(For the record, the Week 6 Private Post is cancelled. The points will be added into the Final Reflection piece)
I am really excited by this Week 6 web projects (see Week 6 – course assignments page). Each site is dense with meaning and new design forms. Triangle Fire: How can we design history in a fresh and new way; and retrieve artifacts from the embodied world to the virtual world? How can we collect historical treasures and give them new contemporary context, in effect rewriting history in public presentations and online? Localore: how is this truly multimedia mapping journey working for the future of public broadcast media (radio, television, etc)? Bear 71: these makers are taking the tools and flipping them around in ways that now can only be manifested in this kind of multimedia space…a new way to tell a story that moves in a different direction than game-like interactivities?
And then, for you Gere fans, I posted his video’d talk on origins of the digital and its deep roots in our…human hands.
I was quite inspired by your presentations on Saturday. All the websites are wonderful, each in their own way – a tribute to your professionalism and abilities to work as a team and under deadline. Now that “you’ve got content,” Strat Comm folks, put your theories into practice, and let the tweets, instagrams, press releases, meetings, elevator pitches and Art of Hustle take over to get the word out and get the people who care and count to help you in your effort.
Please post your website link and questions, etc. as soon as possible. I added a new “category” to tag, so we can all easily access the sites. And thanks to everyone who posted their paper concepts, and everyone who responded with help and support! P2P takes many useful forms.
I’ve also emailed each group with comments. I’m also asking you to email me very brief, a few sentence reports on how the outreach is going, and where the good news is heading! Get energy from your daily systematic victories rather than worry or get paralyzed about the December outcomes.
Patty Zimmermann thanks you all for being avid Skype listeners. She was really impressed with you all, and took copious notes on your responses and ideas.
I too, have learned a whole lot of new ways of thinking about Lunch Love Community from your posts. I still plan to do my project mini-case study at our next and final meeting in December: how the project came together, how it was funded, how the films and web presences were designed and made, how we developed the public engagement strategy, and what lessons have been learned from working in a completely new way than how I was trained and practiced as a traditional media maker (film, television, art world). I look forward to engaging more of the questions that were brought up in your quite thoughtful and for me, quite meaningful blog posts.
During these years of developing this recent project, I always enjoyed looking through the “Incomplete Manifesto for Growth” when I had no idea how things were going…to go. I know we can become annoyed at WordPress, and yearn for something…other. Yet, I thought #22 on the Manifesto was a good enough response to that human impulse:
22. Make your own tools.
Hybridize your tools in order to build unique things. Even simple tools that are your own can yield entirely new avenues of exploration. Remember, tools amplify our capacities, so even a small tool can make a big difference.
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