Frequently Ordered Media
This is a listing of the most commonly ordered media recipes. We maintain a catalog of these recipes, and others. If there is something you are interested in that is not listed here, or that you would like to develop, just give us a call or email the Media Room manager, and we will provide a complete listing of available recipes and chemicals that we stock. If you would like to develop a custom recipe, just bring in your protocol and we will work with you. We look forward to helping you get the items you need for your projects.
Each order will be made, sterilized and labeled (please see the Media Preparation & Ordering page for more details on ordering). Finished products that are bottled may be found on the counter next to the door in 241 Klamath Hall. Completed plate orders can be found in the cubby behind the brown curtain in the hallway. Or, for larger orders, items will be placed on a cart in the hallway near 241 Klamath Hall. Baskets and carts are available for your use to transport your items — just please return them when you are done.
Agar Plates
Apple Juice, BBL, ctx, 5xFOA, λ-tryptone, L, LB, LB-H, M9, M63GV, MacConkey, Malt Extract, NGM, NZCYM, OMBG, S-Gal, SD, Spore, TB, TSA, YEPD (pH 5.0), YPAD, YT, 2xYT, etc
Liquid Media
Broths: LB, LB-H, SD, SOC, YEPD, YT, S-LBH, Bottom agars, Agarose
Buffers/Salts: NaCl, MgCl2, MgSO4, TE, TBE, TAE, SSC, PBS, CaCl2, EDTA, NaOH, HCl, EGTA, KCl, KOH, LiCl, Amino Acids
Sugars: Glucose, Glycerol, Galactose, Maltose, Sorbitol, Sucrose
Buffers: TRIS (pH 6.8-9.5), Na & K Phosphates, NaOAc, SDS, M9, Vogel’s Salts, 5x Maleic Acid
Amino Acid Dropouts: we offer a variety of single, double & triple dropouts. We keep a few common dropouts on hand (which ones depends on the current needs of our researchers) but if you anticipate a project requiring a specific combination, just let us know. Here is a link to our recipe: Amino Acid Drop Outs
Chemical Additions
We maintain a stock of common additions that may be added to various media: Ampicillin, Kanamycin, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, X-Gal, IPTG, Galactose, Spectinomycin, Streptomycin, etc
A listing of most commonly requested additions and their concentrations are listed on the media additions post.
Note: If you are interested in placing custom orders or creating your own recipe we will gladly work with you. In the event that we do not stock the items required for your custom recipe your lab may provide them – providing the chemicals do not require extensive special handling.