Week 6: Lindsey Newkirk

In my midterm paper I reflected on some ideas from the Center for Digital Storytelling in that they claimed that the human emotion of storytelling, opposed to the doom and gloom often presented within the context of environmental issues, is what makes people connect to an issue. I have to say, that while the bear […]

Week 6: Joel Arellano

Storytelling and content aside, I found the form of the Localore site intriguing by the way the navigability alone enhanced my experience with each project. Jenkins, et al describe this as a “total engagement experience” (137), where storytellers can expand on “fictional worlds, to construct backstory, or explore alternative points of view, all in the […]

Week 6: Scott Anderson

I explored the HearHere site and thought it was pretty interesting with the use of audio and drawn pictures served as backstops for the story. One I listened to started off sort of (it seemed) like it was in the middle of the story, but the more I listened and the more I watched, the […]

Week 6: Mike Plett response to viewings

As a project, “Bear 71” fascinates because it operates simultaneously as a linear and nonlinear (read: interactive) narrative. On one hand, there’s the fairly straightforward account of Bear 71, a real female grizzly bear that was monitored for 11 years by forest rangers in Banff National Park before being killed by a train. But while […]

Week 6: Katelyn Black

As a documentary filmmaker that is intrigued about the technological immersion in our culture and how digital media will serve as archival material, I have been contemplating the power and effectiveness of an ‘open sourced’ model of documentary work. I find it funny that this idea is so simple and yet so brilliantly beautiful […]

Week 6 Brett Harmon: Response to Websites

I am truly taken aback by the websites that we had to look at this week. The amount of work and dedication that must go into their creation and upkeep must be a huge undertaking. But beyond that, they truly have the ability to pull you in to look at everything that they have to […]

Week 6: Jarratt Taylor

As we get further down the participatory media rabbit hole I am realizing just how much I am required to… participate. No longer can I be the passive viewer who lets the content wash over me. The only way to access the content is to be an active participant. Yet it can feel overwhelming to […]

Lauren M. Paterson – Week 6 – Community

I am intrigued by Austin, though I have never been there. Localore seems like a very 21st century way to discover the music scene of a city. It seemed well organized, as you could virtually explore the map, jumping from venue to venue with local insight into the history or current happenings of the music […]

Week 6- Helen De Michiel – Keeping Up Your Momentum

(For the record, the Week 6 Private Post is cancelled. The points will be added into the Final Reflection piece)

I am really excited by this Week 6 web projects (see Week 6 – course assignments page). Each site is dense with meaning and new design forms. Triangle Fire: How can we design history in […]