to borrow box fans.

Contact: Work Control at 541-346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu

Computing Center Heating/Cooling 1/27/2020

Begin: Monday, January 27th, 2020

End: TBD, waiting for parts

Areas Impacted:  Computing Center classrooms 155, 165, 175, and 185

Scope:  The motor to the air handler unit that serves the classrooms is down. A replacement has been ordered.

Services Impacted: This will impact the heating and cooling in 155, 165, 175, and 185.

Contact:  For questions or concerns, please contact Work Control Center at 346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.

Chilled Water & Cooling Shutdown Impacting All of Huestis, Willamette, Klamath Hall, Onyx Bridge and Streisinger Hall 1/13 – 2/12

Update 2/5/20 from Denise Stewart – In order to insulate the piping so it will not sweat/condense when the chilled water is turned back on, this shutdown has been extended. The work is expected to be completed on Wednesday, February 12th.

Update 1/13/20 8:20 pm: From Jim Cody, Associate Director of Facilities Services:

Chilled water will be off to Klamath, Onyx Bridge, Streisinger, Huestis, and Willamette, including all processed cooling water loops until approximately noon on Tuesday, January 14th. Contractors are working overnight to install a bypass to allow most buildings to receive chilled water. Klamath and Onyx Bridge will continue to be without chilled water until the February 7th date identified in the initial shutdown.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Denise Stewart at 541-335-1258.

Update 1/13/20: In order to accommodate this chilled water shutdown request, both Huestis Hall and Willamette Hall will also be without chilled water for the duration.


Begin:  January 13, 2020

End:  February 7 12, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: All of Huestis, Willamette, Klamath Hall, Onyx Bridge and Streisinger Hall

Services Impacted:  Chilled Water and Cooling

ContactDenise Stewart 541-335-1258

Scope:  As part of the 3rd-floor renovation, we need an extended chilled water shutdown to replace piping in the basement of Klamath Hall. We have selected January 13 through February 7 12 to perform the work and the shutdown during a period the outside air temperatures are cool, and the demand for cooling of spaces is least likely.

Special Instructions:

If you find that a cooling source is needed, please contact the Owners Rep (Denise Stewart) who can provide temporary measures. The Owners Rep is currently planning to provide supplemental cooling to the Human Anatomy Lab, Klamath B53.

The below plan shows the area of work in the Klamath basement outside of mechanical spaces.

Streisinger Hall HVAC Maintenance 1/6/20-1/10/20

Begin: Monday, January 6th, 2020 at 8:30 am

End: Friday, January 10th, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Streisinger Hall

Scope: The preventative maintenance crew will be changing out filters and belts for Streisinger Hall yearly maintenance.

Services Impacted: This will impact the whole building as most filters will be done live, and then each motor will be shut down just long enough to replace belts.

Extra Notes: Work will be performed by the CPFM Preventative Maintenance Crew.

Contact: For questions or concerns, please contact Josh Chadwick at 541-913-3039 or Jchadwic@uoregon.edu.

McKenzie Hall AHU 3 Shutdown 9/20/19

Update 9/24/19: The Air Handling Unit has been repaired and is up and running.


Due to a power issue last night, on 9/19/19, Air Handling Unit 3 has been put out of service. The power issue tripped the smoke and fire dampers, which is now affecting the air distribution.

Air Handling Unit 3 services the South sections of floors 1 and 2, as well as the L200. These areas will be without heating and cooling over the weekend. Repairs will resume on Monday and an update will be provided then.

Contact: Ken Straw

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Mechanical & Plumbing Shop Manager Ken Straw at 541-346-5406 or kstraw@uoregon.edu.


Onyx Bridge Chilled Water Shutdown Impacting Cooling 6/27 7pm – 6/28 5am

Facilities Liaisons,

Revisions to the existing piping in the basement are needed in association with the Klamath 3rd Floor Renovation. This will impact cooling to the east half of Onyx Bridge on floors 1, 2 and 3.

An evening outage was coordinated is to reduce the impact to the occupants.

The controlled temperature (CT) rooms will not be impacted.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Denise Stewart 541-335-1258.

Baker Downtown Center – Chiller Down Temporarily, 5/7

Building Liaisons,


One of the building chillers that provides cooling to the Baker Downtown Center is currently not operating and will be down for the next few days, primarily affecting Suite 110 and adjacent 1st-floor offices (see map below). Repairs are under way, and the crew will have cooling restored as soon as possible (later in the week). We apologize for any uncomfortable temperatures and conditions.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Richard Vaughan by calling 541.346.2319



[INNOVATION CENTER] Air Supply Shutdown 7/20

Due to preventative maintenance on the building mechanical systems, the air supply to the building will be temporarily shut down July 20, 2018, from 7:30 am – 1:00 pm. This will impact air, heating, cooling and fume hoods in rooms 113N, 113S, 114, 116, and 120.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Facilities Services Richard Vaughan at 541-255-5947 or Work Control at 541-346-2319.

4/7: [OREGON HALL] Electrical Gear Outage Impacting Various Building Equipment & Areas 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E (all east wing areas)

This notice has been sent to all UO Spaces building contacts in Oregon Hall and Outlook Lists FS Memo and Computing Centers.

