Week 5: Scott Anderson

I think Kevin and I are in the same boat. We both enjoy journalism and, yet, loathe parts of it, as well.

For my paper, I’m kind of tossing around a few ideas. Also similar to Kevin, I really liked The Interview Project and how the people in it didn’t specifically set out to participate in some sort of project. In fact, they were just sort of seen out in public and the crew thought (maybe by the way the people dressed or acted) looked interesting. I’m not totally sure how I will use the stickiness angle here, but once I go back and refer to the notes I made in the book, it’ll become clearer.

I also liked the behind-the-scenes look at the Santri Film Festival that was on the Engage Media site. This film documented the story of Indonesian teens trying to make films that would bring people together and crush stereotypes. Obviously, these people had an agenda in making these films, which wasn’t a bad thing. Then on the Witness site, there was a video about a group of journalists who were being attacked for doing various stories and reports. Is this type of news more apt to be spread or are the videos from the film festival more apt to be spread?

I also made the connection of the spreadable media model in my own life whereas one of my friends constantly posts on Facebook about that show “Community” coming back or about other shows that she’s really into like “Dr. Who.” I’m not totally sure why she can’t hold back on the repeated Facebook posts about this sort of stuff, but maybe she’s trying to spread it on her own volition so more people will see it and then become fans.

I also liked the idea of “retro-branding” in Ch. 3 of the Spreadable Media book and have a lot of personal connections to that (a friend of mine just opened a retro arcade and bar in Salem and another friend just bought a new Playstation wrestling game simply because it featured his favorite wrestler from when he was a child), but I’m not sure I saw a way to connect those dots to any of the sites we viewed.

Anyway, these are just some of the types of things I’m thinking about using for my paper. I’m hoping I’ll have a more defined vision after Saturday’s class.

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2 comments to Week 5: Scott Anderson

  • amandae@uoregon.edu


    It sounds like you’re writing a paper analyzing the spreadability of media content, specifically contrasting two media projects that advocate something: one was the Witness project to defend journalists, and the other are examples that defy stereotypes from the Engage film festival. I suggest you “use” your “loathing” of certain parts of journalism to get critical: what tenants of spreadability do these projects have or not have? What can we learn about the spreadability of media that “advocates” something through this analysis?

  • Jessy Rachelia

    yash As you refine your vision after Saturday’s class, I’m excited to see how your paper unfolds, weaving together these diverse threads into a cohesive exploration of spreadable media in journalism and personal experiences. Best of luck with your research, and I look forward to reading your insights!

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