ARCADE FIRE – AFTERLIFE from Emily Kai Bock on Vimeo.
So I don’t know how many times I have tried to get a tracking shot of a person walking (while I am behind them), but I have been pretty unsuccessful thus far (at getting a good one at least). The footage is always too shaky due to my walking with the character as I am shooting. If only I had a beautiful steadi-cam! Anyways, this music video from Arcade Fire really blew me away with the amount of successful tracking shots they have. My favorite one is the tracking shot when the old man is walking down the alley. He is perfectly centered in the middle of the frame and is directly in front of the light source to create a silhouette walking into the distance.
This video, although it is fiction, does a wonderful job in capturing a story without much use of words. I really liked the shots that utilized a short depth of field to capture the young boys face as he lays in his Papa’s arms. I really liked the juxtaposition of the opening sequence and dinner conversation with the remainder of the video. It sets up a stage for deeper understanding into these character’s “after-life” which I can only guess represent’s the fears and desires they dream of when they close their eyes. Also, the use of cinematic movements in the dream-like sequences were very effective in creating a sense of an alternate reality (something that could be very difficult for audiences to understand without being told out outright). Another shot that really worked for me was the POV shot of the little boy in the laundry cart looking up at the old lady. POV’s can be so powerful in capturing the true experience the character is having at that moment.