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Posts Tagged ‘multimedia’

  1. Miss Representation

    February 17, 2014 by

    I’ve found myself recommending this documentary to many of my peers, especially the ladies. Clocking in at 90 minutes in length, it’s available on Netflix and discusses the disparaging representation of women in the mainstream media, including news, TV, movies, advertisements, and more. I’ve been talking to many people lately about how few movies and shows feature females in lead roles, and I’ve noticed that when people stop and think about it, they’re usually a little shocked upon realizing how complacent we’ve all become with assuming that’s the norm. The documentarian behind this piece, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, interviews a range of women and men throughout the documentary including actors and actresses, newscasters, activists, high school students and many professors among others. Throughout the documentary statistics pop up showing women’s involvement in various aspects of the media industry as well as politics, and many really make you stop and think.

    What I found useful about this documentary besides the great voices making the film a worthy watch is the campaign behind it that has taken on a life of its own. Miss Representation has a Twitter account helping to launch their new campaign and app Not Buying It: “Let the media know: sexism won’t sell. Use #NotBuyingIt on Twitter to challenge the misrepresentation of women and girls.” I chose this as my example this week to show how documentary can go beyond challenging people to think about bigger concepts differently and actually propel action through the use of social media tools as well as app development. An interesting multimedia component that can help a project live on with a purpose. GO GIRLS!

    Miss Representation 8 min. Trailer 8/23/11 from The Representation Project on Vimeo.

  2. Show Soundtracks – The next big thing?

    January 28, 2014 by

    I’m sure at this point most of us have seen or heard of GIRLS on HBO. Since the individuals involved in a large portion of the writing and production of the show are of the Millennial generation, it seems to me that they are taking on some interesting experiments with what it means to have a show and what it takes to achieve a sort of “cult following” in the 21st century.

    First of all, GIRLS is on Twitter. I have been following them since day one and they’re one of the shows that’s all about live-tweeting during the episode, tossing out random quotes from characters, re-tweeting follower shout-outs, etc. American Horror Story does this too, among many others, and I think it’s an interesting idea as a multimedia component to producing because you are essentially having a live discussion with the Internet while getting immediate feedback about your work. Now I have noticed they’re on to something else: a show soundtrack.

    If you click here, you’ll notice via iTunes that Girls has what seems to be its second soundtrack for its show, featuring songs from the episodes. (The show has 3 seasons, but I’m guessing they came up with the idea for this in season 2.) The third season debuted at the beginning of this month, and as the season progresses it seems as though after you’ve purchased the album you “unlock” songs in the soundtrack for downloading as the show goes along. I was really skeptical at first but after looking through the song list, I realized that even though I have the new Vampire Weekend album (and all their albums), I don’t have the song from this album, meaning they are partnering with artists to get special tracks either before they’re released by the artist or composed specifically for the show, which is kind of cool. I have only unlocked the Jenny Lewis song so far, but it’s totally rad.

    Just wanted to showcase this interesting multimedia component to get us thinking about creative ways to showcase our work as well as garner involvement from fellow artists. What do you think? And in case you’re not familiar with the show, there’s a preview below.

  3. Meet Porter: The World’s First Driving Dog

    October 21, 2013 by

    This video caught my eye for several reasons, namely that it features a dog driving a car. What appears to be a collaboration between the SPCA and Mini Cooper serves as an interesting mix of multi-camera angles, music, and text. I imagine it was probably difficult to shoot, so it’s interesting to see the editing choices considering the subject is an animal.

    As a very creative way to encourage pet adoption, the organization also succeeds in advertising their hashtag for an extended multimedia experience. Visiting Twitter and searching ‘#drivingdogs’ yielded entertaining and supportive tweets, as well as a link from the MDG Blog saying that all of the puppies at the SPCA Auckland shelter were adopted within weeks of the ad airing. Good dog!

  4. Interactive Multimedia Feature from NY Times

    October 16, 2013 by

    As technology continues to grow and change around us, Multimedia is an ever-evolving mechanism of storytelling. As we are all discovering, that may come in many different shapes and platforms to maximize how we understand and effectively absorb the material. I found the NY Times article Syrian Refugees in Lebanon to be a very powerful and contextualizing form of multimedia. Now this is not quite a form of “Snowfall” but it provides us with a great example of a smaller scale and more simplified version of the same general idea. The Times presents stories from three different families who have been fled from Syria to Lebanon in attempts to escape the horrors they left behind. I particularly like the interactive photograph of the families in their home because it allows the viewer to see an entire 360 degree view around the room (oftentimes the only room shared amongst multiple families). It gave me a sense of perspective on exactly how big the room was and how many people were sharing that space on a daily basis. Overall, I think this is an effective piece of Multimedia Journalism and left me with an overall feeling of empathy for these people that have lost their homes to warfare.

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