Willamette Hall and Huestis Hall Lawn Access and Scanning Advisory 2/21/22 – 2/23/22

Begin:  Monday, February 21st, 2022

End:      Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Lawn between Huestis Hall and Willamette Hall

Scope:  Mortenson Construction will be scanning the exterior structure of Huestis Hall.  They will conduct this work from a lift placed in the landscape between Willamette Hall and Huestis Hall.

Services Impacted:

  • The lift motor will be shut down during scans to avoid exhaust into air intakes.
  • The scanning device has no known safety issues to workers on the lift, people in the area or behind glass, or equipment within the building.

Work Performed By:  Mortenson Construction

ContactMartina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

CPFM Lot 2 Storm Water Basin Service Advisory 2/09/22

Begin:  Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 at 10:00 am

End:      Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 at 12:00 noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Lot 2 (East of the Central Power Station)

Scope:  Storm water basin service will be performed in the area shown in red below. (The blue line shows the traffic route.)

Services Impacted:  The driving route will not be blocked but will be constricted slightly.  If needed, we will be able to open it up further should emergency vehicles need access.

Work Performed By:  CPFM Facilities Crews

ContactRod Madison, CPFM Landscape Coordinator, 541-346-8626

CPFM Compound Back 40 Access Advisory 2/7/22 – 2/18/22

Begin:   Monday, February 7th, 2022

End:      Friday, February 18th, 2022

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  CPFM Compound by Utilities & Energy Chilled Water Plant

Scope:  Due to cooling tower fill media replacement, contractors and a crane will be accessing the CPFM compound.  Contractors will be working in, around the plant, and on the roof between the 7th and 18th and the crane is expected between the 10th and 15th.

Services Impacted:  There will be little to no impact when accessing CPFM’s Back 40.

Work Performed By:  Contractor

ContactKyle Wilson, CPFM Utilities Maintenance Manager, 541-346-2246

Student Rec Center South Courtyard Tent Removal Advisory 7/16/21

Begin:  Friday, July 16th, 2021

End:      Friday, July 16th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Student Rec Center South Courtyard

Scope:  The 40′ x 100′ tent in the south courtyard will be removed.

Services Impacted:  Access to this area will be affected.

Work Performed By:  Stages NW

ContactLuke Helm, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8216

Unthank Jr. Hall Project Site Fencing Extended 6/14/21 – 7/26/21

Begin:  Monday, June 14th, 2021 at 7:00  am

End:      Monday, July 26th, 2021 at 5:00  pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Areas around Hamilton Hall and Justice Bean Hall

Scope:  The site fencing for the Unthank Jr. Hall Project will be extended to allow Fortis Construction to complete the project site work at the north east quadrant of the project. This site work will include the south end of Columbia Street, and the area between Unthank Jr. Hall and Justice Bean.

Services Impacted:

  • Accessible routes to Housing Administration, around the south end of Hamilton, and the ADA parking spots in lot 37 will remain open.
  • Access to the 13th Garage will not be impacted.
  • The sidewalks along Agate St. and 15th Ave. will remain open.

Work Performed By:  Fortis Construction

ContactGeorge Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625

Temporary Tents Removed near Lillis, Music, and the EMU 6/9/21

Begin:  Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 at 7:00 am

End:      Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Areas near the Lillis Business Complex, Frohnmayer Music, and the EMU.

Scope:  Stages NW and their subcontractors will be removing the temporary tents at the following locations: between Lillis and Anstett Halls; Frohnmayer Music Building amphitheater and courtyard; and at the EMU Green.

Services Impacted:  Outside areas, including the sidewalks, and the lawn surrounding the tent locations.

Work Performed By:  Stages NW

ContactLuke Helm, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-8216

Hayward Field Human Physiology Tenant Improvement Moving Activity Advisory 5/24/21 – 5/28/21

Begin:  Monday, May 24th, 2021

End:      Friday, May 28th, 2021

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Hayward Field – NW corner

Scope:  Furniture delivery and department moving activity will take place at the Human Physiology Tenant Improvement site at the northwest corner of Hayward Field during the week of May 24-28. Moving and furniture delivery vans/trucks will be entering 15th Avenue and staging in the entry area to the Human Physiology space.

Services Impacted:  No services will be affected.

Work Performed By:  Moving and furniture contractors.

ContactGene Mowery, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5593

Tykeson Hall Classroom Door Signage Work Advisory 4/2/21

Work has been rescheduled for Friday, April 2nd.


Begin: Friday, March 26th April 2nd, 2021 at 8:00 am

End: Friday, March 26th April 2nd, 2021 at 4:00 pm

Scope: A contractor will be on site to install signage to recognize donors as part of the Tykeson Hall project efforts. The signage will be installed on the classroom doors of rooms 140, 204, 240, 340, 360.

Services Impacted: Access to rooms may be slightly affected while work is completed on the individual doors of the classrooms mentioned above.

Work Performed By: MacGroup

Contact: Martina Oxoby, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-5880

Fine Arts Security Fence 2/1/21 – 6/25/21

UPDATE 6/4/21:

The perimeter fence and gate installation is complete.  Card readers will be activated after June 12th.  Facilities will complete remaining small tasks and demo of the old North fence no later than June 25th.

