College of Design Committees

College Leadership Committee
The College of Design Leadership Committee coordinates policy and management activities for the College of Design. They are the deciding body for curricular changes and program changes. They also nominate and select the awardees for outstanding teaching awards and outstanding employee award.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee is charged with reviewing and maintaining policies and practices affecting equity, inclusion, and diversity at the College level. The committee works closely with the Dean’s Office to make recommendations to appropriate Schools and departments in regards to policies and procedures.

Faculty Personnel Committee
The Faculty Personnel Committee is an elected committee charged with reviewing tenure and promotion cases and providing advice on these cases to Dean.

Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee
The Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee is a nominated committee of faculty representing a different units across the College of Design. The committee meets with the Dean to review strategic and financial issues. They recommend nominees for the Lawrence Medal. They also evaluate Dean’s Faculty Research applications and College of Design Student Scholarship applications.