Building Occupants,
As a part of the CPS cabling replacement project, to improve the electrical cable from vaults between 13th and 15th avenues, west of University Street, there are plans to have five buildings serviced by Generators for 2 weeks (August 23 – September 10) while old cables are pulled out and new ones put in place. To set up the generators at the start and remove the buildings from generator power at the end, it will mean that all five buildings will lose normal power for 3 hours on two different Saturdays 2 weeks apart.
Having reviewed best dates with UO schedules, our contractors and Johnson Hall – August 25 and September 8, both Saturdays, will be the best remaining days before Students return for fall semester. The Project Manager is planning around these dates unless building occupants respond to the project manager by 12:00 (noon) Monday, August 20, 2018 that this planned outage would impact an event or issue that CPFM could not accommodate. 3 Generators will be running continually, for the two weeks between these 2 Saturdays, and contractors will be monitoring fuel levels as much as every 36 hours to fuel them. This will require contractor access during working hours in the vaults between impacted buildings. Generators will be brought on site two days before the shutdown and removed within two days after the shutdown.
Generally planned locations are as follows:
To service Collier House and Johnson Hall – the generator will be located in the parking lot east of Johnson Hall
To service Hendricks – the generator will be in a grassy area or on a sidewalk to the north of the building.
To service Gerlinger and Susan Campbell the generator will be located on the grass or sidewalk between the two buildings.
Again, after coordination, the Project Manager believes that August 25 and September 8, both Saturdays, will be the best remaining days before Students return for fall semester. Please respond by 12:00 (noon) Monday August 20, 2018 with questions or concerns.
Project Manager: Jana Gerow 541-346-8317