Category Archives: Pedagogy

File: 7 Things You Should Read About Copyright in Online Education: Perspectives and Models

A collection of key resources and documents on copyright concerns vis-a-vis online courses. Includes a contribution from UO’s Andrew Bonamici. A useful companion piece that supports local efforts to assist faculty with this topic.

The resources in this issue explore the changing landscape of copyright in academic settings, with particular attention to the role that technology plays in the use of intellectual property in higher education.

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Diaz, Attardo, Bonamici, Eke, Guevara, Hoas, McDaniel, O’Neill, and Stoute (2015). 7 Things You Should Read About Copyright in Online Education: Perspectives and Models. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, EDUCAUSE.

Link: Redefining Service for the Digital Academic: Scholarship, Social Media, and Silos

A reflection on the ways in which technology mediates the traditional balance of research, teaching, and service for faculty.

Some days, I see my academic self as multiplatform, in a sense.  That self is fluid, moving with some ease among the silos of research, service, and teaching; that movement is facilitated by the networks I’ve created and the networks I share throughout the digital space.  Like the pathways in a brain, they crisscross, they intersect, there are multiple conduits for information and multiple opportunities for synthesis.

Utell, Janine. “Redefining Service for the Digital Academic: Scholarship, Social Media, and Silos.” Hybrid Pedagogy, November 2015.

Link: 7 Things You should Know About Video Communication

Educause (2013)

Live video communication is becoming a staple in educational venues, where instructors employ it for office hours, online courses, presentations by special lecturers, just-in-time learning, or coordination with researchers in the field. It can offer a convenient venue for faculty meetings, staff liaising, and project planning when not all parties are on-site.

Read the full article here.

File: Learning and Performance Ecosystems: Strategy, Technology, Impact, and Challenges

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This white paper was presented at the 2015 Distance Teaching and Learning Conference. It presents a number of strategies which can be used to create effective and relevant  online courses and programs.  It was been written for a business audience, but remains an item of interest for an educator audience!


Link: Lecture Me. Really.

A brief history of the lecture and a reflection on its value in present-day classrooms.

Absorbing a long, complex argument is hard work, requiring students to synthesize, organize and react as they listen. In our time, when any reading assignment longer than a Facebook post seems ponderous, students have little experience doing this. Some research suggests that minority and low-income students struggle even more. But if we abandon the lecture format because students may find it difficult, we do them a disservice. Moreover, we capitulate to the worst features of the customer-service mentality that has seeped into the university from the business world. The solution, instead, is to teach those students how to gain all a great lecture course has to give them.

Worthen, Molly. “Lecture Me. Really.” The New York Times. October 17, 2015

Link: The Reluctant Online Faculty Member (Online: Trending Now #62)

A summary of the attitudes that often accompany a faculty member’s reluctance to teach online, as well as advice on how to encourage those late adopters.

Subtle though it may seem, the center of higher education is shifting to learning and away from teaching. The enterprise is now about the student, not the faculty member. Students have become savvy consumers, demanding services and attention that they previously ceded to the faculty domain. The transition is not an easy one for the ego of faculty who are accustomed to being at the center.

The Reluctant Online Faculty Member (Online: Trending Now #62)

Link: The Use of Learning Contracts to Promote Student Success in Online Doctoral Programs


A research report produced by five faculty from NorthCentral University, a  fully online institution, exploring the effects of using learning contracts with students pursuing graduate degrees in their institution’s programs.

This quantitative study provides evidence of the benefits of learning contracts in online higher education. In this study, data were gathered from doctoral students who had completed all course work and comprehensive exams, but failed to make expected progress on dissertation. The students were given the opportunity to participate in a voluntary program requiring the execution of a learning contract.

Melanie Shaw, Diane Blyler, Jama Bradley, Scott Burrus, and Raymond Rodriguez. “The Use of Learning Contracts to Promote Student Success in Online Doctoral Programs.” Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, (University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center) Volume XVIII, Number 3, Fall 2015.

Link: Why We Should Build Classes Around Mobile Tech

A University of Maryland communications professor sees mobile technology as key to engagement, learning and student success.

According to Yaros, without a systemic change in how we engage students in and outside of class, technology can be — and often is — viewed as getting in the way of learning.

Fuhrman, Toni. “Why We Should Build Classes Around Mobile Tech.” Campus Technology. September 9, 2015.

Link/File: U.S. Postsecondary Faculty in 2015: Attitudes, Pedagogy, and Change

This survey of faculty at U.S. institutions used both quantitative and qualitative analysis to determine current faculty attitudes about technology and learning.

Key Points

  • The vast majority of faculty are aware of relevant technologies, even if their pedagogy has remained traditional.
  • Faculty say that proven student benefit is what drives their technology choices. But when it comes to actually integrating technology into the classes they offer, ease of implementation and the time involved are just as or even more important.
  • Survey results tended to be flat when looking at all faculty. When faculty respondents were recategorized according to their general disposition towards technology, a different/clearer picture emerged. Faculty that are more student oriented and connected to their institutions are early adopters of many technologies, while research-focused faculty that feel disconnected from their institutions are most resistant. See chart below.


Kate Economou and John Watts. “Viewing Faculty Through A New Lens.” FTI Consulting, August 2015. [PDF]

See more at the EDUCAUSE archive page for the webinar event.

Link: Understanding the Changing Market for Professional Master’s Programs

Education Advisory Board (EAB), “Understanding the Changing Market for Professional Master’s Programs.” July 2015.

In both core disciplines and new niche fields, the key to capturing emerging market growth is customizing offerings not just to “working professionals” but to distinct segments within this group— career starters, career advancers, career changers, and career crossers—through features such as flexible delivery, stackable credentials, practical experience, accelerated format, interdisciplinary pathways, and professional development.

With the market for master’s degrees growing and changing, this segment is estimated to outpace all other degrees. The program focus will be on specific job skills that help students gain a new job or advance in an existing position.

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