UPDATE 5/13/21:

The work is ongoing and is now expected to be complete on 6/4/2021.

UPDATE 4/15/21:

Fence demo and installation to occur starting Tuesday, 4/20.

Construction work will start at the northside of the North Sculpture Building A next Tuesday, 4/20 through Thursday, 4/22.  This may disrupt activity at the North outdoor covered sculpture work space during this time.

Work will also occur at the Northeast yard of the complex, southeast corner by the Kiln Shed, North & South Porticos until Friday, April 30th.

Users can expect typical construction noise.  UO, Island Fence, and ADT staff, their vehicles, equipment and materials will be on site during normal business hours.  Portions of fence may be down before new fencing is installed for a periodic moment.  Afterward, minor non-disruptive close out work will occur and it is expected the perimeter will be fully secured by May 14th.

We’ll update notices with access and safety info as necessary as the project progresses.

Work performed by:  Island Fence, Facilities Construction Services, ADT


UPDATE 3/11/21:

Concrete pour on 3/12 (this Friday morning) at 7am.  North portico to remain closed during this time but access to the North Sculpture building A will remain open through the Ceramics building B.

Due to critical material delivery delays, construction has been extended to the end of April.  Work will occur intermittently, but we plan to keep the existing security fence up until we are ready to install the new one.  We’ll put out another notice 1 week in advance of this occurring.

UPDATE 2/17/21:

Facilities plans to block the North Portico area (see sketch) starting Wednesday, Feb 24th until Friday, Feb 26th.  The work will involve excavation, cutting, grinding and some possible jackhammering.  Large excavation machinery will be used that may result in occasional loud noise and some vibration at times in the immediate vicinity of construction.  The area of concern will be closed for your safety.  The North Sculpture Fine Arts Studio Building A can be accessed by entering at the South Portico area and going through the Fine Arts Studio Building B.  The area will reopen after this period but construction will be ongoing through the end of March.

Begin:  Monday, February 1, 2021

End:      Friday, February 19, 2021 May 14th, June 25th, 2021

Building Impacted:  Fine Arts Studios at the North and South Portico exterior areas along the western edge of the complex adjacent Gallery Row.

Scope:  Concrete works including landscape demo, some minor excavation, grinding in preparation for the fence install.

Services Impacted:

  • No electrical or HVAC disruptions are known at this time.  A shut down notice will be issued as necessary.
  • Building access will be maintained during construction but may require minor detours.
  • Users can expect to hear construction noises like hammering, drilling, grinding and see employees and UO staff entering and exiting the Fine Arts Studio grounds during normal business hours.
  • This notice is likely to be expanded to include the larger fence construction in late February and into March.

Work performed by:  Facilities Construction Services

Contact:  Theo Davis, CPFM Design & Construction Project Manager, 541-346-1012

Humpy Lumpy Crane Advisory 12/21-12/23

Begin:  December 21, 2020 at 7:00 am

End:      December 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Columbia St. and Humpy Lumpy residence hall

Scope:  We will be taking down the tower crane at the new Humpy Lumpy residence hall between December 21-23. All work will take place inside the project limits, with no street or parking lot closures. While there will be no closure of Columbia St., it will be used for access to the site and could be congested at times. Flaggers will be used to escort trucks down Columbia St. Please be aware of this activity in this area during the deconstruction of the crane.

Extra Notes: Columbia St. may be congested during activity.

Work Performed By: Fortis Construction and Campbell/Ness Crane

Contact: George Bleekman, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2625

Franklin Blvd Sidewalk Closure on NW Side 11/30/20 – 12/2/20

Begin:  Monday, November 30th, 2020

End:      Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

Area Impacted:  Between Franklin Blvd. and the Millrace, in the vicinity of the Millrace Overlook structure.

Scope:  Sidewalk closure between Franklin Blvd. and the Millrace to install a new communications vault and ducts.

Services Impacted:  Sidewalk closure.

Work Performed By:  Professional Underground Svcs (utility contractor)

ContactEric Fullar, Director Voice Sys & Data Center Ops, Information Services, 541-346-1015

Columbia Street and Alley Routine Power Line Clearance Pruning 9/14/20 – 9/25/20

Begin:  Monday, September 14th, 2020

End:      Friday, September 25th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Columbia Street and Alley between E 16th Ave and E 19th Ave

Scope:  EWEB will have tree crews out pruning several different University properties in the upcoming weeks. They will be starting in the alley behind 1650 Columbia St. (Olum Child Development Center) and working Columbia Alley south to E 19th Ave.

Services Impacted:

  • Access along Columbia St and Columbia Alley.
  • This work shouldn’t cause any issues for current UO construction projects.

Work Performed By:   West Lane Tree Service for EWEB

ContactJosh Larson, EWEB Forester, 541-913-0734

Johnson Hall Steps Repair 7/14/20-7/15/20

Begin:  Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 8:00 am

End:      Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Johnson Hall North staircase and entrance

Scope: Brown contracting will be repairing the North steps.

