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The most Eye Opening Six Minutes Ever on Film

December 9, 2013 by   

This is may be one of the most eye opening 6 min video you can ever watch. It’s a part of a film called “Samsara”. In this video you will see how we as human beings have gone really really wrong and bad in our food consumption and our treatment of animals. whether your an animal lover or not this video will indeed break your heart. However, we should watch it to see how the filmmakers broke our hearts with their brilliant techniques, which eventually led many people to wake up and change their lifestyles. The filmmakers used the slow and fast motion shots to give a certain mood in this piece that says” we kill animals in a cold heart and we eat them very fast. The music played a big role here in the theme where it’s kind of scary and sad at the same time. Also, the closing shot was brilliant because of the sound design, which is exactly what Wes told us in class that you should totally stop the music at some point to grab the audience’s attention for the coming shot.

The producers of Samsara say: “This clip represents only 6 minutes from a 100 minute long film, which was photographed in 25 countries and explores many other diverse aspects of the human experience”

SAMSARA food sequence from Baraka & Samsara on Vimeo.


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