Building Occupants,

On Saturday, April 7, 2018, from 6:00 am – 3:30 pm Fortis Construction and JKG Electrical will be shutting down the basement electrical gear impacting the flowing equipment;

Freight Elevator
Passenger Elevators
Panel MSP1, west basement, basement pumps- chilled water/ heating/ condensate
Panel WRB, west basement, sump pump SP-3, exhaust fan EF-3
Water Heater in main basement
Panel ERB, main basement, hot water pump, sump pump SP4, dry pipe air compressor

Impacted Areas: 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E (all east wing areas)

Fortis will provide power to the air compressor and monitor the sump pumps.  This shutdown should not affect the data center.

For questions for concerns, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Representative Patrick Mucker at 541-346-8216.

3/28: Intermittent Heating, Cooling and Air supply Disruptions

 Building Occupants,

Due to scheduled preventative maintenance the Zebrafish International Resource Center may experience intermittent heating, cooling and air supply disruptions on March 28, 2018 from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.


For questions or concerns contact CPFM Facilities Services TM2  Mike Allen 541-346-2015 or CPFM Work Control Customer Service Center at 541-346- 2319.

12/28 – 12/29: Update: Affected Building Change: Now [STRAUB] Chilled Water System Shutdown

Update –

After confirming with Utilities and Energy it has been determined that this chilled water shutdown will impact Straub.  No other buildings should be impacted.  This is a revision from the notice below.  This will impact all equipment utilizing the chilled water loop in Straub.


Building Occupants,


Starting December 28, 2017 at 7:30 am ending December 29, 2017 at 9:00 am the chilled water will be shut down in the tunnel while new values are installed.  This will impact chilled water to Living and Learning Center, University Health Counseling and Testing Center and possibly and Earl.  This will impact all equipment utilizing the chilled water loop.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317 or 970-640-0176.

10/18/17: Columbia Hall & Volcanology Intermittent Air Flow Disruptions

Building Occupants,

Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on October 18, 2017, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm Columbia Hall and Volcanology will experience intermittent air flow disruptions throughout the day.  This work will impact the entire building while crews change filters in air handling units.

Special Instructions for Columbia:  The fume hood sashes need to be closed, and lab doors should be open for makeup air.  Fume Hoods will remain operational during this time.

 For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Zone B Maintenance Manager Bruce Budzik at 541-346-8834.

9/27/17: Gerlinger and Gerlinger Annex HVAC Preventative Maintenance Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, September 27th from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm, Gerlinger Hall and Gerlinger Annex heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) will experience intermittent shutdowns due to scheduled preventative maintenance.

This will affect air handling units and restroom exhaust fans while crews change system filters.

Work will be performed by CPFM’s Facilities Services.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.


9/21/17: Huestis Heating and Cooling Supply Air Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Thursday, September 21, 2017, the heating and cooling supply air will be temporarily shut down in Huestis while contractors replace a building fan.  This shutdown will begin at 6:00 am and last for one day.

Special Instructions:  When SF 1A and 1B are shut down for the day, it will affect the supply air to the below-listed rooms. This will not shut down fume hood exhaust, but because there will not be supply air, these steps need to be followed in the fume hoods.

  1. Seal all open chemical storage in the fume hood.
  2. Keep fume hood sash closed during the shutdown period.

Impacted Areas:

1st Floor: 111, 111A, 111B, 111C, 129, 129A, 129B, 129C

2nd Floor:  209, 209A, 209B, 209C, 211A, 227A, 229A, 233B, 233C, 233D, 233E

3rd Floor:  305, 305A, 305B, 305C, 311A, 313A, 327A, 337, 337A, 337B, 337C, 337D

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Zone B Maintenance Manager Bruce Budzik at 541-346-8834.

8/30/17: Various Zone A Buildings Temp Fluctuation

Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm the below listed buildings may experience slightly warmer than normal temps. This is due to the ongoing work on the chilled water pump that services the buildings south of vault P17.


Collier House Hendricks Susan Campbell
Gerlinger Gerlinger Annex Knight Library
Lokey Education Hedco Education Annex
Frohnmayer Music Clinical Services

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

For questions on how this may impact your services, please contact Jana Gerow CPFM Design and Construction Owners Representative 541-346-8317or Mo Soleimani CPFM Utilities and Energy Maintenance Supervisor 541-346-2213.

9/13/17: Hayward East Grandstand Preventative Maintenance Work Impacting Air Handling Units

Building Occupants,

Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on the Hayward East Grandstand HVAC equipment, building occupants should expect intermittent shutdowns on air handling units and restroom exhaust fans to allow crews to change system filters. This scheduled work will be taking place on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.

For questions on how this may impact your services, please contact CPFM Facilities Services Zone A Maintenance Manager Jim Cody  541-346-2302.

9/13/17: Bowerman Preventative Maintenance Work Impacting Air Handling Units

Building Occupants,

Due to scheduled preventative maintenance on the Bowerman HVAC equipment, building occupants should expect intermittent shutdowns on air handling units and restroom exhaust fans to allow crews to change system filters. This scheduled work will be taking place on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.

For questions on how this may impact your services, please contact CPFM Facilities Services Zone A Maintenance Manager Jim Cody  541-346-2302.