Week 9: Grace R Morrissey – Relationship status: It’s complicated

As much as we are seduced by the idea of an equal marriage between professionals of all stripes working the new media and fans/participants/users in the online space, the reality of the relationship might be more complicated.

Interdisciplinarity means a broader base of creative perspectives for a project but this broader base can also just […]

Week 3: Natalie Henry Bennon response to viewings about context

It took me 20 minutes of googling simply to start to make sense of this week’s viewings. The first thing that helped me was a definition of digital storytelling. According to the Center for Digital Storytelling, it is “a short, first-person video narrative created by combining recorded voice, still and moving images, and music or […]

Week 2: Kevin Gaboury

Unanticipated advances in technology over the past decade have been huge advantages to non-profit organizations like Witness and Engage Media. In 20 years, Witness has gone from the archaic Sony HandyCam to top-of-the line video and audio equipment and the unlimited potential of the Internet. For a laugh, check out this ad for the Sony […]