End of term reminder
Just a friendly reminder, since we’re approaching the end of spring term. If you’re taking R Club for credit, you need to:
1) attend R Club (make sure your attendance is updated on the google doc — email flournoy@uoregon.edu if you need help on this)
2) send a one-page-ish write-up to Sanjay (sanjay@uoregon.edu) by the end of the term, describing what you’ve done and/or what you’ve learned in R Club this term.
If you are signed up for credit and you think you’ll have trouble meeting one or both of these requirements, email Sanjay.
Finally, we’d love your feedback about what worked, what didn’t, and what you’d like to see in the future of R Club. If you were using this seminar as a way to start learning R, please let us know if you’d like a more structured, traditional (like with homework and stuff) Intro to R class in the future.