Omar Aldakheel: Viewings_Week 9

In this week viewings there were great examples of different multimedia projects that interestingly present non- profit organizations in a new unique way that’s very effective and fun to use.

In “Game for Change” I saw a new and fascinating concept of social impact through using fun and addicting stuff like vide games. In this era when it’s almost 2014 activists should do such thing as incorporating fun activities for their non-for-profit organizations because that might be one of the few ways to grab people attention and have them participate and educate them about important issues around the world. Game for Change is a complete participatory project that I honestly don’t know what else could be added to it to make people more engaged, everything seems to be self-explanatory and easy in the site.

The MediaStorm project was easy to use and share too. It is also a very professional and well-produced site. All aspects of a production that I can think of from lighting to directing to interviewing are well executed. I thought some of the videos were long and could be shorten to make easier for people to share on their social media accounts. I thought it was great how we see videos for non profit organizations all cross America and all of them are explained with their missions and goals at the bottom of each video.

In Stillwater project; however, the site looked busy, confusing and poorly designed with the sky blue color used too much in text, background and logo. I also didn’t see any social media networks sharing feature to promote previous project or get updates on the ongoing ones.

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