Services Impacted: The North building entrance will be inaccessible during this time.

Work Performed By: Brown Contracting

Contact: Work Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management 346-2319

Knight Campus – LISB – Franklin Bridge Connection Advisory 7/7/20 – 8/24/20

UPDATE 7/16/20:

During the week of 7/20/20, the exterior curtain wall will be removed and temp walls and doors will be built at the north end of the 2nd and 3rd floor corridors. Construction workers will be entering and exiting the building and working in the corridors.




The long awaited connection between Knight Campus (the Franklin Bridge) and LISB is in front of us. As of July 7, work will commence to connect the Franklin Bridge from Knight Campus to LISB.

This work consists of demolition of some brick from the north face of the building, removal of glazing in the 2nd and 3rd floor corridor that aligns with the bridge, which will take about 3 days. Areas that are opened up due to this work will be temporarily weather protected and secured.

There will then be about one month’s worth of work to reconfigure masonry support, infill required openings, reinstall glass in the 3rd floor corridor, and tie the bridge in to the building. This work will run through the first two weeks of August.

August 13-24th will see the finalization of work in that area including, the addition of rubber flooring in LISB (matches other rubber flooring in the building), the installation of acoustic panels in the hallway on the second floor (to reduce noise reverberation), and the installation of sound seals on the hallway doors of the second floor offices.

We will be installing a temporary barrier at the north end of each the third and fourth floor corridors for security reasons. We will be looking towards moving occupants into Knight Campus following Labor Day. The opening of the bridge to foot traffic will occur at some point shortly after move in is complete.

Please feel free to contact me with questions.

Darin Dehle
Director, Design & Construction

McKenzie Hall and Computing Center Plaza and Entrances Pressure Washing 5/5/20-5/8/20

Begin:  Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

End:      Friday, May 8th, 2020

Buildings or Areas Impacted:  Areas around and between McKenzie Hall & the Computing Center

Scope:  CPFM staff will be pressure washing the plaza between McKenzie Hall & Computing Center, the Computing Center North entrance, and the McKenzie South entrance over the next four days.

Services Impacted:  Access to the ADA ramps to both buildings will be open, but there will be hoses and equipment that may need to be moved in order to access the ramps.

Special Instructions:  Please use an alternative entrance if possible.

Work Performed By:   CPFM Facilities Services

Contact:  Any concerns or questions about this project please contact Donny Addison at addisdt@uoregon.edu or 541-346-0961.


Peterson Hall South Steps Repair 3/20/20-3/23/20

Begin: Friday, March 20th, 2020 at 7:00 am

End: Monday, March 23rd, 2020 at noon

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Peterson Hall South steps

Scope: Peterson Hall South steps will be closed to repair the crumbling edges and will remain closed through the weekend to allow the concrete to cure.

Services Impacted: South stairs

Extra Notes: The ramp and doors will still be accessible

Contact: Work Control Center, CPFM 541-346-2319

Message to Campus Partners Regarding Landscape Protection 9/18/19

All Vehicle Users,

With the fall rains beginning to soften the earth, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that the campus landscape is a valuable asset to the University, one that is worth protecting just as any of our facilities are. A few simple guidelines will help protect our trees, lawns, and plantings for the enjoyment and education of our students and campus visitors alike.

Tips  Did you Know?
Follow driving guidelines Driving, and parking on lawns and landscape beds is permitted only with the approval of Campus Planning and Facilities Management.  Yes, even golf carts!
Use the EMU Scheduling Office
for your outdoor event
They will be able to assist you to make your event successful and avoid damaging practices like driving stakes into the ground and tying ropes to campus plants or fixtures
Contact Facilities Services Landscape Team for advice We are here to support campus activities as best we can, offering advice and guidance on landscape preservation and project planning to minimize your landscape repair costs

Thank you for helping to keep the campus beautiful.

Contact:  Phil Carroll

For questions or concerns please contact Landscape Supervisor Phil Carroll 541-246-0031.

Utility Connections Related to the Black Cultural Center Project Impacting Areas Along 15th Ave 6/18 – 6/22

Campus Community,

As part of the Black Cultural Center project, Andersen Construction will perform underground utility connections from Moss Street east along 15th Ave to the Black Cultural Center construction site. The work will occur between June 18 – 22 from 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM.

The north end of Villard Alley at 15th Ave will be closed from June 18 – 22. Deliveries or access should be rerouted from 17th Ave. The northern end of Moss Street at 15th Ave will be closed from June 19 – 22. Deliveries or access should be rerouted from 17th Ave. The sidewalk on 15th Ave between Moss Street and Villard Street will be closed. Pedestrian traffic will be rerouted to the north sidewalk.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Owners Rep Martina Oxoby at 541-346-5880


Survey Site Work at Collier House begins 12/3

Campus Community,

There will be site survey work beginning on December 3rd in the area where the Collier House is located. Crews will be working in the southwest corner area of the intersection of East 13th Avenue and University Street, adjacent to Johnson Hall.

Please contact Gene Mowery, Campus Design and Construction Owner’s Representative at 541-346-5593 or email gmowery@uoregon.edu if you have questions.