Walton Hall, LLC, Straub Hall and Earl Hall Planned Power Outage with Limited Impact on 9/5

Building Occupants,

As a part of the Hayward Utility Corridor Project, there will a normal power and standby power outage to install new campus power cables.

The Standby Power outage will NOT affect any building users, as it is not the primary source of building power. This work will occur on Wednesday, September 5 from 5:00 AM to approximately 5:20 AM. We recommend that all electronic devices be turned off before leaving on Tuesday.

All building power to Walton Hall will be turned off Wednesday, September 5 from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM. This building outage will only affect Walton Hall. We recommend that all electronic devices be turned off before leaving on Tuesday.

The work will be performed by a contractor.

Please contact CPFM Project Manager Jana Gerow 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell with any questions or concerns.

Deschutes 207 Construction Notice 9/5 – 9/14

Building Occupants,

CPFM Facilities Services will be doing a minor remodel in Deschutes 207 from 9/5 to 9/14. It will involve minor demo, carpeting, locks, drywall patching, and paint. Users can expect to hear normal and occasional construction noises such as hammering and drilling, and see Facilities Services personnel entering/exiting the building with tools and materials during normal business hours. No utility disruptions or shutoffs are expected at this time.

If there are any problems, please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Theo Davis, at 541-346-1012.


Rooftop Work Advisory Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater, and JSMA 8/27 – 8/30

Building Occupants,

August 27 – 30, 2018 a contractor will be working on the below-listed roofs working on rooftop equipment that will improve campus communications reception in Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater, and JSMA.  You may hear noise or see contractors working in the following locations:

Computing Center Monday 8/27
6:00 am – 7:30 am rooftop work and drilling

PLC Monday 8/27/18 

8:00 am – 10:00 am rooftop work

Miller Theater Monday 8/27

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm rooftop work

PLC Tuesday 8/28

7:00 am – 9:00 am rooftop work

JSMA Tuesday 8/28

7:00 am – 9:00 am rooftop conduit work and repairs

Computing Center, PLC, Miller Theater and JSMA Wednesday and Thursday 8/29 & 8/30 

All day rooftop conduit work and repairs

Please contact CPFM Project Manager Jana Gerow 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell with any questions or concerns.

[Clinical Services Building] Steam Shutdown 8/24

Campus community

Due to the unexpected failure of a PRV sensor device on the steam line, Clinical Services steam will be shut down for approximately 2 hours on Friday 8/24 from 8:00a-10:00a. This will affect building heat and steam services. If you have any question or concerns, please contact Design & Construction Owner’s Representative Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317.

Student Recreation Center Closed for Maintenance 8/25 – 9/9

Campus Community,

PE and Rec facility will be closed from August 25 – September 9 for annual maintenance and cleaning. There will not be access to any spaces within the Student Recreation Center at this time. The in-house maintenance team, Oregon Electric Group, CPFM Facilities Services and DDJ Window Cleaning will be working throughout the facility.

For questions regarding this building closure please contact Cody Weaver PE and Rec Assistant Director of Facilities at 541-346-8993.


[LISB] Electrical Panel PN1-2 Shutdown 8/23

Building Occupants,

Due to adding communications equipment to roof top electrical panels at LISB, it is necessary to shut down electrical panel PN1-2 for a period of two hours on Thursday, August 23, 2018.   The project manager selected 7:00  am – 9:00 am.

Electrical panel PN1-2 serves the following equipment:

EF-6 – Exhaust Fan for the elevator equipment room.
EF-7 – Exhaust fan for the elevator chase.
The lights and convenience receptacle for the indoor air handling units located in the penthouse.
Miscellaneous convenience receptacles in the penthouse which are currently not in use.

Impacts to  building will be minimal.  This will not impact elevator services but yous may experience decreased airflow in the elevator.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell.

Riverfront Parkway Lane Closure 8/23

Campus Community,

Our Utility Provider EWEB will be pruning trees along Riverfront Pkwy on August 23, 2018, from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.  The northbound lane of Riverfront Parkway will be closed during this time.  Signage will be in place to direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Select this (link) to view traffic plan.

For questions or concerns, please contact:

UO  Transit and Parking Field Operations Manager James McGladrey at 541-346-2676.

EWEB contact Chris Hoffman Utility Forester EWEB Vegetation Management Program 541-685-7608.


[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2018/08/EWEB-8-23-28-2-16dec8t.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Streisinger Steam & Fume Hood Shutdown 8/22

Building Occupants,

Facilities has coordinated in advance with primary building occupants the need to perform necessary preventative maintenance and steam repairs on building systems Wednesday, August 22 from 6 am – 4 pm. This will require HVAC work in the animal labs from 6 am – 10 am, and fume hoods will be down from 8 am – 4 pm.

This will impact:
• HVAC Air Supply
• Steam/Condensate
• Fume Hoods
• Exhaust
• Autoclave Steam

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Facilities Services HVAC and Plumbing Manager David Ward at 541-346-2303.

Planned Power Outages Impacting Collier House, Johnson Hall, Hendricks, Gerlinger and Susan Campbell 8/25 – 9/5

Building Occupants,

As a part of the CPS cabling replacement project, to improve the electrical cable from vaults between 13th and 15th avenues, west of University Street, there are plans to have five buildings serviced by Generators for 2 weeks (August 23 – September 10) while old cables are pulled out and new ones put in place. To set up the generators at the start and remove the buildings from generator power at the end, it will mean that all five buildings will lose normal power for 3 hours on two different Saturdays 2 weeks apart.

