Week 3: Adam King

By the looks of many of these posts and comments, it seems quite clear that the majority of us were far more drawn into the Interview Project then the other sites presented. Trying to override my David Lynch fanaticism, I’ve been thinking about what makes these interviews and stories ‘feel’ so starkly different than stories […]

Week 3 – De Lyser

With the exception of The Interview Project, I was not as engaged by the digital media I reviewed this week as I was in weeks past. In some cases it was the content. In others it was the production.

I read the mission statement and the guiding principles section of The Mapping Memories project before […]

Week 3: Kevin Gaboury response

Context. That’s the theme for this week, and the diverse projects we looked at this week are framed by the context of the human experience. Let me just start out by saying that I love the Interview Project. It reminds me of a column by a former coworker at the Lewiston Tribune called “Everyone has […]

Week 3: Jamie Schaub

Question: If you were in charge of creating storytelling videos, how would you select the interviewees? Would you select them randomly? Would you select them based on the story that they want to share? Or, would you select people based on stories that you think your audience wants to hear?

I ended up asking myself […]