Welcome to a Winter Wonderland… of R!
Welcome to winter term! R Club meets on odd weeks this term, Tuesdays 3:00pm-4:20pm in the Straub computer lab (room 008). You don’t need to register for R Club to attend; if you’re still deciding whether or not to register for R Club (CRN25270), see this post.
We’ll spend our first meeting (Tuesday 1/6) getting set up for the term, which includes installing R (for anyone that doesn’t have it already), setting up our schedule for super fun low-pressure extremely useful presentations (a.k.a. nuggets, see last term’s schedule for examples), and then enjoying a couple intro nuggets by yours truly and possibly also John truly, and maybe a nugget by Jacob as well!
Nugget 1 (Intro): Swirl! The most funnest way ever to learn R, f’real.
Nugget 2 (Intro): 611 Highlights in R: An overview of some of the handy functions that we used to manipulate data and run analyses in PSY611.
Nugget 3: Nifty trick: Network graphs from plaintext notes using the qgraph