Tagged: machine learning

Model selection in R

Today in R Club we’ll be talking about model selection. My plan is to go through and explain Max Kuhn’s caret tutorial for model training and tuning. Max Kuhn is a machine learning pro at Pfizer who wrote the caret package and the free-to-download (through the UO library) super popular book, Applied Predictive Modeling.

Here is the code we’ll be using in an easier-to-download form.

Also, I gatheredĀ some cool data fromĀ draftexpress.com that we can use to practice on if we have time. Here is the data problem:

Every summer, 60 of the best basketball players in the world are drafted into the National Basketball Association (NBA). The majority of the draftees are selected from among thousands of eligible NCAA-level college basketball players.
Who will be drafted?

If you are not a sports fan, you can still appreciate the data if you like numbers. Get the draft data.