Week 4: Helen De Michiel — Sharing Group 1’s workplan brief

Group 1 has allowed me to post their one-page workplan brief.  I hope it can be helpful for you if you are building one for your group.

Group1 Project Workplan

It is simple, clear and focussed.  And the group will be able to use it for benchmarks and accountability at the completion of the project.  It can also be easily updated as priorities shift and change.

Do others have one to share?

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1 comment to Week 4: Helen De Michiel — Sharing Group 1’s workplan brief

  • Rakhaditya

    Asking if others have workplans to share opens the door to a wealth of diverse perspectives and methodologies. It encourages a rich dialogue where different teams can learn from one another, improving their own plans, and fostering a collaborative environment that enhances the overall success of everyone involved. Thanks

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