Week 6: Joel Arellano

Storytelling and content aside, I found the form of the Localore site intriguing by the way the navigability alone enhanced my experience with each project. Jenkins, et al describe this as a “total engagement experience” (137), where storytellers can expand on “fictional worlds, to construct backstory, or explore alternative points of view, all in the […]

Week 6: Jarratt Taylor

As we get further down the participatory media rabbit hole I am realizing just how much I am required to… participate. No longer can I be the passive viewer who lets the content wash over me. The only way to access the content is to be an active participant. Yet it can feel overwhelming to […]

Lauren M. Paterson – Week 6 – Community

I am intrigued by Austin, though I have never been there. Localore seems like a very 21st century way to discover the music scene of a city. It seemed well organized, as you could virtually explore the map, jumping from venue to venue with local insight into the history or current happenings of the music […]

Week 6- Helen De Michiel – Keeping Up Your Momentum

(For the record, the Week 6 Private Post is cancelled. The points will be added into the Final Reflection piece)

I am really excited by this Week 6 web projects (see Week 6 – course assignments page). Each site is dense with meaning and new design forms. Triangle Fire: How can we design history in […]