Autoclaving Services
Klamath Hall, Room 239 Monday – Thursday … 7am – 2pm – Limited Drop-Off Runs (*see note below) Friday – Sunday … After Hours Access with Lab Key – ONLY open to University personnel who have been through training*Note: Due to the re-organization of Media Room Operations during the week and because the new autoclave is up & running continuous drop-off autoclave runs performed by Media Room staff will be more limited: we will no longer perform continuous runs while we are working outside of the lab; we will continue to perform autoclave runs, but the timing will be at our discretion. However, the new IMB autoclave is up and running (in addition to the multiple autoclaves used in Pacific Hall & Streissinger Hall) so autoclaving options will continue to be available at all times for University personnel. We would like to encourage untrained autoclave users to contact Stu Johnson [(541)346-5073;] for training or to come by the Media Room to learn about the new autoclave.
Note: access to the media room facilities is available after hours to University Personnel with an approved lab key.