Final Winter R Club Meeting
Tomorrow will be the last meeting of the term.
Remember that all those enrolled for credit will need to write up a final “What I Learned in R Club” statement.
This will also be a good opportunity for deciding on the direction we take next term. I have some ideas I’d like to propose and discuss. They all revolve around the basic idea that there is a high demand for instruction in some basic tasks that are easy in R and hard (or worse) otherwise.
How can we make R Club the best resource it can be? I think we can start by identifying core skills that people aren’t learning other places, and that are doable easily and efficiently in R; and by identifying barriers to using R.
Here’s a list I’ve been compiling to get us started:
- R Syntax, or “Wtf is the dollar sign for?”
- Programming basics
- Cleaning, Joining, Reshaping
- e.g., dwell time ratings with epochs
- Overcoming the spreadsheet
- Qualtrics data checking – how to solve mis-coding
- Finding mistakes in factors etc (using dplyr)
- Writing reproducible analyses
- GGlorious Ploting
- EDA and visual data checking
- Document Rendering (pdf, html, docx on Windows, OS X, Linux)
- Tables (correlation matrices with stat tests)
Fun methods:
- Topic modeling
- Social network analysis
- Big data techniques (e.g., scraping with Rvest)
Some good coursework resources: