Canzo Empyrean and the Economy of Intrigue
The relationships between people and media described in Spreadable Media seemed fresh as well as consonant with my own experience. While Gere explored the history and system trends in the progress of digital culture, Jenkins et al did more to frame and describe our daily engagement […]
Authentic Games
There is an important distinction between gaming and interactivity, and we must clearly define it before we can discuss either term as a means to re-engage audiences. Interactivity is simply bidirectional action and effect; gaming is more complex and subtle to define. Put simply, games are bounded, competitive activities willingly engaged […]
Interdisciplinary is one of the many synonyms for transmedia, cross-media (x-media), multimedia, etc. Simply put it means utilizing many different forms to engage and communicate ideas to an audience, and by using as multiple forms of media you are increasing your ability to reach and engage with people outside of a singular sphere of influence/interest. […]
One of the things that struck me the most deeply with the three websites we viewed this week is how my relationship with a piece of media is altered by how valid my first impression is. While in some situations the power of the content is enough to outweigh a bad presentation of it, there’s […]
Humor is spreadable. The projects like Dumb Ways to Die reached a vast audience because it was funny. This project includes a funny song released on YouTube. I was surprised that even some of my busy co-workers(teachers) have seen it. Maybe I just live in a cave. I think that funny videos posted online and […]
Of the three sites we were to explore this week, Games for Change was the most addictive. Over the course of a few lost hours, I:
• Tried to keep Fred alive in “Code Fred: Survival Mode” (without much luck, as it turned out)
• Learned about some really dumb ways to die in a […]
In this week viewings there were great examples of different multimedia projects that interestingly present non- profit organizations in a new unique way that’s very effective and fun to use.
In “Game for Change” I saw a new and fascinating concept of social impact through using fun and addicting stuff like vide games. In this […]
I spent a good chunk of time immersed in the MediaStorm® website this week, as they have been referenced by a few of our professors. It seems that they are at the forefront of edgy, semi-participatory, content creation and curation for the mainstream media. I was disappointed, therefore, that it seemed they were really just […]
I have never been a gamer, but I’m fascinated with the concept of gamifying content. I was excited to see Games for Change on this week’s list of projects. Gaming was built into my generation growing up and it seems only natural that developers and civically minded groups are trying to capitalize on this innate […]
Easily the site I got sucked into the most this week was the MediaStorm site, particularly the photography project (mostly because that’s one of my interests) that included actor Jeff Bridges.
I thought these videos were done well, mostly because the interviewee was done in a quiet setting where I could actually concentrate on what […]