Having reviewed best dates with UO schedules, our contractors and Johnson Hall – August 25 and September 8, both Saturdays, will be the best remaining days before Students return for fall semester. The Project Manager is planning around these dates unless building occupants respond to the project manager by 12:00 (noon) Monday, August 20, 2018 that this planned outage would impact an event or issue that CPFM could not accommodate. 3 Generators will be running continually, for the two weeks between these 2 Saturdays, and contractors will be monitoring fuel levels as much as every 36 hours to fuel them. This will require contractor access during working hours in the vaults between impacted buildings. Generators will be brought on site two days before the shutdown and removed within two days after the shutdown.

Generally planned locations are as follows:

To service Collier House and Johnson Hall – the generator will be located in the parking lot east of Johnson Hall

To service Hendricks – the generator will be in a grassy area or on a sidewalk to the north of the building.

To service Gerlinger and Susan Campbell the generator will be located on the grass or sidewalk between the two buildings.

Again, after coordination, the Project Manager believes that August 25 and September 8, both Saturdays, will be the best remaining days before Students return for fall semester. Please respond by 12:00 (noon) Monday August 20, 2018 with questions or concerns.

Project Manager: Jana Gerow 541-346-8317

Music Immediate North Elevator Shutdown 8/16

Building Occupants,

Otis Elevator notified CPFM Work Control that the north elevator in Music has a failed pump motor and was shut down until repairs can be completed.

For questions or concerns, please contact CPFM Work Control Center at 541-346-2319.

Oregon Hall Planned Power Outages 8/24 & 8/25

Building Occupants,

As part of the Oregon Hall ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) replacement project, there will be a shut down of all POWER to the building from 6 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on Friday, August 24 while cables are connected to a generator for the ATS equipment. When the work is complete and tested, sometime between 8 and 5 pm on Saturday, August 25, there will be another 3 hours shut down of ALL BUILDING POWER, while the generator is disconnected and the work is tested. During this approximate 36 hour time, there will be two generators located in the loading dock area.

The basement equipment room 5A is the location of the majority of the work and adjacent IT rooms. All work is being done in the basement and equipment will be stored on the loading dock.

Please contact CPFM Project Managers Jana Gerow 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell and Rick Tabor  541-346-7511 with any questions or concerns.

[PACIFIC HALL, CASCADE ANNEX, AND ONYX BRIDGE] Construction Staging Equipment and ADA Sidewalk Installation 8/14-8/27

Campus community,

For the Pacific Exterior ADA improvement project, starting on Tuesday, August 14, Delta Construction will have equipment  located near the sidewalk immediately adjacent to Pacific Hall at the service drive on the north east side of the building. Workers will be engaging in demolition and construction on the new sidewalk, and there will be saw cutting and noise related to demolition from 8/14 thru 8/17. On the following Monday and Tuesday (8/20 ad 8/21) the new ADA cement sidewalk will be installed. The sidewalk area will remain closed off to carts and heavy equipment moves thru 8/27 while the concrete reaches full strength.

NOTE: The driveway will be blocked however, NO replacement of pavement is being done at this time due to budget restrictions.

Please use alternate entries to the building during this time, or coordinate any needed access thru Design & Construction Owner’s Representative Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317, or Facilities Engineer Sarah Follett at 541-346-8264. Please direct any questions or concerns you may have to them.

Fenton Elevator 5-Year Load Testing 8/17

Friday, August 17, 2018, Otis  Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended five-year full load testing on the elevators at Fenton from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.

[Ford Alumni Center] Elevator 5-Year Load Testing 8/17

Friday, August 17, 2018, Otis  Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended five-year full load testing on the elevators at the Ford Alumni Center from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am.  Only one elevator will be out of service at a time.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.

EMU Elevator 5-Year Load Testing 8/15

Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Otis  Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended five-year full load testing on the elevators at EMU from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am.  Otis will only take one elevator offline at a time.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.

Clinical Services Elevator 5-Year Load Testing 8/15

Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Otis Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended five-year full load testing on the elevators at Clinical Services from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am. Otis will only take one elevator offline at a time.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.

Knight Library TLC 4th Floor Construction Activities Starting 8/10

Building Occupants,

Light mechanical construction work related to the TLC project on the 4th floor of the Library will occur this Friday starting at 8 am and will continue into next week.  Users can expect to see mechanical technicians in and around the 4th-floor area.  There are no known mechanical/electrical shutdowns scheduled at this time.

Please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Theo Davis at 541-346-1012 with any questions or concerns.

PLC Elevator 5 Year Load Testing 8/14

Tuesday August 14, 2018, Otis Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended 5-year full load testing on the elevators at PLC from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am. Otis will only take one elevator offline at a time.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.

Columbia Parking Garage Elevator 5 Year Load Testing 8/13

Monday August 13, 2018 Otis Elevator will be onsite performing state recommended 5 year full load testing on the elevators at Columbia Parking Garage from approximately 7:30 am – 11:30 am.  Otis will only take one elevator offline at a time.

Please contact Marc Maxey with Otis at 503-421-2832 with any questions or concerns.