Week 7: Grace R Morrissey – Symphony or cacophony?

Engaging the community can be a little like going deep into a jungle that has various trails going every which way. The discoveries off the beaten paths can be rewarding but they can also have their pitfalls. Sometimes, we can just simply be befuddled and lose our way. This is when a decent compass would […]

Week 6- Derek Yoshikane

Interactivity is the general theme of my viewings choices this week. The Localore home page was very interactive with it’s map and animated interface. In The Making of Tech Shop and Planet Takeout, the raw audio footage helps me get a feeling of what the different places are like on a normal day. Planet Takeout […]

Lauren M. Paterson – Week 6 – Community

I am intrigued by Austin, though I have never been there. Localore seems like a very 21st century way to discover the music scene of a city. It seemed well organized, as you could virtually explore the map, jumping from venue to venue with local insight into the history or current happenings of the music […]

Week 6- Helen De Michiel – Keeping Up Your Momentum

(For the record, the Week 6 Private Post is cancelled. The points will be added into the Final Reflection piece)

I am really excited by this Week 6 web projects (see Week 6 – course assignments page). Each site is dense with meaning and new design forms. Triangle Fire: How can we design history in […]