Agar Plates

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     One of the services the Media Room offers is the option to place customized agar plate orders.  This service is available to both on-campus and off-campus researchers.  We do not maintain a stock of pre-made plates – all plates are filled by order request.  We maintain a catalog of many recipes but we will also prepare your lab’s custom recipes .. just bring in your protocol and we can discuss your options.


Ordering Agar Plates


    Our current mode of placing custom orders is contactless, just email Autumn Wicklund ( with all details of your order: volume, media type, plate size, index number to be charged, researcher’s name and lab.  An order confirmation email, with a projected date of completion, will be sent once an order is received, and a notice of completion email will be sent when an order is completed.


     On the next day of operation, after completion, plates and bottled media will be placed either on a cart in the hallway by the door of Room 241 Klamath or in the cubby behind the curtain by the door of Room 241 Klamath.  Labs with approved entrance keys may also pick up their orders earlier or outside of our standard business hours, plates to be found on the counter in Room 241 Klamath.


  We are able to fill order requests from 1/4 litre on up.  (However, if you are ordering more than 10L we ask that you split your order over more than one day).  With standard volume, you will receive approximately 28ea 100x15mm plates per liter. 


     Off-Campus researchers may follow the same protocol for ordering media.  However, before doing so please contact our accounting department (see Contacts page) to ensure that an account can be created to process any invoices that accumulate over the billing period.


     We offer multiple sizes of petri dishes to suit your needs –  60×15, 100×15, 150×15 – in both plastic and pyrex.  We also have the ability to fill specialized plates such as omnitrays, extra large 245mm square plates. As an alternative, your lab may choose to provide their own plates and we will fill these as ordered.  (One size that we frequently fill but do not stock are the small 35x10mm commonly used with Nematode Growth Media).   Please see link below for information on how many plates you will receive per litre order.

Note:  As an alternative we also have an extensive stock of pyrex plates in 60×15, 100×15 & 150×15.  If you would prefer to use these reusable petri dishes just contact us and we can easily fill these orders as well.


     Your media will be made on the day outlined in your confirmation email.  Typically agar plates will be poured in the late morning or early afternoon and will be allowed to set up on our lab counter. Each order is grouped together and labeled with the date, your name, your lab and the media requested.  In addition each plate in your order is color coded so that researchers will have a visual reference to identify its contents (find links to color code sheets below).  


    Lab personnel may pick up their order that evening, if your lab has an entrance key.  Off-campus labs may pick up their order the next day, all items will be found in the hallway outside of Room 241 Klamath Hall.  Or, if you do not wish to pick up your plates we will do so the next morning and place them in the cubby behind the brown curtain in the hallway outside room 241 Klamath Hall.  Note: empty plate sleeves are no longer being supplied by the manufacturer, and we no longer have a back stock to offer.  


Alternative Ordering Methods

Phone:  If you are unable to make it into the lab just give us a call in the lab at (541)346-5148 and we will place your order for you.


Email:  You may also email Media Room supervisor Autumn Wicklund at — but always give us a call to make sure your order request was received.


Online:  We are currently unable to take orders online.

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Link to:  Plate Media Color Codes

Link to:  Plate Additions Color Codes

Link to:  Plate Ordering Information