Glassware Pricing & Billing

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Billing Procedures

     On-Campus Labs – Glassware Service is an optional service that on-campus labs may elect to participate in.  The pricing system for the Media Room’s basic glassware services are based on the amount of glassware items that are picked up from each lab during a month long period.  (Please see below for pricing details)  Monthly charges will be billed out by the IMB Accounting office (see Contacts page). 

           There are some items that are available for individual purchase for labs that do not opt to sign up for glassware services (tubes, pipettes, autoclave runs).  Please contact Media Room Supervisor for information on which items are in this category and on how to sign them out.


     Off-Campus Researchers – Currently Glassware Service is not offered to off-campus labs.  However, there are some items and services that are available for individual purchase (tubes, pipettes, autoclave runs).  Before requesting autoclave runs, checking out or ordering items, individual researchers or companies from the community should contact our accounting department (see Contacts page) to ensure that an account can be created to process any invoices that accumulate over the billing period. After your account and contact information is established you may contact the Media Room to request sterilizing services, place orders, or check out pre-made items, as all other labs do, on the order sheet in Room 241 Klamath Hall. 


     Monthly charges for Glassware Service are based on a two prong system.  

          1) There is a monthly $100 service fee.  All labs that utilize the IMB glassware services pay this base fee.  This fee covers all services beyond glassware supply and processing, for example:

               -recycling tip boxes & foil that is placed on your cart

               -clean your glassware cabinet and mark shelves with your requests

               -supply & clean all the pipette buckets that your lab requires

               -pick up used pipettes from the buckets distributed throughout your lab

               -clean the sinks in your lab that we use to maintain your pipette buckets

               -autoclave and return any items that are placed on your glassware cart to be autoclaved

               -complimentary use of the Media Room’s steel trash buckets to store your used petri dishes

               -autoclaving and disposal of used and bagged petri dishes that your lab personnel bring to the Media Room

               -autoclaving any glassware or media that your lab personnel bring to the Media Room

-usage and stocking of sterile Mohr pipettes


2)  There is a per item charge for each piece of glassware that is used by your lab.  Media room personnel will count the number of glassware items we pick up from your lab to be processed.  The number of items is totaled over each month.  Each piece of glassware is charged for with a per piece fee of $2.60.  This fee covers glassware pick up, washing & drying, foiling, sterilizing and delivery.  This fee also includes the use of the Media Room’s re-useable glass pipettes and the supply of a cart & a glassware tub.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you check out or order media there will be a glassware processing charge incorporated into the media pricing.  To ensure that these pieces of glassware remain separate from the glassware you use from your supplies cabinet, and to make sure that they are not included in your monthly glassware usage count, PLEASE LEAVE MEDIA ROOM LABELS ON the bottles/flasks so that we can distinguish that piece of glassware’s origin when tallying items used in your tub.   (starting June 2018)


     Many services are included in your membership.  However, there are some items that are not included in the basic glassware service — these are generally items that are provided to the labs but are not recoverable for multiple usage or that require special handling.  These types of items are billed out by piece (see Glassware Services page for a more detailed list of items that are included in service and items that are charged by piece). 


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      This facility is intended to support research projects at the U of O.  However, to support researchers in our community and encourage scientific exploration, items are available for purchase to individuals outside of campus.  At this time the majority of operational costs are recovered from grants awarded to U of O researchers.  Fees for non-U of O users are higher than are those for U of O research projects, including but not limited to the University’s External Customer Overhead Assessment fee.

      For questions concerning your labs’ costs contact our Accounting Department (see Contacts page).

      Please note that our prices may be subject to change as the costs of operation fluctuate.

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