As many of you know the IMB Media Room has been undergoing some changes recently. Working with the facilities committee we have been evaluating the services that we offer in the effort to lower operating costs and improve available services. In response to changes in staffing we have already made a few alterations that have been incorporated into our daily routines (reduction in days we prepare specialized media, eliminating tip box delivery, etc).
In an effort to increase the efficiency of our available staff another change in glassware processing has been suggested by the committee. However, we would like to have input from all our labs before considering this change in our basic service:
-eliminating glassware sterilization – currently all the sealed glassware that we deliver is sterilizxed, non-capped items being sealed with foil.
We would appreciate hearing back from the labs that use our glassware since this would be a big change to our largest service. The Media Room is here as a support facility and we want to verify that we are providing all the services that you find important.
Again, this is only a proposal at this point — all glassware that we are supplying is still being processed as it has been in the past.
We will notify all labs if any changes to this process are made.